Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 25th October 2023 at 7pm 

Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart 


Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Bill Smart, Stuart Ross, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillors David Fraser and Chris Balance, Susan Clark, GURCA, Calum Brown, Bunloit Rewilding, and 7 members of the public.  

Apologies: Iain Riddle and Tina Morrow, Soirbheas.

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

Appointment of Office Bearers

(this section of the meeting was chaired by Councillor Chris Balance)

Chair:   Dianne Fraser (Proposer Dominic Thierry / seconder Fiona Urquhart)

Vice Chair:   Bill Smart (Proposer Dianne Fraser / seconder Dominic Thierry)

Treasurer:  David Ferguson (Proposer Fiona Urquhart / seconder Bill Smart)

Planning Secretary: Iain Riddle (co-opted as associate member, willing to continue in planning role)

Proposer Dianne Fraser / seconder David Ferguson)

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 24th September 2023 was approved as an accurate record (Fiona Urquhart / David Ferguson).   

 3. Matters arising from minutes 

Scotmid – Dianne confirmed that she has been in contact with Scotmid and is awaiting information on the Manager and Area Manager attending a future GUCC meeting.
Statkraft and Broadband Consultation – Dianne confirmed that she has received information and will circulate this to all who had registered an interest.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Milton Parking – Dianne confirmed that she had contacted Highland Council.  It was agreed that Dominic would meet with them when they arrange a sight visit.  Action – Dominic Thierry

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Ferguson provided the following update:

Our Bank account holds funds for, Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in September, the total balance in our account was £9,556.52.

In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows;

26/9/23, paid £24.00 for rental of Balnain Hall

New balance = £9,556.52 - £24.00 = £9,532.52

However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by the Community Council = £9,532.52 - £7,211.77 = £2,320.75

Total Balance in our account = £9,532.52

5. Roads / Drainage

A831 – Standing water is an issue all the way up the A831 due to blocked culverts and offlets.  Action – David Fraser
Bunloit – David Fraser confirmed that Highland council will erect standard highway signage, and white lining will take place in the Spring.  There was a discussion around designated “quiet roads” and it was agreed that Bill Smart would look in more details at the definition of a quiet road to see if this can be taken forward as a possibility for Bunloit.  Calum Brown advised that Bunloit estate were working with Highland Council to look at the possibility of taking the Great Glen Way route off the road.  Action – Bill Smart

A82 Liaison Group – It was noted that once the group’s representatives for each of the CC’s within the area are, the liaison group will reconvene and pick up on issues eg foot bridges, 20mph limit for Drumnadrochit, roadside ditches not coping with excessive rain, blocked drain at Dr Sutherland’s road end.
In addition it was agreed that the blocked drain at Dr Sutherland’s road end needed to be reported to Bear Scotland again.  
Action – David Ferguson
David Fraser advised that the boulders falling from the wall along the pathways to Temple Pier has been reported to Bear Scotland, and the roundabout at the health centre would be monitored after he 20mph restriction is in place.  

6. Planning 

Active Applications 

23/04275/PIP - Erection of 3 no. dwellings, land 195m NW of Glenurquhart Primary School - noted

23/04446/FUL - Erection of house (amended design to 21/02837/MSC), Croit Sonas, Culnakirk – noted

23/04517/FUL - Erection of house (amended house type) on plot 37 land adjacent to Carn Glas, Drumnadrochit – noted

Compass Site – A group of representatives from the community (GURCA, GUCC, Care Centre) would be undertaking a walk around of the Compass site to understand issues such as where the site is in relation to GURCA land, green space use, and temporary path.   

Springfield – Dianne advised that a meeting had been held the previous week with Springfield representatives including their new community liaison representative.  The current works on the A82 are on schedule and the road is due to reopen on 30th November.  The houses for Phase 1 have all been sold and a handover date of 20th March has been agreed.  The social housing is ongoing as part of Phase 1 and the handover date for those houses is 22nd March, a second handover date is then scheduled for early May.  Discussions are ongoing with regards to further road closures, however Springfield propose to close the Enrick Crescent section next Monday.  With regards to planning approval, community liaison specifically requires dialogue for traffic management and road closures and this has not happened, there has been too short a deadline for residents to respond to the notification received, some residents did not receive correspondence, and there has been no discussion and no plan to comment on. It was agreed that Dianne send a letter to the local councillors, for Highland Council attention, advising of the lack of consultation and restrictive timescales involved in this road closure proposal.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Phase 2 will include the storm water connection but no details or design where the connection will be are available yet.  Phase 3 will include a connection at the old school but no plans are yet available for this either.  Initial planning for the site had included one SUDS pond, however two ponds have been constructed.  A significant increase in the water in the field and at the Cover has been noted, this was raised with Springfield who advised that their systems had been modelled on 1 in 200 year floods, however the SUDS ponds do have water in them.  It was agreed that an onsite meeting should take place, and Fraser Macintosh of Scottish Water be invited to attend.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Springfield has advised that they had received no expressions of interest in the commercial phase of their development. It was noted that comments relating to the development can still be added to Highland Council’s planning portal should this be necessary.  It was agreed that Dianne should ensure that Nature Scotland’s updated comments are included on the portal, and a copy of the update letter to be sent to local councillors.  Action – Dianne Fraser
It was noted that members of the community had signed up on the Springfield website to receive monthly updates on the development however these had not been received.  It was agreed that Dianne would update the GUCC Facebook page and website with details of the Springfield Community Liaison contact so members of the community can contact her directly to ensure they are added to the list to receive updates.  Action – Dianne Fraser
The next liaison group meeting had been scheduled for early December.

Scottish Water – Bill Smart advised that works are planned in the area in November (It was noted that this information requires to be notified to Springfield and Highland Council).  Action – Bill Smart Bill also advised that Scottish Water have undertaken the work on the outlet which has now been moved further upstream.  Signage advising of the outlet has yet to be erected.  Bill will continue to work with Scottish Water, and particularly with regards to the longer term solution.  

Bunloit Estate – Calum Brown, Bunloit Rewilding, advised that they are to be undertaking peat administration works which will involve machinery to mulch some small trees on site.  This work will require prior planning notification.  Calum would be at the November GUCC meeting to provide an update on the project.   

Community Action Plan Update

Dianne advised that work on the Community Action Plan had been taking place in partnership with GURCA and Soirbheas.  GUCC actions relate to roads, broadband, and place planning.  It is hoped to have a place planning consultation, and a housing needs survey which will include online sessions and open community meetings.  

Update from Soirbheas

The following update was submitted by Tina Morrow in advance of the meeting:

The next Soirbheas Board meeting is on Thursday 26th October at 7.30pm in Balnain Hall.
We would like to thank everyone who came along to the Information morning on 7th October despite the weather!  We have had some very positive feedback and are planning to make the information days an annual event.
The Soirbheas autumn bulletin will be out in the next week.  Look out for it in the post or your inbox.  If anyone would like a copy please let us know.
Red Chair Highland, with support from Soirbheas will be hosting free digital drop-in sessions and weekly workshops designed to help people make the most of their devices.  The sessions will assist with digital skills, accessibility features, and any issues people may be facing online.   Sessions will run at Blairbeg Hall between 1pm to 3pm on 4 consecutive  Mondays starting on the 30th October.  The dates and topics are
o Monday, October 30th – Introduction and Drop-in Session
o Monday, November 6th – Online Safety Workshop and Drop-in Session
o Monday, November 13th – Scam Awareness and Drop-in Session
o Monday, November 20th – Media Literacy Workshop and Drop-in Session    

Update from GURCA

Susan Clarke introduced Anne Clarke, the newly appointed community development officer to the meeting.  In terms of GURCA business, Susan provided the following update:
The next round of the Scottish Government Funding process and match funding for hall funding is taking place.
Community Asset Transfer Applications for the purchase of the Balnain site and land transfer for the site above Drunbuie are being administered.  
Children’s Halloween Party scheduled for 28th October, Bonfire and Fire Works on 4th November, Christmas Parties on 9th December, and Light up the Glen on 17th December.  

8. Consultations 

Balmac Forestry – Information received regarding replanting and this had been shared with GUCC and members of the community.  Dianne advised that she would also forward this information to Calum Brown, Bunloit Rewilding.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Wild Boar – Nature Scotland had been holding community consultation meetings however these were not widely advertised.  It was agreed that a survey of animal numbers was required, and collaboration between landowners.  

9. AOCB 

Paths between Lewiston and Balmacaan – Work is needed to tidy up this path, and it was agreed that David Fraser would progress this issue with the landowner.  It was noted that GURCA also have an interest in paths in the area.  Action – David Fraser
Windfarms – Bill Smart advised that no response had been received to the submissions made with regards to windfarm applications.  He had arranged to meet with Kate Forbes at her surgery in the Craigmonie Centre on 2nd November and would raise this issue.  

10. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 27th November, 7pm in the Craigmone Centre, Drumnadrochit.     

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.50pm.   

Action List – October 2023