Glen Urquhart Community Council

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Bill Smart, Stuart Ross, Dominic Thierry, Iain Riddle and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor David Fraser, Gordon Findlay, GURCA, Calum Brown, Bunloit Rewilding, and 10 members of the public.  

Apologies: Councillor Chris Balance and Fiona Urquhart.

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Adoption of Constitution and Standing Orders

The Standard Statutory Constitution and Standing Orders were adopted.

3. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 23rd October 2023 was approved as an accurate record (Stuart Ross / Dominic Thierry).   

4. Matters arising from minutes 

Statkraft Broadband Report – Dianne advised that the report had been received and would be made available to view via the GUCC website.  Dianne would be meeting with them to go through the next steps, and anyone who has particularly slow broadband should get in touch with Dianne if they would like to be involved in the consultation.  Action - Dianne

Milton congestion – Dominic advised that he had met with a Highland Council representative to discuss the parking / congestion issues in Milton.  The community there were permitted to attach temporary signage to lampposts advising of the parking etiquette  It was also suggested that B&B owners be asked to include details of where to park in their welcome packs.  

Balmac Forestry Consultation – Details had been circulated to various groups within the community and feedback provided.  There were however some concerns raised at the meeting that the black grouse population might be affected by the fencing and it was agreed that Dianne would send the consultation to Ann Cameron and also ask if they had been in consultation with the RSPB Black Grouse officer.   Action – Dianne

Quiet Road Bunloit – Bill had looked into the criteria used for designating specific roads as “quiet roads”, and it was established that Bunloit would fit much of the criteria.  It was agreed that Bill continue to look into this possibility.  Action – Bill

5. Presentation from Calum Brown, Co-Chief Scientist, Highland Rewilding

Calum Brown was welcomed to the meeting and provided an interesting and informative presentation on the team, the objectives, the monitoring and research, community involvement and new species identified.  A copy of the presentation is available on the GUCC website.  

Two new Community Engagement Officers were being appointed and their role would include feasibility studied on small scale ventures and schemes however it was not an objective at the moment for Bunloit to have any new builds.  

Ongoing monitoring of wild boar and their movements and impact on ground and vegetation is taking place.  There was concern amongst local residents however that they were providing a significant negative impact on various areas of ground land.  

Calum was thanked for his attendance at the meeting and the information provided.

6. Treasurer’s Report

David Ferguson provided the following update:

Our Bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in October, the total balance in our account was £9,532.52.

In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows;

13/11/23 paid £12.00 for rental of Blairbeg Hall meeting room

24/11/23 paid £50.25 for website renewal

New balance = £9,532.52 – (£12.00 + £50.25) = £9.470.27.

£7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by the Community Council = £9,470.27 - £7,211.77 = £2,258.50.

7. Roads / Drainage

The 20mph limit has now been included to the A82 in the village.  This will be in place for a trial period of 18 months.

A82 Liaison Group – Bill advised that traffic behaviours in the village will be reviewed and the group would be pushing for flashing signage on entering the village, especially at the Lewiston end.  It was agreed that a buffering area of 40mph before entering the 20mph zone would also help with safety issues.  

It was agreed that a list of roads issues raised at GUCC and when these had been reported would be useful for tracking progress.  Issues such as potholes etc should still be logged through the Bear Scotland online portal or the Highland Council website.  GUCC members to send details to Val for recording.  Action – All GUCC

The proposed pedestrianisation of Academy Street, Inverness was discussed, and the lack of consultation with local communities who use this route was noted.

8. Planning 

Active Applications 

23/04741/FUL – Construction of solar array, battery storage, maintenance road and erection of extension (amended design 23/01111/FUL), Ardnish House, Bunloit – noted

23/04670/PNO – Prior Notification, Erection of agricultural shed, Gorm View, Culnakirk – noted

23/05085/FUL – Erection of equestrian shed and formation of paddock (private use), land 285m south of Culnabrae, Culnakirk – noted

23/05110/FUL – Part change of use of property to form short term letting unit, Larisa House, Bunloit – noted

It was noted that GURCA have submitted an application for planning permission in principle for a change in use at the old shop site.  The site is currently zoned for housing and the proposal is to change it to a site for a community wellbeing and sports facility.  A community consultation event is being held on Wednesday evening.  GUCC were in full agreement to support this application.  

Bearnock Planning Update – A follow up was required with regards to whether amended designs have been approved or not.  Action – David Fraser

Compass Site – A walk around of the site with representatives from GURCA and GCP had taken place, Bill and Iain had represented GUCC.  This had been a very productive meeting, discussions had taken place around the location of paths, greenspace and amenities.  There had been some discussion around using available funds to upgrade existing playparks in the village rather than creating more smaller playparks.  Liaison would take place with Lynn MacGillivray, Highland Council, with regards to play parks and interactions with local children for their input.  

Springfield – Dianne and Iain had met with concerned residents and 2 representatives from Springfield.  An onsite meeting had not been permitted.  It was possible that their amended planning application might go to committee in December, the GUCC objections to this as previously discussed and minuted still stand.  Dianne advised that she would be sending a letter to all Highland Council Planning Committee members to remind them of GUCC’s concerns.  

The current works on the A82 had been due for completion by the end of November however this had now been moved to 22nd December.  In this regard GUCC had requested weekly updates on progress and at the very least, manned traffic lights for the Christmas light parade on 17th December.   

9. Community Action Plan Update

Dianne and Iain continue to work on the plan and consultation events will be held locally.  Highland Council have moved the timeframe for completion from the end of March to the  end of September.

Update from Soirbheas

The following update was submitted by Tina Morrow and Kara Scott in advance of the meeting:

We have completed our first round of digital awareness sessions and are currently collating the feedback.  They were well attended and attendees have reported feeling more confident using their devices and the internet.  If there is sufficient demand we will look at running the sessions again in the new year.

The next closing date for tier 2 and 3 applications is 1st January 2024.

The heritage trails development is moving on well. We have identified 6 locations in Glen Urquhart to have interpretation signage installed – all have landowner consent. Our designer is working on the artwork just now which is for information purposes only, and we are hoping to have them installed late February/early March 2024.

Update from GURCA

Gordon Findlay advised that a meeting regarding community ownership of the old shop site would be taking place on Wednesday, and the light up the Glen parade was scheduled for 17th December.

10. Consultations 

Active Travel – consultation circulated.

11. AOCB 

11.1 The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) Fundraising – community woodland association have around 500 trees to plant and receive these for no cost.  Proposals for a fundraising day for TCV, tied in with planting were being considered.

11.2 Glen Affric National Park – GUCC confirmed their support for the notion to take forward the proposal for the Glen Affric National Park.  

11.3 Men’s Shed Update and Community Asset Transfer of Balnain Forestry Site – David Ferguson advised that the group, alongside GURCA were now at an advanced stage and hoping for a positive outcome in early December.  The land would be purchased by GURCA and leased to the Men’s Shed.  It would be the intention to share the premises with other local groups.  Thanks were recorded to GURCA for their support throughout this process.  

11.4 Balmacaan Trees – no update.  January agenda.

12. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 22nd January 2024, 7pm in the Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.     

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.   

Meeting dates for 2024

all meetings commence at 7pm

Monday 22ndJanuary
Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 26th February Balnain Hall   

Monday 25th March  Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 22ndApril  Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 27th May  Balnain Hall  

Monday 24th June AGM Blairbeg Hall  

July    no meeting 

Monday 26th August  Craigmonie Centre 

Monday 23rd September Balnain Hall 

Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre 

December   no meeting 

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 27th November 2023 at 7pm 

Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart 

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.