Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 22nd January 2024 at 7pm 

Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit 


Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Bill Smart, Stuart Ross, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart, Iain Riddle and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor David Fraser, and 4 members of the public.  

Apologies: Councillor Chris Balance.

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 27th November 2023 was approved as an accurate record (Bill Smart  / Stuart Ross).   

3. Matters arising from minutes 

Road Issues – Val to collate spreadsheet of issues reported with progress updates.  Action – Val Cooper

Broadband – Dianne to continue to liaise with Statkraft regarding community broadband.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Quiet Road for Bunloit – Bill advised that he has been in contact with Highland Council regarding the proposal for Bunloit to become a designated quiet road.  Highland Council are currently looking at quiet routes in other areas in Highland.  Bill will continue to work on this.  Action – Bill Smart

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Ferguson provided the following update:

Our Bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in November, the total balance in our account was £9,470.27.

In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows;

19/12/2023 Secretary honorarium £600

New balance = £9,470.27 - £600 = £8,870.27.

£7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by the Community Council = £8,870.27 - £7,211.77 = £1,6580.50.

David advised that he would work on submitting an application for funding from the Ward Discretionary Fund.  Action – David Ferguson

5. Roads / Drainage

West Lewiston – The road surface is breaking up and David Fraser advised that major patching works are planned for west Lewiston next year.

Bus Stops – Issues are anticipated with the new bus stops in the village on the A82, the location of these is problematic in terms of their proximity to corners and traffic calming islands.  David Fraser advised that he is liaising with the roads authorities to rectify this.  Action – David Fraser

Sunken Manhole and Gulley – A82 at Druimloin, Scottish Water to rectify.

Kilmichael – David Fraser confirmed that resurfacing works for Kilmichael are prioritised within the Highland Council Capital Plan for roads.

St Drostans – There are ongoing problems with the road surface and access for bin lorries and the gritter due to congestion from parked cars.  David Fraser has asked the parking team to look specifically at this area and will chase this up.  There is no funding available to look at creating additional parking areas, but the addition of yellow lines may be a possibility to help alleviate the issues.  Action – David Fraser

Potholes – Potholes on Highland Council roads should continue to be reported through their website Roadside problems | Roadside problems | The Highland Council.

Drainage - Bill and David Fraser are working with Transport Scotland for resolutions around drainage issues, and in particular the area at Dr Sutherland’s house.  

Gritters – Balmacaan Road has been particularly icy at times over the winter. David Fraser advised that Highland Council have a published list of when roads are gritted depending on whether they are designated as a primary or secondary route.  If Highland Council is not compliant with this they will rectify it.  It is important that motorists drive to the conditions and do not work on the assumption that roads have been treated.  

Highland Council Winter Resilience Scheme – Dianne advised that communities can apply for grit bins and other equipment to undertake local works as a community.  However Highland Council is not able to offer any form of insurance for this so it is unlikely that many communities would want to take on this responsibility.  There was discussion around the appointment of a Community Warden who’s winter responsibilities would include local path clearing and gritting and it was agreed that this was something that GURCA might consider taking a lead on.  

A82 Gritting – There were times when the condition of the A82 Drumnadrochit to Inverness road had been very poor due to snow / ice.  It was agreed that Dianne would contact Bear Scotland with regards to this and the ongoing flooding and ice issue at Dr Sutherland’s house.  Action – Dianne Fraser

6. Planning 

Active Applications 

23/05707/FUL – Erection of holiday pod, 4 Lower Balmacaan – noted.

23/05899/PNO – Prior notification – Formation of forest road, land 300m SE of Millness Cottage, Corrimony – noted.

Compass – Liaison taking place with Compass regarding the installation of the playpark and moving of the path in that area.  Compass will install play equipment and will be responsible for its installation and maintenance.  

Playparks – The Highland Council playpark officer is planning to review all the local parks, this would include communications with the primary schools.  The Men’s Shed had been approached to undertake repair work to Balnain playpark but had been unsure about liability and insurances.  It was agreed that Dianne would pass the Playpark Officer details to the Men’s Shed so they could link in.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Springfield – no update.  Dianne advised that she had met with the Clerk of Works with regards to the traffic lights during the Christmas parade and he had been very helpful.

It was noted that the amended planning application had been discussed by Highland Council but the meeting was deferred to give Springfield opportunity to provide further information relating to Nature Scotland, the commercial area and the timing of the phasing of the house builds.  The February GUCC meeting will fall after the next Highland Council Planning meeting so further information might be available then.  

7. Community Action Plan Update

Dianne advised that work is taking place on the local place plan however it is hoped that someone might be appointed to help with this process.  The local place plan refers to land use in the area.  This will become park of the formal Community Action Plan which will be registered with Highland Council.  A community consultation including a housing needs survey will take place prior to the plan being lodged with Highland Council by September 2024.  

8. Consultations 

National Park – Bill and Dianne had attended the recent meeting in Cannich to look at the proposed National Park nomination.  Further details are available on the GUCC website and Facebook page.  Consultation work is ongoing.  The model proposed is different to that of the Cairngorms and Loch Lomond.  The community are encouraged to attend the consultation events to see the information available and take the opportunity to ask questions.  

9. AOCB 

Community Council Forum – Dianne and David Ferguson had attended the recent Forum, this had included information relating to police reports, street pastors, common good fund, place planning and speeding enforcement.  Dianne had invited the police representative to attend a future GUCC meeting.  The next Forum is scheduled for March and both David and Dianne will attend again.  

Tree Planting – Bill advised that the Craigmonie Woodland Group had received a donation of 500 trees to be planted locally.  It was hoped that some fundraising for that organisation could be done alongside the tree planting and it is likely that a community event will be scheduled for around March time.  

Scottish Water Treatment Works – Bill advised that the other than some tidying up, the works are complete and the aeration plant is up and running.  Bill will be meeting with Scottish Water representatives to discuss proposals for a permanent solution to the output in the river and will be able to provide an update at the next GUCC meeting.  

Citizens Advice Bureau – The CAB are looking to recruit more volunteers, and have training sessions scheduled in February.  Further details can be found on their website Become a Volunteer | Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau (   

Church of Scotland – David Ferguson advised that Adrian Varwell, the locum minister, had advised that the Church of Scotland was going through a period of change resulting in a shortage of ordained ministers which was resulting in proposals to reduce the number of parishes.  It is likely that the Urquhart and Glenmoriston Parish will amalgamate with an adjoining parish.  This will inevitably result in a reduction of local church personnel and a future minister perhaps not living locally.  The Presbytery will be making a decision on our parish in due course, and this may include a decision as to the future of the church and associated buildings.  There has not been any indication that the church building will be disposed of however it is old and requires ongoing maintenance. There is not currently any indication of timescales involved in the decision making.

Blairbeg Hall – If the current funding applications are successful the hall will close for the period of its refurbishment.  It is anticipated that the church hall will be used for many events during this time.  

Highlife Highland – There was discussion around the gym facilities in the High School and whether these would be made available for public use as had previously been the case.  It was agreed that Dianne would contact Steve Walsh for information.  Action – Dianne Fraser

SSEN Substation – It was noted that SSEN are currently looking at sites for a new substation.  There will be no changes to pylons and cabling.  The preferred site at present is at Fasnakyle however they are also considering an area near to Dark Deer.  It is likely that an update will be available in February

Windfarms – Bill advised that he had met with Kate Forbes to discuss windfarm developments and she had written to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit and OFGEM to ask why the views of Community Councils are not listened to and is currently awaiting a response.  

10. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 26th February 2024, 7pm in Balnain Hall.    

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.30pm. 

Meeting dates for 2024

all meetings commence at 7pm 

Monday 25th March  Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 22ndApril  Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 27th May  Balnain Hall  

Monday 24th June AGM Blairbeg Hall  

July    no meeting 

Monday 26th August  Craigmonie Centre 

Monday 23rd September Balnain Hall 

Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre 

December   no meeting 

Action List – January 2024