Glen Urquhart Community Council

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Fiona Urquhart, Iain Riddle and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor David Fraser, and 13 members of the public.  

Apologies: Stuart Ross, Dominic Thierry, Bill Smart and Councillor Chris Balance.

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 26th February 2024 was approved as an accurate record (Fiona Urquhart / David Ferguson).   

3. Matters arising from minutes 

Community Broadband – Dianne to follow up on correspondence received from Lothian group.  Action - Dianne

Bunloit Quiet Road – Ongoing Action – Bill

Balnain Playpark Works – David Ferguson liaising with local Balnain group on behalf of the Men’s Shed. Action – David Ferguson

Highlife Highland Community Gym – Dianne still continuing to pursue.  Action - Dianne

Community Warden – Raised at Community Action Plan meeting, where there was general consensus to pursue this, GURCA will take lead.

Local Bins – List received, and can now monitor the emptying of these over the busy tourist season.  Dog Fouling Bags – Can now go in general waste bins – would be good to have notices on all the bins, Dianne to contact Alan McKinnie at Highland Council.  Action – Dianne

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Ferguson provided the following update:

Our bank account holds funds for, Glen Urquhart Community Council only.  At our last meeting in January, the total balance in our account was £8,870.27.  In the last month, there has been no activity in our account and the balance is unchanged.

However, £7,211.77 remains “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by  Community Council = £8,870.27 - £7,211.77 = £1,658.50

5. Roads / Drainage

Resurfacing - Work has started on the resurfacing works at Kilmichael.  Resrfacing at Culnakirk is scheduled, and also for Lewiston but no timescales confirmed.  

A82 Steering Group with Transport Scotland – David Fraser and Bill will attend the next meeting.

Investigation works have taken place at the areas where drains are choked at Dr Sutherland’s house and at Lochend.  Both of these issues will be picked up by the Steering Group and reported back to future GUCC meeting.

Tomnahurich Bridge – Resurfacing works scheduled for May, traffic will be diverted via the new canal bridge.

6. Planning 

Active Applications 

24/00558/FUL – Erection of extension, Ballavoulin, Milton - noted

24/00884/FUL – Alterations to existing roof and bay windows, Kintore House, Drumnnadrochit – noted

Springfield – Amended application for planning has been submitted to the Scottish Government for appeal following objection by Highland Council on the basis of the conditions originally being set by the Scottish Government not being met and no evidence of any justification why Springfield were requesting amendments.  It is expected that the result of the appeal will be heard by the end of March.  There continues to be no communication from Springfield with the community with regards to agreed elements of the development.  

7. Community Action Plan Update

There is a requirement from Highland Council and the Scottish Government for communities to produce a Place Plan by September 2024.  GUCC is working with GURCA and Soirbheas on a graphical representation of what the community would wish to see done with land in the Glen Urquhart area.  Once submitted this will form an important part of the planners tools when considering developments locally.  A consultant has been engaged and a series of community consultations will be planned.  The community is encouraged to engage with this process.  

Community consultation on the proposed facility at the site of the old Scotmid is being led by GURCA.

8. Consultations 

Nomination for local nature conservation sites – forwarded to GURCA for action.  

Highland Environment Forum, land use survey – noted.

9. AOCB 

NHS Lochaber Social Care Partnership Consultation – Information passed to Glenurquhart Care Project.  There is a need to change how adult care is provided; too many people go into residential care for too long, while their life could be better with wrap around care within the community.

6th April Tree Planting – Community tree planting day scheduled for Craigmonie Woodland and the area beside Café A82, this will include a barbeque and the opportunity to make a donation towards to the cost of the trees.  More trees will be planted at the old Scotmid site.  It was agreed that it would be good to find a name for the area of ground beside Café A82 as part of the place planning discussions.   

Glen Urquhart Primary School Trees – The trees at St Drostans should be kept at fence height but are very overgrown as are the trees in area around the astro turf.  This would be reported to Mitie and Highland Council as appropriate.  Action – Dianne

Police Visit – It was agreed that a police representative be invited to attend a future GUCC meeting.  Action – Dianne

10. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 22nd April 2024, 7pm in the Craigmonie Centre.      

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 7.50pm.   

Meeting dates for 2024

all meetings commence at 7pm

Monday 27th May  Balnain Hall  

Monday 24th June AGM Blairbeg Hall  

July    no meeting 

Monday 26th August  Craigmonie Centre 

Monday 23rd September Balnain Hall 

Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre 

December   no meeting 

Action List – March 2024

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 25th March 2024 at 7pm 

Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart 


Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.