Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Annual General Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting
held on
Monday 24th June 2024 at 7pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
Annual General Meeting 2024
1. Present & apologies
Dianne Fraser (Chair), Fiona Urquhart, Dominic Thierry, David Ferguson (Treasurer), Iain Riddle (Planning Secretary), Stuart Ross, and Bill Smart.
Also present
Councillor David Fraser and 10 members of the public.
Apologies were received from Councillor Chris Ballance
2. Minutes of last AGM – 26th June 2023
The minute of the AGM held on 26th June 2023 was approved at the routine meeting following the AGM on 28th August 2023. A copy of the minute is available on the GUCC website.
3. Chair’s Report
Dianne Fraser provided the following report:
During 2024, the Glen Urquhart Community Council continued to seek to act as a voice for the Glen Urquhart community.
The objectives of the Community Council are:
a) to ascertain, co-
b) to express the views of the community to The Highland Council to public authorities and other organisations.
c) to take such action in the interests of the community as appears to be desirable and practicable.
d) to promote the well-
e) to be a means whereby the people of the area shall be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its development, and amenity.
At the heart of these objectives is representing the voice of the Glen Urquhart Community, and we encourage everyone to engage with the Community Council.
Since the last AGM in June 2023, the Community Council met ten times.
All meetings remain open to the public. Members of the public are encouraged to attend to understand what is happening within their community, and provide their voice and input.
All details of meetings are available on the Community Council Website (
Role of Community Council
One of the frequent questions asked of the Community Council is -
GUCC is a voluntary organisation set up by statute and Highland Council. Our objectives are as noted above and essentially include representing the voice of community in a range of issues including (but not limited to) planning, housing, infrastructure, road safety and community services provision. GUCC are provided with an annual grant of £638 from Highland Council to support their activities.
GURCA is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) – a unique Scottish legal structure that enables a charity to own assets, enter into contracts, employ staff and borrow funds. GURCA owns and manages a number of community assets within the Glen including Blairbeg Hall, village green, shinty pitch and Loch Ness Hub building. GURCA employs our Community Development Officer and manages several community events including Bite and Blether – all highlighted on the community What’s On calendar on that they also manage on their website.
GUCC and GURCA each have different roles to play within the community and work in partnership on a range of initiatives.
Roads / Drainage /Transport
The Community Council continues to partner with Highland Council, Transport Scotland and the wider community to identify areas of concern and improvement.
The Community Council continues to work with neighbouring Community Councils along the A82 in an A82 Road Lobby Group to specifically lobby for improvements on the A82.
Community Council also provided detailed input into development of Highland Council Active Travel Plan including sharing details from A82 Lobby Group and detailed community input.
Community Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Glen Urquhart area. Any member of the public can comment individually on planning applications and any comments on planning applications can be submitted to Community Council.
Community Council had initially formed a community liaison group with Springfield Homes on development adjacent to fire station. After an initial positive start, Springfield, Springfield stopped these meetings and community struggled to engage with Springfield. Springfield sought to make amendments to the housing mix, house construction phasing, drainage strategies and planning conditions of the 2021 approved proposal. Glen Urquhart Community Council and Highland Council objected to these amendments. Decision was deferred to Scottish Reporter who approved the requested amendments for less homes and larger homes, increased house build rate and removal of the requirement for non-
Community Council continued to partner with Compass Building and Construction on the development around Scotmid shop. The liaison group continued to hold positive meetings with Compass (including site tours) and partnered on supporting their amended planning applications, design of green spaces and paths and tree planting. Compass development will see completion of 43 new homes by end of 2025 (37 private and 6 Highland Housing Alliance).
Community Council also responded to number of windfarm applications (including Loch Liath, Criach) and the scoping report for the proposed Glen Earrach pumped storage scheme. Community Council met with neighbouring community councils on lobbying Scottish Government for improved management of energy consent planning proposals.
Community Action Plan
GUCC continue to partner with GURCA and Soirbheas on actions raised in the 2022 Community Action Plan. Community Council is leading initiatives on housing, place planning and road improvements. Community Council are seeking to undertake a Housing Needs Survey in June 2024 to confirm housing requirements within the community in partnership with Communities Housing Trust. Outcomes of this survey will feed into the Local Place Plan for Glen Urquhart.
Local Place Plan
Scottish Government legislation on Local Place Plans provide opportunity for communities to set out community aspirations for land use and development. Highland Council are seeking to have Local Place Plans registered with them by end of September 2024, with aim to adopt with new Local Development Plan in 2025.
GUCC engaged SKS Consultants to assist in Local Place Plan Preparation. As part of this process, several community consultation events and a community survey were undertaken. Results of this survey are currently being collated and a draft will be issued to community for comment and approval in August 2024 before lodging with Highland Council in September.
Community Council provided feedback on several public consultation requests including SSE Asset Replacements, Highland Rewilding, NHS Communications, Glen Affric National Park proposals, Wild Boar management, Community Planning, Forestry Land Scotland Woodlands Plans, and several windfarm proposals.
Representatives of Community Council also regularly attend the Inverness Community Council forums – partnering on shared issues with neighbouring communities. Forums are attended by representatives from Highland Council, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire Service. Topics covered have included 20mph plans, Local Place Plans, winter readiness, road safety, crime monitoring and fire safety.
Scottish Water Consultation
Community Council welcomed Scottish Water to Community Council meeting in May 2024 to discuss renewals of Glen Urquhart water network in Balnain, localised flooding concerns and update on outfall of treatments works in the Cover. The water main renewal will cover 25kms spanning Rychraggan, Balnain, Shenval and Buntait over 2 year, 3 phase project – starting in June 2024. Dedicated website for updates has been established (
The Community Council continues to work closely with several other community groups within the Glen including GURCA, Soirbheas, and Glenurquhart Care Project. These working relationships enable flexibility with different organisations taking the lead on different issues and ensures Glen Urquhart has a strong voice when lobbying on various issues.
The Community Council is a team effort from a group of dedicated volunteers, who tirelessly seek to represent the voice of the people of Glen Urquhart. Your local community councillors are
In February, Val Cooper elected to step down as secretary after more than 13 years in post. On behalf of the community, I want to acknowledge and thank Val for her years of service and support of our community and the community council. Her ability to take concise and clear minutes and actions from our meetings and to keep all the community councillors on track – is nothing short of extraordinary. Her superhero powers will be sadly missed – and we are actively seeking to fill this significant post.
My personal thanks to Val and all the Community Councillors for their support, guidance, and enthusiasm.
Finally, thanks to all members of the Glen Urquhart community who engage with and support the Community Council. The Community Council can’t represent the Community without your voice.
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided a financial update, the details of this are recorded in the minute of the routine meeting which immediately followed the AGM.
Thanks were passed to David for all his work over the past year.
5. Election of Officers
Chair Dianne Fraser
Nominated by Fiona Urquhart / Seconded by Bill Smart
Vice Chair Bill Smart
Nominated by Dianne Fraser / Seconded by David Ferguson
Treasurer David Ferguson
Nominated by Bill Smart / Seconded by Fiona Urquhart
Planning Secretary Iain Riddle
Nominated by Dianne Fraser / Seconded by Dominic Thierry
6. Any other Business
Noted that normal GUCC meeting would immediately follow this meeting.
There was no further business and the AGM closed at 7.20pm.
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 24th June 2024 at 7pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Bill Smart, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart, Iain Riddle, Stuart Ross, David Fraser (Councillor)
Also present: 6 members of the public.
Apologies: Chris Balance (Councillor)
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
Meeting was preceded by GUCC AGM.
2. Minutes of last meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 27th May 2024 was approved as an accurate record (Bill Smart / Fiona Urquhart).
3. Matters arising from minutes
Action – David Fraser / David Ferguson
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following update in advance of the meeting:
5. Roads / Drainage
Following list of issues noted continue to raise/monitor with Highland Council
ACTION : David Fraser
Notice from Bear Scotland on planned evening closure of A82 for resurfacing work 16th to 24th July – ACTION: Dianne/Dan to share website/Facebook
6. Planning
Active Applications
24/01624/FUL – Erection of balcony. Gorm View, Culnakirk, Drumnadrochit, Inverness, IV63 6XS. Replace existing Juliet balcony – noted.
24/01715/FUL -
Noted significant representation from Balnain community with concerns over hinterland development, flooding, safe access, and alignment with 20 minute neighbourhood planning requirements. OBJECTION TO BE NOTED. ACTION : Iain Riddle to partner with residents to confirm concerns are captured in Community Council response.
Springfield Development
Noted response from Scottish Reporter confirming approval of Springfield proposals. Development to proceed without phased approach, without requirement for non-
Glen Earrach Pumped Storage
Project at design and assessment stage. Additional open community meetings planned by developer. Met with neighbouring community councils to collate concerns and lobby together.
7. Local Place Plan Update
Consultation sessions completed in June. Awaiting draft Local Place Plan.
Housing Needs Survey to open this week – outcome will be included in Local Place Plan.
Short Term Lets – Noted concern over Short Term Let application for house in newly completed Springfield development. Noted requirements for objection to Short Term Let’s and noted that Short Term Let applications are not notified to Community Councils. Grounds for Objection outlined in Highland Council Short Term Let Policy Statement – no actionable grounds for noted application – Noted.
Broadband – concerns noted over disruption to roads, footpaths and traffic by broadband infrastructure works. David Fraser noted raised with Planning. ACTION : David Fraser
Overgrown Hedge -
Secretary vacancy – noted still seeking new person for GUCC secretary.
9. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be AGM scheduled for Monday 26th August 2024, 7pm in Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.
Dianne thanked everyone for their attendance and noted appreciation to members of the community who come along to GUCC meetings to share their voice on local issues.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Meeting dates for 2024
all meetings commence at 7pm
July no meeting
Monday 26th August Craigmonie Centre
Monday 23rd September Balnain Hall
Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall
Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre
December no meeting
Action List Aug 2024
Minutes Historical |