Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 23rd September 2024 at 7pm
Balnain Hall, Balnain
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
1. Present:, Bill Smart, Iain Riddle Dominic Thierry,, Stuart Ross, David Fraser (Councillor), Chris Ballance (Councillor)
Also present: 4 members of the public.
Apologies: Dianne Fraser, Fiona Urquhart,Mary Tiles
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
2. Minutes of last meeting – 26th August 2024
The minute of the meeting held on 26th August 2024 was approved as an accurate record (Dominic Thierry / David Ferguson).
3. Matters arising from minutes
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following update in advance of the meeting:
Closing balance from August 2024 Meeting £4,232.06
27th August received £2,400 from Soirbheas -
29th Aug £2400 paid to SKS Place Planning -
2nd Sept paid Dianne Fraser £219 printing for Place Planning -
9th September rec'd £638.51 HC annual grant £638.51
New Closing Balance for August £4,651.57
Noted balance split:
Funds reserved for Local Place Planning £2,538.56
General Community Council funds £2,113.06
If ring fenced money is not all used then it was discussed that another use for the money should be found for any surplus. The Ward Manager should be consulted.
5. Roads / Drainage
Following list of issues noted continue to raise/monitor with Highland Council
ACTION : David Fraser/Bill Smart
Following list of issues noted continue to raise/monitor with Bear Scotland and A82 Safety Lobbying Group
ACTION : David Fraser / Bill Smart
the road markings are indistinct to show the one way flow. More signage and clear road markings required in the car park. ACTION : Iain
6. Planning
Active Applications GUCC Planning September 2024
Ref Number 24/03371/FUL Application Type Full Application
Validation Date 09/08/2024 Grid Reference 241405 830180
Expiry Date for lodging Representations 13/09/2024
Description of Works Installation of Pipe Bridge
Location of Works Land 15M SW Of Bearnock Cottage, Glenurquhart, Drumnadrochit, ,
Community Council Glenurquhart Community Council
Applicant Name Scottish Water
Applicant Address Scottish Water Fairmilehead, 55 Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh, EH106XH
Case Officer Ross Mcateer
Ref Number 24/03513/PNO Application Type Prior Notifications -
Validation Date 17/08/2024 Grid Reference 244565 830247
Expiry Date for lodging Representations 07/09/2024
Description of Works Erection of greenhouse and agricultural storage building
Location of Works Land 65M SE Of, Meiklie Farm, Balnain, Drumnadrochit, ,
Community Council Glenurquhart Community Council
Applicant Name Mr Neill Hunter
Applicant Address 11 Midton Road, Ayr, KA7 2SE,
Case Officer Luna Sikkens
Owner of land says this is first stage of a not-
Path now has a smooth surface. Bill Smart and Gurka met with Compass on the 2oth September on site for an update. All of housing association house are finished. Play Park almost complete and landscaped. Paths should be open in next few weeks. Path through to woodland location agreed. Care centre and house owners were not happy about a link through to the Care Centre houses.
Chrathaich Wind Farm
Objection has been lodged with the ECU
Glen Earrach Pumped Storage
Nothing to report
From August Meeting :-
Follow up to lobby Scottish Government for funding to assist in assessing applications.
Establishment of Social Value Charter for Renewable Investment – working group to be established with community councils from Ward 12. ACTION – Dianne / Bill
Carn Na Saobhaidh Wind Farm
A consultation from HRC for the EIA scoping for this proposed wind farm on the South Side of Loch Ness has been received. It will infill between two existing wind farms and will be visible from Bunloit and the A82. The mast are also taller than existing at 200m to tip.
Concern was expressed over the number of Energy infrastructure projects proposed in the area. The effect on communities and the road network. David Fraser confirmed that Councillor Helen Crawford has persuaded the planners to draw up a map showing all the existing and proposed projects for reference.
It was noted that there is still reluctance for 3D virtual models to be developed to show the impact of these projects. DF confirmed that models were shown to the planning committee.
CC to respond on community concerns on this. ACTION:-
Clunemore Felling
Consultation received from forester contractor relating to clear felling adjacent to Clunmore. Concerns expressed over possible damage to saplings on proposed access to the area.
CC to contact contractor ACTION :-
7. Local Place Plan Update
Link to a copy of the plan on the CC website. Plan has been circulated to neighbouring CC's and Ward 12 councillors On track for filing with Highland Council for September 27.
8. 20mph Speed Limits
Trunk Road
20 mph now confirmed recent marking on the road. Other calming measures may be implemented i.e. radar signs.
Concern that new speed limits need to be enforced, signs need to be more visible and request additional speed calming measures to ensure adhered to. ACTION : Bill to follow up with 20mph team / Sara Hamilton.
Snowman Rally
Mark Forsyth was not present at the meeting. Concern expressed about the state of the track after the rally above Shenval noted.
ACTION : Dianne (Confirmed?)
Glen Affric Kintail Way
Local concern over damage to the route with recent timber operations very muddy and waterlogged. David Ferguson to provide a contact number for FLS to the local resident who raised the matter. ACTION David Ferguson.
Community Benefit from Drumnadrochit Car Park – Share of funds raised from car park in 2022/2023 available for distribution. Councillors to confirm process for interested groups / parties to apply. ACTION : David Fraser
Lights on Urquhart Castle – question over why lights are turned off on Urquhart Castle at night. ACTION SUSAN GRIFFEN to follow up with HES
Bunloit Rewilding – Meeting called by GURCA Blairbeg Hall Wednesday 25th 8pm to discuss sell off/community buy out.
Community Connect Events – Cannich Sat 5th Oct / Drumnadrochit 12th October (10am to 1pm) – event hosted by Soirbheas for all community groups to share group activities. Requested stall for GUCC. Will seek volunteers to man stall.
Broadband concern and frustration over lack of Broadband availability around the Glen and poor response from companies to the problems.
Community Broadband -
monitoring. Ongoing ACTION :-
Resident on Bunloit have concerns over deer culling on the Bunloit Rewilding Estate at night and off Season. Many people and visitors are out walking in the area and there are concerns over the lack of notification and signage of when this is being carried out. The contact was provided for the Estate Manager Alexander Davis. CC to contact AD. ACTION Iain
Secretary vacancy – noted still seeking new person for GUCC secretary.
10. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 28th October 2024, 7pm at Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit.
Bill thanked everyone for their attendance
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Meeting dates for 2024
all meetings commence at 7pm
Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall
Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre
December no meeting
Action List
Minutes Historical |