Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 26th August at 7pm 

Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Bill Smart, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart, Stuart Ross, David Fraser (Councillor), Chris Ballance (Councillor)

Also present: 15 members of the public.  

Apologies: Iain Riddle

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Approval of minutes of AGM – 24th June 2024

The minute of the AGM meeting held on 24th June 2024 was approved as an accurate record (Bill Smart / Fiona Urquhart).  

3. Minutes of last meeting – 24th June 2024

The minute of the meeting held on 24th June 2024 was approved as an accurate record (David Ferguson / Stuart Ross).

4. Matters arising from minutes 

- Bunloit Quiet Road – Ongoing .  To also add Dhivach Falls Road.  Action – Bill

- Balnain Playpark Works – Safety Assessment required.  David Fraser to provide contact to conduct site safety visit / inspection to David Fergusion
Action – David Fraser / David Ferguson

- Why Not Scotland Screening – To follow up/Ongoing ACTION – Dianne Fraser

- Community Broadband – Confirm details on speeds and work remediation / monitoring.  Ongoing ACTION – Dianne Fraser

5. Treasurer’s Report

David Ferguson provided the following update in advance of the meeting:

6. Roads / Drainage

Following list of issues noted continue to raise/monitor with Highland Council    
ACTION : David Fraser

- Flooding at fire station.  Noted assessment had been completed.  Monitoring ongoing.
- Blocked soakaway at bottom of Pitkerrald Road.  Noted David Fraser already reported and in progress.
- Drains on Culnakirk and branches on Culnakirk.  Sight lines from Culnakirk to A831 – concerns about tour coaches using the junction.
- A831 at Strathnacro – number of concealed entrances - need warning signs.
- East Lewiston flashing signs require repair.  To review safety measures on junction with A82.
- Large pothole/divot on Bunloit road – noted that could deteriorate over winter and create safety concern for gritter driver and other road uses.
- Poor condition of Gartally road – to note for HC to assess after completion of Scottish Water works.
- Thank you to HC for work undertaken on Pitkerrald and Drumbuie.  Number of positive feedback noted.
- Water leaking onto A831 at Polmaily to be raised with Scottish Water – ACTION : Bill Smart

Following list of issues noted continue to raise/monitor with Bear Scotland and A82 Safety Lobbying Group
ACTION : David Fraser / Bill Smart

- Flooding at bottom of Lewiston / near junction with A82 on Loch Ness Inn side.  Ongoing discussions with Bear Scotland.  
- A82/Bunloit junction – overgrown trees impacting sightlines and safety at junction.
- Deep ruts outside brae heading to Clansman from Drumnadrochit.  
- Pedestrian safety on Drum Bridge.  Noted that when working in forestry, pedestrians can’t be within 12 metres of logging trucks – on Drum Bridge, pedestrians are shoulder to wheel with large lorries.
- To note and share Beats Newsletter going forward – ACTION : Dianne / Bill
- Follow up on Accident statistics for Lobby Group – ACTION : Bill
- Concerns over safety of junction outside shop – road users assume all traffic going into shop, and not aware of increased road traffic to housing.  Follow up on give way sign and road markings at junction outside shop to ensure clearly marked.  ACTION : Bill

7. Planning 

Active Applications 

24/01837/MSC – Erection of house.  Land 95M West Of Eastwood, Incheachart, Original Planning Application in Principle agreed 2020.  Minor change to access arrangements - Noted

24/02535/FUL - Erection of extension - Whinhill, Balnain, Drumnadrochit, Inverness, IV63 6TJ.  Extensions at both gable ends – a new bedroom and a utility room - Noted

24/02645/FUL - Erection of extensions, Torran View, Upper Drumbuie, Inverness, IV63 6UX.  Mainly a two-bedroom extension - Noted

24/02227/PNO - Formation of entrance and forestry track, Highlands Rewilding, Land 1255M NE Of Tigh Nan Uiseagan, Bunloit.  Temporary forestry track - noted

24/02922/FUL – Compass Building and Construction Services, Land 30M NE Of, 5 Carrier's Croft, Lewiston, Drumnadrochit.  Erection of 5No villas (plots 4, 5, 8, 9, and 15), 3No. villas (plots 24-26); Reduction in overall units to 36 – increase in bungalows.  Noted.  

24/03068/FUL – Scottish Water, Installation of pipe bridge, Land 60M SW Of Kilmartin Square, Glenurquhart.  Noted

24/03054/FUL - Erection of garage, 37 Carrier's Croft, Lewiston.  Addition of single garage - noted

24/03102/FUL - Enclosure of external fire escape, Oyo Loch Ness Hotel, Drumnadrochit.  Internal alterations require enclosure of fire escape – noted.

24/03067/FUL - Installation of Pipe Bridge, Land 210M West Of Beechwood, Balnain.  Scottish Water.  Noted.

24/03210/FUL - Change of use from 2no. tourist accommodation units to houses.   Bearnock Self Catering Units, Glenurquhart.  Noted.

24/03299/FUL - Demolition of garage; erection of garage.  132C Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit.  Noted.

24/03310/PNO - Erection of polytunnel.  Land 135M SE Of, Hazelbrae House, Balnain.  17m X 7m polytunnel plus deer fence. Existing agricultural land. Noted

Compass Development
Concerns over larger stones in path at rear of development by SUDS pond.  Path finish not suitable for buggies or those with mobility issues.  To confirm with Compass when path finishing will be updated with dust finish to match remaining path – ACTION : Dianne

Chrathaich Wind Farm
Large volumes of documents available for review in library.  Concerns noted over potential ecological and environmental impact (particularly impact on peat).  ACTION : Bill to provide GUCC response.

Glen Earrach Pumped Storage
Positive feedback from recent public consultation at Balnain.  Developer noted community concerns and feeding back into design.  Additional sessions planned in Foyers and Invermoriston in September.  Still at early design stage – not yet entered Statutory Consultation phase.
Concern noted over ability of community and community council to respond to application of this size (and other pumped storage schemes (Loch Kemp)).  Concerns that community concerns will be disregarded as lack skill to respond within planning framework parameters.  
Concerns that no requirement for developers to make community contributions.
Follow up to lobby Scottish Government for funding to assist in assessing applications.  ACTION : Bill / Dianne
Establishment of Social Value Charter for Renewable Investment – working group to be established with community councils from Ward 12.  ACTION – Dianne / Bill

8. Local Place Plan Update

Draft Plan completed and distributed for commented.  Copy available on GUCC website.
Housing Needs Survey completed and distributed for comment.  Housing Needs Survey confirmed requirement for smaller units.
Minor amendments fed back to consultants.  On track for filing with Highland Council for September 27.  

9. 20mph Speed Limits

Noted proposal to make current temporary 20mph speed limits permanent.  Highland Council indicated that speeds on A831 higher than required, so will await direction from Bear Scotland on A82 before confirming permanent speed limit.  Initial direction from Bear is that A82 will remain 20mph – awaiting confirmation.
Concern that new speed limits need to be enforced, signs need to be more visible and request additional speed calming measures to ensure adhered to.  ACTION : Dianne to follow up with 20mph team / Sara Hamilton  

10. AOCB 

Snowman Rally  – Noted amended date of 12th October 2024 and change to location away from Balnain to Shenval only.  Concerns over if Shenval is going to be large enough and potential issues of access to wet fields.  Mark Forsyth to attend next CC meeting.  To provide Mark with contact details of Donald Grant and request he liaise directly with Donald.  

ACTION : Dianne

Community Benefit from Drumnadrochit Car Park – Share of funds raised from car park in 2022/2023 available for distribution.  Councillors to confirm process for interested groups / parties to apply.  ACTION : David Fraser

Lights on Urquhart Castle – question over why lights are turned off on Urquhart Castle at night.  ACTION – Susan Griffin follow up with HES

Delays in Food Waste Collection – noted delays in food waste bin collections in Drumnadrochit.  
ACTION : Dianne to follow up with HC

Community Connect Events – Cannich Sat 5th Oct / Drumnadrochit 12th October (10am to 1pm) – event hosted by Soirbheas for all community groups to share group activities.  Requested stall for GUCC.  Will seek volunteers to man stall.  

Secretary vacancy – noted still seeking new person for GUCC secretary.

Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd September 2024, 7pm at Balnain Hall, Balnain.

Dianne thanked everyone for their attendance and noted appreciation to members of the community who come along to GUCC meetings to share their voice on local issues.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9pm.   

Meeting dates for 2024

                                                                       all meetings commence at 7pm

                                                                     Monday 23rd September
Balnain Hall 
Monday 28th October Blairbeg Hall 
Monday 25th November Craigmonie Centre
  no meeting 

Action List