Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Meeting held on
Monday 28th March 2016 at 8.00pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
1. Present: Pam Lucas, John Duncan, Ken Fraser, David Fraser and Fiona Urquhart.
Also present were Dan Luscombe, Margaret Luscombe, Cliff Green and Donna Green, (STAG); Cllr Margaret Davidson; Jayson Drummond, (Green Highland Renewables); Val Cooper (Minutes Secretary) and 3 members of the public.
Apologies: Peter MacDonald and Stuart Ross.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February 2016 were adopted as a correct record (David Fraser / John Duncan)
3. Matters arising from minutes
Item 3 Community Emergency Plan – Further progress was being made within the subgroup set up to establish the plan. Margaret Davidson advised that information relating to those with only electric heating might be available through the Highland Council and from Albyn Housing for their respective tenants.
Item 3 Flooding – David Fraser advised that no response had yet been received from Highland Council in relation to flooding works in the village and he would continue to push for a resolution to the issues at Kilmichael and Balmacaan over the summer, thereafter it would be the intention to receive a commitment for works for the Drumnadrochit village area.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Peter MacDonald was not present at the meeting but had reported that the balance remains at £1567.80. It was also likely that the funding for the next year would remain as present despite the budget cuts due to the rise in the electoral role locally.
5. Policing Update
No officers were present at the meeting but the following report had been provided via email:
Road Safety – As part of Operation Route, 1 fixed penalty ticket was issued for a road offence. There was one non injury Road Traffic Collision. There has been an increase in issues regarding debris on local roads as is expected at this time of year.
Public Protection – There have been a number of sheep worrying incidents by dogs. Where possible there have been routine patrols around the village in order to prevent any public order issues. There has been one incident involving disorder within licensed premises. There has been a high profile missing person enquiry which is currently ongoing. Police are grateful for the assistance the public has given and continue to request any information that would assist them.
Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – One incident of disorder in licensed premises.
Crimes of Dishonesty – None noted.
6. Renewables
Green Highland Renewables River Coilte Hydro Development – Jayson Drummond was welcomed to the meeting and provided the following update on the proposal for a hydro system on the River Coilte. This development is in partnership with Balmacaan Estate, Forestry Commission Scotland and Green Highland:
Cnoc an Eas -
Druim Bha – The application has gone to appeal and no further update was available.
7. Roads
A831 – Pam Lucas advised that she had written to Highland Council regarding various issues on the A831 and invited a representative to drive the length of the road with GUCC members to see the various problems. A date has not yet been received and a reminder will be sent. It was clarified that a new speed limit was not being requested for the 12 mile stretch of road, but rather, extended on either side of the existing 40mph limit to include the Glentore and Upperton section, although a review of other parts of the road would be useful. It was suggested that filling the road edges with rock might help prevent lorry trailers swinging when they hit the verges, as is happening at the moment. It was also suggested that cutting back the scrub along the length of the road would improve safety, increasing visibility and allowing pedestrians to use the verges to walk on.
8. Loch Ness Homes
No update available. David Fraser advised that he would contact David Sutherland and John Fraser to request updates. Action – David Fraser
9. Planning Applications
16/00905/PNO – Prior notification for Forestry related building works (non-
10. Correspondence
11. Any Other Business
Facebook Page – STAG requested that information relating to the 11th April deadline for public submission of comments relating to the Cnoc and Eas windfarm proposal be included on the Glen Urquhart Community Facebook page. Action – Fiona Urquhart
Dog Fouling – Some dog walkers are leaving poo bags hanging on trees in the Balnain forest area, which seems to be a ridiculous thing to do. A request was made for a posting to be put on facebook requesting members of the public to take dog mess home with them for disposal and reminding people that there is now an £80 fine for dog fouling. Action – Fiona Urquhart
Sunday Events – A member of the community had commented that an Alastair Crowley play had recently been shown at the Craigmonie Centre. It was suggested that material such as this, with a possibly offensive content, should not be shown on a Sunday.
13. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 25th April in the Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Minutes Historical |