Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minute of Meeting held on

Monday 26th September 2016 at 8.00pm

In Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart

1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chairman), Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald (Treasurer), Ken Fraser, John Duncan, and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: Councillors Margaret Davidson and Jean Davis and 1 member of the public.  

Apologies: David Fraser, Stuart Ross, Councillor Helen Carmichael, and Gillian Skinner.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd August 2016 were adopted as a correct record (Ken Fraser / John Duncan)

3. Matters arising from minutes

No items not already covered by the agenda.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Peter MacDonald reported that the balance stands at £2596.83.  Since the last meeting the audit fee for the annual accounts plus £100 towards the STAG campaign had been paid.

5. Policing Update

No report available.

6. Renewables

Cnoc an Eas – STAG have organised a meeting with Kate Forbes, MSP, this would include representatives of the local community councils, and was also open to members of the public.  The meeting is scheduled to take place on 10th October in Balnain Hall.

Soirbheas – Clarification had been received that Strathglass Community Council had decided to retain any community benefit arising from hydro schemes within their area, and would not be co-ordinating this through Soirbheas.  In light of this, GUCC would now need to re-consider their situation in terms of retention of community benefit arising from schemes in the Glen Urquhart area, and would wish to continue to use Soirbheas as the administrative means for this.

It was still the intention to have a meeting with Strathglass Community Council, GUCC and Soirbheas to review legislation and structures, a date for this was yet to be set.

Green Highland Hydro Scheme Shenval – It had been reported that the contractor for the Shenval hydro scheme had been undertaking work during weekends and evenings.  This had caused upset with local residents and Pam Lucas had made contact with Green Highland to report this.  Margaret Davidson advised that she would ask the Highland Council Planners to contact the developer, to advise that any further breach of terms would result in a stop order on the development.  Green Highland had advised that they would be speaking with residents also undertaking spot checks to ensure no further instances of work out with the agreed times.  It was also agreed that Pam Lucas should write to Green Highland Renewables and copy in FCS to ensure that they are aware of the situation.  Action – Pam Lucas

7. Loch Ness Homes

No report available.  Margaret Davidson did confirm that contrary to local rumours, the planning stipulations were such that commercial properties could not be built before the first residential phase had been completed.

8. Supported Housing

Margaret Davidson advised that an architect had been appointed and Highland Council funding secured.  Applications had been made for rural housing grants and a number of members of the community had recently attending a planning consultation meeting.  Susan Clark was continuing to co-ordinate the development during this stage.

9. Planning Applications

16/03263/FUL – Renewal of planning consent 13/02117/FUL Drumbuie Farmhouse, Drumnadrochit – noted

16/03815/FUL – Erect canopy and shed, 1 West Lewiston Court, Drumnadrochit – noted

16/02639/FUL – Change of use of garage to self-contained unit Tigh Na Bruaich, East Lewiston, Drumnadrochit – noted

16/04123/LBC (Listed building) and 16/04145/FUL – Demolition of existing conservatory, alterations and extension Kilmartin Hall, Glenurquhart – noted

16/03410/FUL – Erection of house and associated buildings (log store, timber shed and steel portal shed) Wester Kilmartin, Glen Urquhart, Drumnadrochit – further information regarding commercial use / purpose of sheds required.  Since the last meeting confirmation had been received that this development was not for commercial use.  

10. Correspondence

- Invitation to the Rural Inverness Communities Convention 8th November 2016

- North Loch Ness Outdoor Activities and Access Group information

- Councillors for Aird and Loch Ness Ward Participatory Budgeting Event information

- Highland Council Review of Public Convenience Funding – members discussed the proposal for a 50p charge for the use of facilities.  Members were in agreement that it was preferable that such facilities be FOC, however if a charge was to be made, 20p would be more realistic, and perhaps not act as a deterrent to using the facilities.   

11. Any Other Business

River Enrick – Members were pleased to note that work had commenced on clearing sediment from the river at Kilmichael.  Margaret Davidson advised that Highland Council had approached a consultant for the main flood order scheme for Drumnadrochit village and a consultation period would follow.  Thanks were passed to everyone involved in progressing these important developments for the area.

Access to Loch Ness - A request had previously been made to the Highland Council Access Officer provide signage for the Coiltie Crescent area, pointing out the route to take to reach the shores of Loch Ness.  Margaret Davidson advised that she would make a further request.   Margaret also advised that she was pursuing the need with the landowner for a replacement bridge across the river in the cover area. Action – Margaret Davidson

Glen Urquhart Signage – Ken Fraser advised that he was continuing to pursue the installation of “Glen Urquhart” road signs.  Action – Ken Fraser

12. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 24th October at 8.00pm in Blairbeg Hall.   

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.20pm.