Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minute of Meeting held on

Monday 24th October 2016 at 8.00pm

in Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit

1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chairman), David Fraser, Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Stuart Ross, Ken Fraser, John Duncan, and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: Councillor Margaret Davidson, Julie Adams, Soirbheas, Ross Watson, Woodland Trust, Jayson Drummond and Donald Londgen, Green Highland, and 2 members of the public.  

Apologies: Peter Macdonald, PC Ryan McGill, and Councillor Helen Carmichael.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2016 were adopted as a correct record (Fiona Urquhart / John Duncan)

3. Matters arising from minutes

No items not already covered by the agenda.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Peter Macdonald had provided information to confirm that the balance remains at £2596.83.  There had been no transactions since the last meeting.

5. Policing Update

Members were pleased to note that PC Ryan McGill had joined the Fort Augustus team and would have responsibility for the Drumnadrochit area.  Members looked forward to meeting him at a future meeting.  The following report was noted:

Road Safety – There have been no serious accidents and 2 minor road traffic collisions, and 7 reports of poor driver behaviour.  5 Fixed penalty tickets have been issued.

Public Protection – There have been 2 public protection matters.

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – There have been 2 reports of drug misuse.

Crimes of Dishonesty – There have been 2 crimes of dishonesty.

During the period there were 4 incidents of disorder, 2 neighbour disputes and 4 missing persons who were traced safe and well.

6.  Shenval Hydro Scheme – update from Green Highland

Jayson Drummond and Donald Londgen were welcomed to the meeting and apologised for the out of hours contracting work which had taken place at Shenval.  It was noted that a similar occurrence had taken place the previous weekend on the Coiltie system, the representatives from Green Highland had been unaware of this and again passed on their apologies and advised that they would be speaking to the contractor to reiterate the out of hours agreement.  Any further issues experienced at either site should be reported to Green Highland.  

7.  Woodland Trust – presentation by Ross Watson

Ross Watson, local manager for the Highlands, with responsibility for 3 sites in the GUCC area, was welcomed to the meeting and provided the following information:

- Ross’ role included increasing awareness of Woodland Trust activities, improving visitor experience, and managing the woods for wildlife.

- In the Balmacaan area 3 days of tree felling work would be taking place to remove dead elms.  A small fund was also available for path work and he would be working with Duncan Macdonald to establish the areas most requiring attention.

- In the Cover 3-4 days of tree safety work was required to fell rotten trees and prevent them from falling in to the river.  Bank reinforcement work would also begin in Spring 2017, this would involve re-routing a 75m section of pathway.  Liaison was also taking place with local residents, SNH, Fisheries Trust, SEPA and Highland Council to look at ways of re-routing the River Enrick where an old bund was diverting the water and causing concern for local properties.  Invasive species were also being controlled; Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed were less currently less invasive than White Butterburn.

- At the Abriachan site 20 trees in the northern section could cause problems in the future and due to the nature of the ground, removal may take up to a week and require traffic management, more details would be known once the survey work had been completed.  A new stalker for the area would be starting work soon and would be undertaking deer management work.  Path maintenance and repair work was also required in the area.

Ross was thanked for taking the time to attend the meeting and provide the update on the local area.

8. Renewables

Soirbheas – Julie Adams advised that a number of new and ongoing activities (eg Tattie Project, Health Walks, Care Advisory Support Group) were detailed in the latest edition of the Soirbheas newsletter which was currently being circulated.  She also advised that they were continuing to negotiate investing in the Shenval hydro system and would also be looking in to the Coiltie system.

Cnoc an Eas – It was noted that a reporter, separate from the Druim Ba development, had been appointed.  Concerns had been noted by STAG that the reporter was reluctant to undertake accompanied site visits or receive oral evidence, however it was also noted that a pre-meeting to the enquiry would be set up and this would provide an opportunity for the community to voice concerns.  It was agreed that GUCC should write in support of site visits and oral evidence.  Action – Pam Lucas

9. Loch Ness Homes

No update available.  

10. Supported Housing

Planning has been submitted.

11. Planning Applications

16/04227/PIP – Proposed new house including upgrading of access and formation of service layby, Land 65m NE of Kerrowdown Cottage, Drumnadrochit – noted

16/04318/MSC – Erection of 1.5 storey house, detailed site layout, landscaping, external appearance, access and parking, water supply and drainage, Land 150m NE of Ceilidh Tail Cottage, Drumbuie, Drumnadrochit - noted

16/04491/FUL – Erection of disabled access ramp, Lochaber, 102 Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit – noted

16/04510/FUL – Conservatory, 1 Kilmartin Square, Glenurquhart, Drumnadrochit, IV63 6TN – noted

12. Correspondence

-  Rural Inverness Communities Convention, 8th November 3pm to 6pm, Smithton Free Church.

-  Boundary Commission for Scotland Consultation – proposal to reduce Highland from 3 to 2 constituancies – it was agreed that GUCC should respond opposing this proposal.  Action – Pam Lucas

-  Highland Council Winter Resilience Scheme – Pam Lucas to check with Peter MacDonald if there are any requirements for Balnain before responding.  Action – Pam Lucas

-  Participatory Budgeting Event for Ward – Details passed to the Hall Committee and local schools.

-  Planning Aid Scotland – Support for Community Councils – noted

-  Highland Licensing Board – changes to current policy statement – noted

-  Scoping Document and Forest Plan for RSPB Corrimony – passed to John Duncan

-  Education Governance Review, meeting on 31st October – Peter Macdonald attending

-  Consultation on the removal of telephone boxes – response submitted requesting Lewiston and Balnain remain in situ.

11. Any Other Business

Chamber of Commerce AGM - Wednesday 26th October, 7.30pm in Café 82.

Flooding Works – David Fraser confirmed that the flood team have completed work at Kilmichael and would be monitoring its effectiveness over time.

Village Drainage – It was noted that Bear Scotland had been undertaking work to unblock drains around the bridge and PO area.

Urquhart Castle – Margaret Davidson advised that meetings had been taking place with Bear Scotland, Transport Scotland, Historic Scotland and Highland Council to discuss what might be done to alleviate traffic problems around the Urquhart Castle area. It was noted that Bear Scotland would also be looking at parking issues around the Clansman.

Broadband – Fiona Urquhart advised that she had been receiving a lot of comments regarding BT Openreach and the ineffective Broadband locally.  Margaret Davidson requested that Fiona Urquhart collate the comments and pass them on to her.  Action – Fiona Urquhart

12. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 28th November at 8.00pm in the Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.   

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.20pm.