Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday 27th February 2017 at 8.00pm

in Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart

1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chair), Stuart Ross, Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald, Ken Fraser, John Duncan, and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: 10 members of the public.  

Apologies: David Fraser, PC Ryan McGill, Police Scotland and Councillors Helen Carmichael, Jean Davis and Margaret Davidson.  

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2017 were adopted as a correct record (Fiona Urquhart / Ken Fraser)

3. Matters arising from minutes

Item 12 – Flooding – Balmacaan Road – letters to be sent to local residents in the next week, requesting their consent to use of the existing duck pond as an alleviation method.

Item 12 – Pavements – Margaret Davidson had confirmed that she has requested the pavement to Achmony road end be tidied up.  She has also contacted BEAR Scotland to  request that the pavement to Temple Pier be tidied up.

Item 12 – Lighting – it was noted that the street lighting issues at Kilmore had been rectified.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Peter Macdonald reported that the balance remains at £1895.86, no payments have been made since the last meeting.  

5. Policing Update

PC Ryan McGill was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted the following report:

Road Safety – There had been no serious accidents, 1drunk driver, 2 minor road traffic collisions, 4 reports of poor driver behaviour, and 6 fixed penalty tickets issued.  

Public Protection – There have been 4 public protection matters.

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – There has been one report of possession of a controlled drug.

Crimes of Dishonesty – There have been no crimes of dishonesty.

A number of children had been spoken to regarding knocking on windows however no suspects identified.  Extra patrols have been carried out in the Coiltie Crescent area.

Since the last police report there have been 4 police engagement incidents with schools and community groups.  These cover general engagement and a presentation at a local careers event.

Bruce Nelson), Chair of the Blairbeg Hall Committee advised that there had been numerous incidents of unauthorised entry to the hall, and while there had been many attempts to secure the building the problem was ongoing.  The Hall Committee were growing increasingly concerned that something more serious might occur and would now seek Police assistance in putting a stop to these incidents.  Security lighting / cameras etc had been discussed and would be pursued also.  Members advised that they would offer any support they could in resolving these problems.  It was agreed that Bruce Nelson and Pam Lucas would contact PC McGill.  Action – Pam Lucas

6.  Renewables

Public Inquiries – Druim Bha and Cnoc an Eas – The public inquiry for Druim Bha would be taking place from 3rd to 5th May (Kiltarlity Village Hall).  The inquiry for Cnoc an Eas was scheduled to commence on 7th March, in Cannich Village Hall.  Details of a site visit were yet to be finalised and a full programme for the enquiry had been requested.  The Druim Bha enquiry was scheduled to commence on 3rd May.  

Community Benefit – It was noted that Susan Clark was pursuing community benefit on behalf of Soirbheas for the developments at Shenval and on the River Coiltie.  

7. Loch Ness Homes

It was noted that construction of the roundabout was likely to start around 4th September, and thereafter the rent to buy housing.  David Fraser had advised that he will be providing details about the Liaison Group in due course.  Margaret Davidson had contacted Highland Housing Alliance and invited them to attend a future meeting of GUCC.

8. Supported Housing

Subject to funding, construction would start towards the end of 2017.  The finalised Building Warrant was currently being awaited.

9. Planning Applications

17/00003/FUL – Siting of a catering van (renewal of 16/01468/FUL) at Fiddlers Bar, Drumnadrochit – noted

17/00055/CLP – Proposed utility room extension to side / rear of cottage (6.72m) Glaichoille Cottage, Glen Urquhart – noted

17/00171/LBC – Demolition, alterations and extension Old Corrimony, Glen Urquhart – noted

17/00338/FUL – Erection of house, garage and annex Land 210m NW of Ancarraig Holiday Cottage Park, Bunloit – response sent to Highland Council noting that residents have objected, and requesting that any permissions granted at this site fully complies with the Local Plan and that the main structure be no more than 1.5 storey.  Ongoing concerns regarding water supply and the condition of the Bunloit Road were noted and safeguards should be in place to ensure no detriment to other residents of Bunloit.

17/00356/PIP – Erect house and garage Land 80m SE of Holly Cottage, Balnain – Objection sent to Highland Council – the development will be into the green area beyond the village and does not comply with the Local Plan.  There is not adequate road provision to the site despite requirements on previous approved planning applications associated with this site.  It will lead to a loss of amenity and open space.

17/00412/FUL – Erect extension, 1 Kilmartin Square, Glen Urquhart – noted.

17/00451/FUL – Demolish barn and erect new house, Land 10m west of Craigwell, 1 West Lewiston, Drumnadrochit – noted

17/00538/PNO – New agricultural sheep shed and storage shed to allow in wintering of sheep and indoor lambing, 80m NE of 1 Upper Drumbuie, Drumnadrochit – noted

10. Correspondence

- GURCA Family Bingo Night – 25th March, Blairbeg Hall, to raise funds for grass, bonfire night and other local events.  GUCC agreed to donate £50 towards bingo prizes.

- Volunteer Fair – 21st March, Craigmonie Centre, GUCC will have shared table with GURCA.  GUCC volunteers needed for this event.

- Ward Funds Bidding Event – this had been held the previous week and was a very successful event.  GUCC were pleased to note the local organisations which had benefitted.

- First Responders Unit – GUCC were told that the Community Resilience HQ in Edinburgh had issued an edict that First Responders would no longer attend paediatric incidents.  The local group requested GUCC support in challenging this.  Our first responders are fully trained in paediatric issues and the rural nature of the area means that emergency services do not reach incidents as quickly as a First Responder can, thus one of the reasons why the group was established in the area.  It was agreed that GUCC would contact the HQ to request that we would like our team to attend as many incidents in the area as possible, including children.  Action – Pam Lucas

11. Any Other Business

A831 – Members again raised the issue of the narrowing of the roads in the Glen causing a safety issue for large vehicles passing each other, and in particular the school bus.  A number of minor incidents had occurred and it was important that a programme of strip widening takes place as soon as possible.  Action – Margaret Davidson

12. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 27th March, 8.00pm at Blairbeg Hall.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.45pm.