Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday 27th March 2017 at 8.00pm

in Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit

1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chair), Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald, David Fraser, John Duncan, and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: PC Ryan McGill, Police Scotland, Councillor Margaret Davidson,

Chris Balance, Green Party Candidate, and 2 members of the public.  

Apologies: Ken Fraser, Stuart Ross, and Councillors Helen Carmichael and Jean Davis.  

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 27th February 2017 were adopted as a correct record (Peter Macdonald / Fiona Urquhart )

3. Matters arising from minutes

Item 10 – GURCA Family Bingo Night – it was confirmed that £50 had been donated for prizes by GUCC and the event had been very successful.

Item 10 – Volunteer Fair – Pam Lucas confirmed that she had attended the event on 21st March as a representative for GUCC. The value of the event would need to be evaluated before GUCC commits to participate on another occasion.

Item 10 – First Responders Unit – Pam Lucas confirmed that she had sent a letter on behalf of GUCC in support of First Responders continuing to attend paediatric incidents.

Item 11 – A831 – Works required had been reported and it was noted that some work had taken place on the A831 over the past couple of weeks.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Peter Macdonald reported that the balance currently stands at £1815.86, since the last meeting £50 had been paid to GURCA and £30 in hall rents.  Peter also advised that the insurance cover has been renewed for 2017/2018 however Highland Council would not be continuing the agreement with Zurich Insurance.  The premium is currently £96.10 per annum and Zurich Insurance will be in contact to discuss future renewals.

5. Policing Update

PC Ryan McGill was welcomed to the meeting and provided the following report:

Road Safety – There had been no serious accidents, 4 minor accidents, 3 speeding offences, 1 lighting offence, 2 vehicles without insurance, 1 careless driving incident, 6 reports of poor driver behaviour, and 6 fixed penalty tickets issued.  

Public Protection – There have been 7 public protection matters.

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – There have been no reports of substance misuse.

Crimes of Dishonesty – There have been no crimes of dishonesty.

Since the last police report there have been 2 police engagements incidents with schools and community groups.  These included general engagement at Glenurquhart Primary School, alcohol awareness and an event for World Book Day.

The issues relating to youths gaining access to Blairbeg Hall were being pursued by members of the Hall Committee and Police Scotland.  Engagement was taking place with Youth Leaders and with the schools, and criminal enquiries were being carried out where appropriate.  There was a general discussion about the lack of facilities in the village and it was agreed that a discussion with Youth Leaders, representatives from the Schools, Police Scotland, parents and youngsters should take place to establish what could be done to help address these issues.  It was noted that funding for initiatives might be available through Highland Council and the Highland Leader Programme.  

6.  Renewables

Public Inquiries – Druim Bha and Cnoc an Eas – The public inquiry for Cnoc an Eas has now been completed and the outcome was awaited, it was noted that it might be many months before this is available.  Thanks were passed to John Duncan for all his work in preparing for the inquiry.  The Druim Bha Inquiry wILL be taking place from 3rd to 5th May (Kiltarlity Village Hall), GUCC were not directly involved with this but would be observing its progress.  .  

Hydro projects – It was noted that Susan Clark was pursuing community benefit on behalf of Soirbheas for the developments at Shenval and on the River Coiltie.  GUCC were in agreement that if it was not viable for Soirbheas to invest in either of these developments it would be appropriate for the standard agreed community benefit payment for each scheme to be accepted.

7. Loch Ness Homes

David Fraser advised that representatives of the Community Liaison Group would be meeting again with LNH to discuss issues relating to the development and in particular the community land / green space.  Options to explore could be allotments and / or a building for a youth club.  It was anticipated that Scotmid would also be submitting an application for planning imminently.  

Affordable Housing – Albyn and the Highland Housing Alliance would be invited to attend the next meeting of GUCC, and to hold a drop in session for the community prior to the meeting.  

8. Supported Housing

It was noted that planning consent has been approved however the same planning conditions as for the Loch Ness Homes development had been imposed and the Working Group were currently liaising with the Planners to resolve this.  Susan Clark was also exploring grant funding options.

9. Planning Applications

17/01216/FUL- Tree House, St Ninian’s House, Glenurquhart – it was confirmed that this was a retrospective application – noted

Highland Licensing Board – Application for Major Variation of Premises Licence – Nessieland, Drumnadrochit - noted

10. Correspondence

All items of correspondence previously circulated to GUCC members by email.

11. Any Other Business

Pelican Crossing – A member of the public had suggested requesting the erection of a railing along the side of the A82 to filter pedestrians towards the crossing.  It was agreed to wait until the crossing was in place and in use and then request a railing if required.

Signage – A request had been made by the Highlife Highland library manager for signs on the A82 for the Public Library and the Craigmonie Centre.  Signs have also been requested by members of the public for directions both to the Glen Urquhart Public Hall and the path to Loch Ness. It was agreed to wait until all the current works on the A82 in the village were completed and then meet with Bear Scotland and Highland Council to review all signage in the area.

It was agreed that Margaret Davidson pursue the erection of “Glen “Urquhart” signage on the routes leading in to the Glen.  Action – Margaret Davidson

Kilmore Road – the brickwork on the road was lifting and loose, pothole on Culnakirk before the new area of tar, sinking drains between Milton and West End Garage, sinking manhole covers on Drum Bridge.  Action – Margaret Davidson

Flooding - Margaret Davidson advised boring and testing for the main Drumnadrochit flood prevention scheme was being undertaken by Highland Council.  She also advised that she had written to all residents regarding use of the pond for flood alleviation at Balmacaan.  2 Refusals had been received and Margaret would continue to pursue this issue.  Action – Margaret Davidson

Old Surgery Site – Demolition of the old surgery at Balmacaan would be commencing in April – a number of Council House options were considered for this site and it was felt that 4 x 3 bedroomed terraced housing would best fit the current needs of the community.

Chamber of Commerce Website – Fiona Urquhart advised that the new Chamber of Commerce website was almost complete.

12. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 24th April, 8.00pm at the Craigmonie Centre.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.