Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held on
Monday 22nd May 2017 at 8.00pm
in Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart
1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chair), John Duncan, Ken Fraser, Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald, David Fraser, and Val Cooper (Secretary)
Also present: Councillors Margaret Davidson and George Cruickshank; Malcolm Sutherland and Morag Fraser, Caledonian Concepts, 5 members of the public.
Apologies: Stuart Ross and Gillian Skinner.
Pam Lucas welcomed those present to the meeting and in particular, following Highland Council elections, returning Councillor Margaret Davidson and new Councillor George Cruikshank.
Since the last meeting Frances Colburn had indicated willingness to become a member of GUCC and she was duly co-
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2017 were adopted as a correct record (John Duncan / Ken Fraser)
3. Matters arising from minutes
Item 11 – A831 – John Duncan confirmed that he had passed details of problem areas on the A831 to Margaret Davidson who had reported these and would chase up action on them. Action – Margaret Davidson
Item 11 – Local Bus Timetables – Margaret Davidson advised that she was collating comments from the community regarding issues with the local bus services and would be following these up with the bus companies involved. Action – Margaret Davidson
4. Treasurer’s Report
Peter Macdonald reported that the balance stands at £1805.86, with £10 hall rent being the only payment made since the last meeting. Peter also advised that the annual accounts were prepared and it was hoped that these would be audited by the June GUCC meeting. Action – Peter Macdonald
5. Policing Update
No officers were available to attend the meeting however a report had been submitted with the following information:
Road Safety – 8 non injury traffic collisions on A82, no offences. 1 injury road traffic collision on the A82, no offence. 7 conditional offers issued to drivers of motor vehicles for various driving offences. Numerous reports regarding driver behaviour – some drivers traced and spoken to.
Public Protection – 1 report of vandalism at the Royal Observation Corp bunker in Drumnadrochit – enquiries ongoing. There has been a report of vandalism at the Royal Observation Corp bunker in the field north west of Glen Urquhart High School. It is believed that local youngsters have been gaining entry in to the bunker and causing damage. If anyone has any information regarding who may be responsible for the damage caused please contact Police Scotland. Police would also like to bring to everyone’s attention that the bunker is potentially dangerous and should not be entered.
Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – No incidents of note.
Crimes of Dishonesty – No incidents of note.
6. Review of Etape Loch Ness 2017
Malcolm Sutherland and Morag Fraser, Caledonian Concepts, were welcomed to the meeting and provided the following update:
Malcolm and Morag were thanked for their attendance and breakdown of the event.
7. Flood Prevention Project
Balmacaan Scheme – David Fraser advised that work had not yet started and that he and Margaret Davidson would be visiting some residents in the Balmacaan area in the hope that everyone locally could agree to the flood prevention works.
Drumnadrochit Village scheme – Machines were currently on site undertaking ground investigation work. Highland Council is moving ahead with the design and have made a commitment financially for the work. The importance of co-
8. Supported Housing
David Fraser confirmed that the project is progressing and it was anticipated that work on the drainage and roads would commence in the autumn. Work on the housing may not start until spring 2018 due to implications of grant funding applications.
9. Loch Ness Homes
Drawings for the Scotmid site on the new development area had been received and were currently lodged for planning approval. Members discussed the drawing and noted some deviations from the original plans. It was agreed to provide a response to the Planning Department noting that the car park does not look big enough, and the parking spaces provided should not be bigger than the minimum size permitted, thus allowing for larger vehicles to park with ease. The views of Kilmore church should not be compromised. Landscaping of the Scotmid site should be incorporated in the landscaping of the whole Loch Ness Homes site. The original drawings had shown the main Scotmid shop plus 2 small units, while the new drawings showed 4 small units, and this may have impacted on the amount of car parking space now available. It had been noted at an open meeting with members of the community that the preference for the smaller units was be to commercial business, (eg butcher / baker), and not tourist related; the tourist related businesses should continue to be focussed around the Drum Green / Post Office area of the village. The turning and manoeuvring area for HGVs / delivery vehicles does not look adequate and poses potential safety issues within a busy residential area. It was agreed that David Fraser and Fiona Urquhart collate the comments of GUCC and submit a response to the Highland Council Planning Department. Action – David Fraser / Fiona Urquhart
10. Renewables
Cnoc and Eas / Druim Bha – no updates available.
Soirbheas – Pam Lucas and Fiona Urquhart had met with members of Strathglass Community Council and agreed to submit a request to Soirbheas for 6 monthly reports of finances going in and out of the organisation, and details of what grant payments are awarded. Some information was available via the Soirbheas website but this was sometimes not kept up to date nor in a format which allowed for easy interpretation of the data. The next step was to arrange a meeting with Soirbheas to advise of the information requests the community councils had agreed upon. Those present at the joint meeting had also agreed that they wished Soirbheas to continue to administer community benefit monies and Strathglass CC had indicated that they would discuss reviewing their mini hydro arrangements. GUCC felt it was important to ensure that the procedure for Soirbheas engaging in pre-
11. Planning Applications
17/01307/FUL – Erect replacement reception building, land 201m NE of Tigh Ban, Bunloit, Drumnadrochit – it was agreed to submit a response requesting that the developer be asked to contribute towards the costs of road improvements for Bunloit.
17/01523/S42 – Remove conditions 1, 9 & 10 and alter conditions 2 & 3 of 16/04767/FUL (Glen Urquhart Care Centre Supported Housing) – noted
17/01524/DEM – Demolition of buildings Drumnadrochit Medical Centre, Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit – noted
17/01535/MSC – Erection of house and garage, Land 15m NW of The Firs, Lewiston – noted
17/00953/DOM1 – Construct 20no dwellings, a mix of one and two bed bungalows, two and three bed villas and two bed cottage flats, along with associated services, parking and landscaping, land adjacent to A82, 145m north of Smiddy Bar, Lewiston, Drumnadrochit – noted
17/01702/FUL – Retail unit (Class 1) with four additional units (Class 1, 2, 3 and Sui generis-
17/01641/FUL – Temporary siting of septic tank and soakaway for pharmacy building and dentist building, Drumnadrochit Health Centre, Lewiston, Drumnadrochit – noted
12. Correspondence
Items of correspondence circulated by email to GUCC members.
13. Any Other Business
Transportation of Wind Farm Components – Margaret Davidson advised that the wind farm components would only be getting transported on the A82 for a further two weeks, and she had requested that where possible this happens early in the morning and later in the day to avoid busier times during the middle of the day. The transportation had caused some damage and weakening to Drumnadrochit Bridge. Bear Scotland and Transport Scotland would be liaising with SSE to ensure repair work and / or payment. It was noted that the SSE website does not always show current and forthcoming component transportation times, but rather historical information from the previous week.
Local Council Elections – GUCC wished to again pass on their congratulations to the 4 Councillors elected / re-
Etape Community Donation – It was proposed that the £750 community donation from the Etape organisers be passed to the Glen Urquhart Care Centre who was currently fundraising for a replacement car for the Centre. This was agreed by members.
Glen Urquhart Care Centre Event – The Centre would be celebrating their recent Inspectorate results, the dedication and commitment of staff, and the positive turn-
14. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting (and AGM) was scheduled for Monday 26th June, 8.00pm in Blairbeg Hall.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.20pm.
Minutes Historical |