Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Annual General Meeting held on
Monday 26th June 2017 at 8.00pm
in Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chairman), Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald (Treasurer), David Fraser (Vice Chairman), Frances Colburn, Stuart Ross, and Val Cooper (Secretary)
Also present: Councillor Margaret Davidson, Constable Dave Elliot, Police Scotland, Gillian Skinner, Ross Watson, Woodland Trust and 4 members of the public.
Apologies: Ken Fraser, John Duncan, and Councillors Helen Carmichael and Emma Knox.
2. Minute of Previous AGM
The minute of the AGM on 27th June 2016 was approved at the routine meeting following the AGM on 22nd August 2016.
3. Chairman’s Report – Pam Lucas
One of the main roles of a community council is to ascertain the views of members of its community and to convey these to other agencies including The Highland Council (THC) Planning Department. To this end Glen Urquhart Community Council (GUCC) has been in extensive consultations with THC and representatives of Loch Ness Homes (LNH) concerning the mixed residential and commercial development proposed for Drumnadrochit. This period has now ended, initial preparation work has commenced, during the summer a work campus will be established so that work can get under way in September, at the end of the main tourist season. A traffic roundabout will be constructed on the A82. Inevitably this will result in disruption so patience will be required. Fuller details and contact details for the contractor will be leafleted to local homes and businesses and will be posted on our website and community facebook page nearer the time.
Consultation has also taken place surrounding the construction of 12 units of supported housing. This project will run in roughly the same time frame as the LNH development but is totally separate from it, being under the umbrella of the Glenurquhart Care Project (GCP). The CC looks forward to continuing as a stakeholder in this venture.
Road safety continues to be a major focus for the CC. Concern continues as to the condition of the A82, but the LNH development will give rise to changes to the stretch of road through Drumnadrochit and this is an opportunity to press Transport Scotland to take on board the issue of damage to Drumnadrochit Bridge caused by the huge number of abnormal loads going to wind farms. Remedial work is urgently required as is an upgrade of routine maintenance on the remainder of the A82. Pedestrian crossings in Drumnadrochit have been modernized and maintenance of the A831 and A833 is brought to the attention of THC on a regular basis.
GUCC has worked with THC and local landowners to bring forward flood management work. The main aspect which is being developed is a flood management scheme for the area around Drum Green and there will be detailed public consultation once the scheme design is progressed. There is money in the Capital Plan and it is hoped work will get underway next year on this much-
Discussions on an option to alleviate the surface water flooding at the top of Balmacaan Road are ongoing.
The GUCC join in congratulating the management and staff teams of the Glenurquhart Care Project on achieving the highest grade in its recent inspection. GCP plays a pivotal role in supporting the input of the Drumnadrochit Health Centre and vulnerable members of the community.
Renewable Energy has been at the forefront of discussions. Permission for the proposed wind farm at Cnoc an Eas was refused by THC. The developer appealed, which necessitated a Public Inquiry. Following this, the Reporter refused the appeal. Hopefully the developer will accept the decision this time. A Public Inquiry was also held against the decision of THC to refuse permission for a wind farm at Druim Bha. That decision is awaited. Representatives of GUCC and Strathglass CC are due to meet representatives of Soirbheas to clarify procedures in the wake of legislative changes brought in by the Scottish Government.
Members appreciate the regular reports from Police Scotland, the level of engagement with local issues and the attendance, when possible, of officers at our meetings.
GUCC members appreciate the continued support and accessibility of Councillor Margaret Davidson. In spite of competing demands on her time she ensures that the communities of Aird and Loch Ness receive whatever input they need. Following the recent elections we welcome George Cruickshank as a Highland Councillor. We are confident he will make an energetic contribution.
CC members are volunteers, some of whom put in many hours of unpaid work towards addressing issues which are of concern to the community. I would like to thank members and also Val Cooper, our secretary, who keeps it all running smoothly. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month except July and December, venues rotate between Blairbeg Hall, Balnain Hall and the Craigmonie Centre and agenda and approved minutes are posted on our website.
Members of GUCC are Frances Colbron, John Duncan, David Fraser, Ken Fraser, Pam Lucas, Peter MacDonald, Stuart Ross and Fiona Urquhart. Contact points are:
4. Treasurer’s Report – Peter Macdonald
The audited receipts and payments account for the year end to 31st March 2017 were circulated to members. The closing balance of £1815.86 was approved. The accounts would now be sent to the Highland Council. GUCC thanked Peter Macdonald for his financial recording throughout the past year.
5. Election of Officers for the forthcoming year
Chairman – Pam Lucas (proposed Fiona Urquhart / seconded David Fraser)
Vice Chair – David Fraser (proposed Pam Lucas / seconded Fiona Urquhart)
Treasurer – Peter Macdonald (proposed Pam Lucas / seconded David Fraser)
Acting Secretary – Pam Lucas (unanimous proposal)
Minute Secretary – Val Cooper
5. Any other business
There was no further business and the AGM closed at 8.15pm.
Minutes Historical |