Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday, September 25th 2017 at 8.00pm

In Balnain Hall, Balnain

1.Present: Pam Lucas, David Fraser, Fiona Urquhart, Peter MacDonald, John Duncan, Stuart Ross, Ken Fraser, Frances Colbron.

Also present were Councillor Margaret Davidson, Susan Clark (GURCA), PC Ryan McGill (Police Scotland) and two members of the public.

Apologies: Val Cooper, Councillor George Cruickshank and Gillian Skinner.

2.Minutes of the last meeting – the minutes of the meeting held on August 28th 2017 were approved as a correct record; (Fiona Urquhart / John Duncan).

3.Matters arising from minutes – Glen Urquhart signage at the edges of the area –  Ken Fraser was asked to follow this up with John Taylor of THC.

4.Treasurer’s Report - Peter MacDonald stated that the annual grant from THC has been received in the sum of £1311.28. Expenditure since last meeting had been £85.91 leaving a balance of account of £2991.23.

5.Police Report

PC Ryan McGill explained that the format of the reports have changed so as to give communities an overview of events in neighbouring communities within the same policing area. With specific regard to Glen Urquhart he recorded:

2 road traffic collisions, no offences.

2 reports regarding driver behaviour – 1 driver traced and spoken to.

1 driver issued with a conditional offer for a road traffic offence.

1 report of theft by shoplifting – enquiries ongoing

1 report of theft –  enquiries ongoing.

Now that the volume of tourist traffic has reduced it is hoped that it will be possible to resume routine police visits to schools and licensed premises. PC McGill also drew attention to a skimming device having been located on an ATM in Fort Augustus. People were reminded to be vigilant when using such machines and to be mindful of domestic security following incidents of strangers wandering about in residential areas. There was discussion of the fact that members of the public would at times need adjust their expectations of what Police Scotland can realistically deliver. However, people were reminded that if they observe anti-social behaviour they should telephone 101, or in the case of a serious / urgent incident, telephone 999.

PC McGill was thanked for attending.

6. Update on flood prevention projects – No-one from THC was present, however Councillor Davidson and David Fraser are due to meet Colin Howell and following that, to meet residents of Balmacaan Road to review options for that area. Assuming that agreement is reached, then action will follow.

7. Supported Housing - Susan Clark updated the meeting. The main points being that tenders are out to construct the access road. No contracts will be awarded until full funding is secured, so tenders must be held until May 2018. Work is imminent on the sewer connection on the A82 for the pharmacy etc. GCP is to make a contribution towards a short section of this.

8.Loch Ness Homes – Work has commenced on the temporary footpath and the setting up of the works compound. The contractor now has a live website which members of the public can use to keep themselves informed of activities. Full details of the website and a live link have been posted on the Glen Urquhart face book page. The community liaison group is due to meet with the contractor on September 26th 2017.

9. Soirbheas – the next meeting between representatives of the joint community councils and Soirbheas will take place at 18.30, Friday, October 27th 2017 in the Craigmonie Centre. Councillor Davidson is in the process of getting clarification about interpretations of the planning guidelines relating to pre-planning discussions between communities and prospective developers. It is hoped that this will give clear guidance so as to permit organizations to speak with developers without creating an impression of unreserved approval of proposals.

10. Roads – A82 -There has been no further contact from Transport Scotland, so there will be a follow up on this. Mention will also be made of the possibilities of Glen Urquhart road signs and the use of rock armour along the A82.

East Lewiston / Kilmore – the matter of speed limits was raised again. This is felt to be particularly important during the coming construction period when movement on the A82 will be controlled. The meeting accepted that although a 20’s Plenty zone is advisory only, this was preferable to nothing, although the push for a permanent 30mph limit would continue in the longer term.

11.Planning Applications

17/02930/FUL – Noted

17/03545/PIP – Noted

17/03594/PNO – as an agricultural building this was not expected to pose any problem, however, Fiona Urquhart was requested to get more information about the degree of visibility from Loch Ness.

Temple House – HES has raised concerns due to this being a Class C listed building. Monitor.

17/02824/MSC – Tim Stott of THC has raised concerns that some of the proposals fall outwith the overall guidance in the Local Plan. Monitor.

Parc Obis camp site near Polmailly – since outline planning permission was granted several years ago there has been a change of ownership. Fiona Urquhart is to check with THC that the existing planning conditions continue to be applied, especially with regard to the prohibition of the sale of properties as single units.

12.Correspondence – Soirbheas has sent  notification of a new energy plan project and is seeking representation from GUCC. Not a great deal of information was to hand, but John Duncan and Frances Colbron agreed to attend the first meeting on our behalf, Fiona Urquhart indicated interest in the future. The meeting felt that Drumnadrochit Chamber of Commerce and Albyn Housing ought also to be involved in their own right.

13.Any Other Business -  Pam Lucas had attended the annual conference of HSCDT. This was a useful morning which identified a number of important factors for viable rural housing, including the importance of adequate public transport and the repurposing of vacant properties and commercial buildings.

Members commented that the roadside verges had now been mowed very effectively and asked that their positive comments be passed on to the people directly involved in this task.

With regard to the burial grounds, there was a feeling that the machinery being used was too big, resulting in damage, also gravestones continue to need attention.

Frances Colbron reminded the meeting that Drumnadrochit Chamber of Commerce is planning to hold a Saint Andrew’s Night Ball. Full details will follow shortly.

14. Next meeting - The meeting closed at 9.30 and the next meeting will be 8.00pm, Monday, October 23rd 2017 in Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit.