Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday 22nd January 2018 at 8.00pm

in the Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit

1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chairman), Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter Macdonald (Treasurer), David Fraser (Vice Chairman), Ken Fraser, Stuart Ross, John Duncan, and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: Councillor Margaret Davidson, Malcolm Sutherland and Morag Fraser, Caledonian Concepts, and 4 members of the public.  

Apologies: Frances Colbron.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2017 were approved as a correct record (Fiona Urquhart / John Duncan)

3. Matters arising from minutes

No matters arising not already covered in the agenda.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Peter Macdonald reported that the balance stands at £2315.50.  A payment of £68.23 for renewal of the website and the secretary honorarium had been paid since the last meeting. It was noted that Highland Council would no longer be administering the insurance scheme for community councils.  Zurich had been working closely with Highland Council and can offer the same terms as previous insurances at a similar cost.  It was agreed that this would be a suitable option for 2018 and further information would be available in March.

5. Policing Update

No representatives were present at the meeting, however a report had been submitted and provided the following details:

Road Safety – 3 Reports regarding driver behaviour, no drivers traced.  7 Non injury road traffic collisions.  1 Driver reported for driving whilst over the prescribed alcohol limit.  1 Driver reported for road traffic offence.  2 Conditional offers issued to drivers for road traffic offences.

Public Protection – 2 Reports of concerns for persons, all traced safe and well.  2 Separate reports of disorder, police attended and no complaints made.

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – No incidents of note.

Crimes of Dishonesty – Numerous reports regarding bank cards being cloned, both police and the engineer examined the local ATM’s, no devices located.  Police provided advice / assistance to members of the public for all other incidents including weather related incidents.

Police would like to remind all members of the community the importance of covering the PIN pad on ATM’s when using them. If anyone suspects that an ATM looks like it has been tampered with; DO NOT use it and contact Police and the operator immediately.  Please ensure that you are aware of all transactions on your bank account. If there are transactions you have not made please contact your bank in the first instance and take guidance from them.

6. Etape Loch Ness 2018

Malcolm Sutherland and Morag Fraser were welcomed to the meeting and provided the following update on the 2018 event:

- Event taking place on Sunday 29th April.  Arrangements and timings are exactly as for the 2017 event.  There is a slight increase in competitor numbers but this does not affect timings.

- Increases have been noted for competitors entering from outwith the area and outwith Scotland.

- As in previous years, official escorts will be available for vital trips, and an early indication of such trips to the event organisers would be appreciated.

- The organisers continue to work with Visit Inverness and Visit Lochness to actively encourage all visitors to the area to use their services.

- Pre-event communication will include 32,000 flyers for local business and residences, liaison with community councils, Visit Scotland and Events Scotland, mailings using the event database, local media, press and social media.

- Advance warning road signs will be in situ 12 days in advance of the event.

- The event continues to support Macmillan Cancer Support, with fundraising last year raising in excess of £280k plus an additional £85k for a further 33 charities.  As in previous years the event will provide a donation to the local community to the value of £1k.

- The 2019 event is currently scheduled for 28th April (which would again be before the bank holiday weekend and avoiding Easter).

- Pothole risk assessment has taken place and will be undertaken again 3 weeks in advance of the event, the organisers will work with Bear Scotland and Highland Council to ensure repairs.

- There will be opportunity for member of the communities to raise funds for local organisations through bag packing and marshalling.

Malcolm and Morag were thanked for their input.

7. Flood Prevention Project

No update required.

8. Loch Ness Homes

It was noted that a section of the Loch Ness Homes development had been either sold or subcontracted to Rural Projects and Development Ltd (Skye Builders) and it was hoped that they would attend the next meeting of GUCC.  Members discussed the importance of ensuring that the whole site planning conditions, and explicit phasing and timing as per the Local Plan would be adhered to for all areas of this development.  It was agreed that Fiona should draft a response to the planners in this regard.  Action – Fiona Urquhart

Members also discussed the local school and nursery capacity.  It was noted that more clarity was required with regards to actual capacity for the High School (design capacity was noted as 250 pupils) as there was an anomaly with the figures provided by Highland Council.  Tied to this was the current situation with the Childcare Centre which was currently running at capacity.  It was agreed to write to the Director of Education to ask for confirmed figures for each of the local schools including the childcare centre.  Action – Pam Lucas

Cemetery – GUCC discussed the requirement to extend the burial ground at Kilmore.  It was agreed that a letter be sent to Hugh Gardener, the Highland Council Bereavement Officer requesting information on existing capacity and future expansion.  Action – Pam Lucas

9. Supported Housing

David Fraser advised that Susan Clark was currently completing further funding applications.  Pam Lucas advised that she had provided a letter of support on behalf of GUCC.  

10. Renewables

COBEN - John Duncan advised that Susan Clark of GURCA was currently looking into the possibility of generating heat from waste water, and while not directly related to the project it could be related.  The group had also discussed the methodology in producing a local energy plan and had appointed a contractor to engage with the community as to how they would see this developing.  

11. Roads

David Fraser provided the following update:

- David and Ken Fraser were yet to confirm the positioning for the Glen Urquhart signs.   

- Bear Scotland had taken responsibility for the Cobb Memorial and had agreed to install drainage grips and repair the foundation damage (details of this would be passed to the Community Association who maintain the main monument).

- White lining in the village was scheduled for Spring 2018.

- Approval had been received for warning signs for a sharp bend and oncoming vehicles in the middle of the road to be placed at Drum Bridge, it was agreed that these were required for both north and south bound traffic.  

- Repairs to the parapets on Drum Bridge were scheduled to take place in March or April 2018.

- The large rock armour opposite the Clansman would be removed and replaced with bollards which would provide a safer alternative.

Margaret Davidson advised that she would continue to pursue repairs to potholes on the local roads, and it was noted that online reporting of problem areas was also effective in ensuring repairs took place.  Action – Margaret Davidson

It was noted that the lighting of the pedestrian crossing opposite the Post Office was very poor and was causing visibility issues for motorists.  Margaret Davidson advised that she would report this.  Action – Margaret Davidson

12. Planning Applications

17/05576/FUL – Installation of modular unit to accommodate a biomass unit, Glenurquhart Hotel and Lodges, Balnain – noted

17/05601/FUL – Demolition and replacement of single storey extension, Ash Cottage, Borlum Bridge, Drumnadrochit – noted

13. Correspondence

None received.

14. Any Other Business

14.1 Bearnock Country Centre & Hostel – communication had been received from neighbours regarding inadequate signage and expansion of site.  It was agreed that this be notified to the Planning Department for them to take a retrospective view on the development and signage.  Action – Fiona Urquhart

14.2 Polmaily Development – It was noted that current groundworks at Polmaily were forming a new entrance onto the main road, and it was unclear if this was included in the original planning consent.  It was agreed that clarification be sought from the Planning Department.  Action – Fiona Urquhart

14.3 Kilmore Road / Coiltie Crescent – Margaret Davidson advised that she would be consulting with local residents regarding the possibility of imposing a temporary 20mph limit in the area.

14.4 Councillor Emma Knox – contact details received and would be circulated to GUCC members for information.

15. Details of Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 26th February, 8.00pm in Balnain Hall.  

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.