Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held on
Monday 26th March 2018 at 8.00pm
in Blairbeg Hall, Glen Urquhart
1. Present: Pam Lucas (Chairman), Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Peter MacDonald (Treasurer), David Fraser (Vice Chairman) and Val Cooper (Secretary)
Also present: Councillor George Cruickshank, Ann Fraser, GURCA, Donnie Fraser with 3 representatives from Springfield Ltd and 4 members of the public.
Apologies: Councillors Margaret Davidson and Helen Carmichael, Stuart Ross, Ken Fraser, Frances Colbron and John Duncan.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 26th February 2018 were approved as a correct record (Fiona Urquhart / Peter MacDonald)
3. Matters arising from minutes
No items not covered in the agenda.
Update on Proposed Development at Drum Farm
Stuart Morrison, Kenny Shand and Mark Hamilton from Springfield Ltd were welcomed to the meeting and the following points were noted:
4. Treasurer’s Report
Peter MacDonald reported that the balance currently sits at £2101.50. This includes £1101.50 of usable funds, with £1k in reserve as agreed at the last meeting. As previously agreed £300 had also been paid to GURCA towards their community action plan.
5. Policing Update
No representative from Police Scotland was present at the meeting. The following report had been received:
Road Safety – 6 non injury road traffic collisions – no offences.
Public Protection – 2 reports regarding concern for persons – traced safe and well.
Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – No incidents of note.
Crimes of Dishonesty – 1 report regarding theft of items from a caravan – Enquiries still ongoing.
6. Flood Prevention Project
No update available.
7. Loch Ness Homes
A liaison meeting had been held the previous week, at which a representative from the developee, Skye Builder, had been present. Planning Officers and Councillor Davidson had stipulated the phasing element of the development should be no more than 10 units per year, this would form part of the detailed planning consent. This was challenged by Skye Builder. It was noted that issues relating to the 30mph limit and white lining were ongoing. The representative of Compass is to make contact direct with David Fraser who has had a series of contacts with the A82 Route Manager. Members of the community had been reporting incidents with the roundabout; vehicles were not always slowing down on the approach to the roundabout and failing to give right of way to vehicles entering the Health Centre. It was noted that Compass has the contract to develop the site of the old surgery for previously approved Council housing.
8. Supported Housing Project
Awaiting outcomes of grant applications, otherwise all going to plan.
9. Renewables
No updates.
10. Roads
Margaret Davidson had advised that the pavements along the A82 and within the village would be swept prior to Easter. It was noted that the pavement from Milton to Drumnadrochit also required attention, and the village green had been damaged by the bin lorry driving on the grass. Pam advised that she would pass these details to Margaret Davidson. Action – Pam Lucas
11. Planning Applications
18/00642/CLP – Erection of detached leisure facility building in garden to house hot tub and sauna cabinet for the dwelling occupants’ personal use, 132c Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit – noted
18/0926/FUL – Erection of extension and garage with first floor accommodation, Eastlea, Drumnadrochit – noted
18/00354/FUL – Siting of shed for selling consumables, Craigellachie (PO), Drumnadrochit – noted
18/00612/FUL – Demolition of existing and erection of replacement house, land 465m NW of Upper Drumbuie, Drumnadrochit – noted
18/01121/TPNO – Erection of Arqiva 10m high streetworks pole and associated works, Land 30m SE of Smiddy Bar, Lewiston – Note to be sent to Planning Department re GUCC concerns regarding restriction to width of pavement alongside the A82 Action – Fiona Urquhart
12. Correspondence
No items received.
13. Any Other Business
Burial Ground – Meeting scheduled with Highland Council to discuss options for extending the burial ground at Kilmore Church.
School Roll Numbers – Data had been received from Highland Council advising that all local schools were currently running below capacity, with peaks in numbers forecast for 2024/2025 and dropping thereafter, and no anticipated issues arising from developments proposed for Drumnadrochit. GUCC noted, however, that this was a concern raised by the community and could still be flagged up by GUCC in relation to developments.
Litter – Significant increases in litter was noted, particularly at Old Kilmore Cemetery car park / bin area, and at the Forestry Commission access between Culnakirk and Polmaily. It was agreed that members of the community with concerns in relation to particular areas should report these to Highland Council / Fly Tipping.
16. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 23rd April, 8.00pm in Craigmonie Centre.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Minutes Historical |