Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday 25th February 2019 at 8.00pm

in Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart

Present:  David Fraser (Chair), Peter Macdonald, Pam Lucas, Ken Fraser, Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), and Val Cooper (Secretary)

Also present: Councillors Margaret Davidson and George Cruickshank, Fraser Mackenzie, Soirbheas, Gillian Skinner and 9 members of the public.  

Apologies:  Councillor Helen Carmichael, John Duncan, Stuart Ross, and Pam Poston, Glenurquhart Care Centre.

Chairing duties are currently being shared between Pam Lucas and David Fraser.

1. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting on 28th January 2019 were approved as a correct record (Ken Fraser / Peter Macdonald).

2. Matters arising from minutes
Item 2 – Cnocan Buraidh – David Fraser advised that the grant application to the Heritage Lottery fund had been successful and it was hoped that permission to commence works would be received within the next couple of weeks.  A total £55k funding package for this project had been received from a number of sources and thanks to all who have contributed were noted.
Item 6 – Etape Community Donation – Members were in agreement that this be given to the Glen Urquhart Childcare Centre.  David Fraser advised that he would contact Morag Fraser and Audrey MacLennan to advise.  
Action – David Fraser
Item 13 – Roads – No progress had been made on requesting repairs to the Wellington Bomber plaque in the A82 layby due to ongoing roadworks in the area at present.
Item 5 (Minute 26th November 2018) – Ditches at Buntait Forest Entrance – now rectified.

3. Treasurer’s Report
Peter Macdonald reported that the balance currently sits at £3441.77, comprising £91.77 usable funds, £1850.00 held for Cnocan Buraidh, and £1500.00 in reserve.  A grant of £500.00 from Soirbheas towards Cnocan Buraidh had been received.  Notification has been received that the insurance policy is due for renewal on 1st April and the new premium will be advised before 8th March.  This will be paid directly to the insurance company.  The balance of £91.77 will probably not meet the renewal invoice.  It was hoped that Highland Council would enhance Community Council grant payments this financial year.  

4. Policing Update
No officer was present at the meeting, and the following report had been submitted in advance of the meeting:
Road Safety – 2 Calls regarding manner of driving of vehicles, 1 Road traffic collision – Non Injury, 1 Road traffic offence – Speeding, 1 Road traffic offence – Insurance, and 2 Road traffic offences – Misc.
Public Protection – 1 Report of suspicious persons, 2 Disorder offences, 1 Concern for person call – traced safe and well, 5 Vandalism, and 4 reports of public protection matters.
Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – 1 Person searched and found with controlled drugs.
Crimes of Dishonesty – No incidents of note.

5. Community Asset Transfer
Margaret Davidson advised that negotiations around the lease of the Tourist Information building are ongoing, and whether toilets will be included in this, has yet to be confirmed.  A number of local people have shown interest in becoming Trustees if community ownership is approved, and this was very encouraging.

6. Renewables
No issues for discussion.

7. Loch Ness Homes Development
David Fraser advised that the new shop is open and operating, and there was currently no update on who would be occupying using the other units, and it may be 2-3 months before this is finalised.  Margaret Davidson advised that Highland Council had made an offer for the old shop which was refused, and this will now go on the open market.  Substantial demolition costs would be involved, however Highland Council were retaining interest and would make a bid.  Scotmid had confirmed that they would be erecting a new community noticeboard at the site of the new shop.  
David Fraser advised that the 12 houses beside the Care Centre are progressing well, offers have been made on them all, and there is a waiting list should any become available.  
The developer, Loch Ness Homes, has just started phase 3 of construction, permission was approved for 24 houses with 10 per year.  An application has also now been submitted for phases 4 and 5.  Initially the applicant had appealed directly to the Scottish Government, referring to the local plan and its reference to 75 houses, to include a mix of affordable and normal housing, and had also included self-build plots.  The application submitted now for phases 4 and 5 takes the total to 99 houses not 75, and the self-build plots do not feature.  In considering this application GUCC were in agreement to respond requesting that as a condition, before phase 4 commences, that the developer provides access, suitable for wheelchair and mobility scooter use, between the 12 amenity houses and the retail site; that there should be provision for the extension of the graveyard into the green area beside the new Scotmid; and that a pedestrian crossing is installed on the A82; and thereafter that there be compliance with the Local Plan and no more than 10 houses constructed per year, and noting that the self-build plots are no longer included in the application.  
Action – David Fraser / Fiona Urquhart

8. Springfield Development
No update.

9. GCP
Pam Poston was not present at the meeting, but had submitted the following report:

-  The centre currently has 39 Service Users Monday to Friday. These attend the centre between one and five days per week. The average attendance is 14 per day. We have approached Social Work to remind them of the facility. Two new Service Users have started by purchasing spaces privately.

-  The apprentice position has been filled. They are due to work in the centre five days a week over the next 3 years. The post will include training in SVQ2 and 3 and driving lessons.

-  Currently we are working alongside UHI and have a degree student studying their Health and Social Care qualifications. This is a 7 week placement.

-  Over the past month we have received interest in our Laundry Service, Domestic Service and ‘Drop in lunch’. We’re promoting this again and welcome enquiries from the public. These services are self-referral and don’t need to come from a professional. Please call the centre for further information.

-  Three new staff have been employed. This is on a relief basis for the roles Centre Support Worker, Domestic Service and Home Based Respite.

-  The Domestic Service has gained another Service User and with the introduction of new staff we are now able to offer this when the current employee is on leave.

-  The Home Based Respite Service is due to begin in March, following staff training.

-  The Befriender’s Project is due to begin in summer. The job description and administration are in their final stages. The role of Co-ordinator and volunteers will be advertised over the coming month. Anyone interested in being involved in this service should contact the General Manager tel.01456 459077.

-  The Glenurquhart Centre is assisted through the kind support of ‘The Friends of the Centre’. They meet on the second Saturday of the month for a coffee morning, 10am to 11.30pm. All funds go towards additional items the centre requires.

- The centre also holds community meetings where we invite speakers who can give advice to anyone interested in learning more about a particular charity. These are held on the last Thursday of the month, everyone is welcome.

28th February, 11am to 12.30pm: Age Scotland (including the Veteran’s Project)

28th March, 11.15am to 12.30pm: Sight Action (including Macular degeneration)

- GCP’s housing project has allocated all 12 houses. These have been verbally accepted by the new tenants who will now be contacted by the tenancy company. A ‘Meet the neighbour’ and site visit has been planned in March for our new residents. We are still receiving further enquiries and have a waiting list if any of the houses become available.

10. NHS / Patient Participation Group
Members of the community are reminded that if they are attending Raigmore Hospital they may well be advised to go to Infirmary for blood tests.  This does not necessarily suit everyone, and the surgery are happy to do these tests locally for those who are unable to attend the Infirmary.  

11. Roads

A82 – David Fraser advised that the missing Bus Stop sign at the Lewiston Garage was due to be replaced, and the railing at the old Ross Memorial building will be removed, which will give more space on footpath.  The Playground sign between Borlum Bridge and Lewiston will also be removed.

Drum bridge work complete for the time being.  Contractors will be back later in the year to carry out repair / pointing work on the outside of the bridge.

Potholes – Members of the community are advised to report these directly through the Highland Council webpage unless its on the A82 in which case use the Transport Scotland site.
A831 – It was agreed that general road drainage on the Glen road would be notified directly to the Highland Council, this would also include gulleys at the top end of Balmacaan Road.  Action – David Fraser

“Glen Urquhart” Signage – It was noted that some private funding had become available and Ken Fraser and David Fraser had been pursuing the erection of “Welcome to Glen Urquhart” signage on the A82 with both Highland Council and Transport Scotland.  It was hoped that signs could be positioned at the layby at the top of the hill on the Drumnadrochit side of the Clansman, and in the John Cobb memorial layby.  GUCC were happy for Ken and David to continue to pursue this and to negotiate with Bear Scotland and Transport Scotland regarding design and location.  Gillian Skinner advised that the Chamber of Commerce had received permission for the installation of a “Village of Drumnadrochit” sign.   

12. Planning Applications
19/00415/MSC – Erection of 12 detached houses, 12 semi-detached houses, 8 terraced houses, 8 flats, 2 mid terrace houses and associated infrastructure works and landscaping – item discussed and response agreed under Item 7 above.
19/00703/FUL – Erection of house, land 150m NE of Larisa House, Bunloit, Drumnadrochit – noted.
18/04301/FUL – Installation of 7 no pods for holiday let, Enrick Woodland, Glen Urquhart – it was noted that this application had now been withdrawn.

13.  Correspondence
None received.

14. Any Other Business
Path to Loch Aslaich – It was noted that the road surface was difficult to traverse for multi-users following the recent works which had been undertaken in the area.  Margaret Davidson advised that she would follow this up with the Planning Department.  Action – Margaret Davidson

Campervans & Clansman Hotel – It was noted that issues were ongoing with campervans reversing out of the Clansman onto the A82.  It was acknowledged that this is also a concern for Fraser Campbell who employs staff to direct traffic but they cannot go on to the A82, and he is also providing additional parking alongside the hotel.  It was agreed that it would be worth mentioning this issue to the Police Officer next in attendance at a GUCC meeting, and to ask Transport Scotland to review signage in the area.   

Old Kilmore Car Park – It was noted that issues had already begun again with campervans staying overnight in the car park.  It was agreed that a reminder about the installation of a height restriction barrier would be sent to Tullochs.  Action – David Fraser

15. Details of Next Meetings
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 25th March at 8.00pm in Blairbeg Hall.  

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.10pm.