Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Inaugural Meeting held on
Monday 25th November 2019 at 8.00pm

in Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit

This meeting followed by General Meeting

1.            Present: Cllr Margaret Davidson (Chair), David Fraser, Pam Lucas, Fiona Urquhart, David Ferguson, Dianne Fraser, Dominic Thierry, Stewart MacLeay, Kerri Ramsaidh and Val Cooper

Also present: Councillor George Cruickshank and 18 members of the public.   

Apologies: Councillor Helen Carmichael.

Margaret Davidson welcomed those present to the inaugural meeting of the new community council.

2.            Call for Nominations for appointment of Chairperson – David Fraser

   Proposed by: Pam Lucas  Seconded by: Fiona Urquhart

3.            Handover to duly elected Chairperson

In his position as Chair, David Fraser asked all members of the Community Council to introduce themselves – Dominic Thierry, Pam Lucas, Dianne Fraser, Kerri Ramsaidh, David Ferguson and Stewart MacLeay did so, and a warm welcome was extended to all.  GUCC is very pleased to see so many new members.

A)            Call for nominations for appointment of Vice Chair – Dianne Fraser
    Proposed by:  Fiona Urquhart  Seconded by: Dominic Thierry

B)            Call for nominations for appointment of Secretary – Val Cooper
     Proposed by: David Fraser  Seconded by: unanimous

C)            Call for nominations for appointment of Treasurer – David Ferguson
     Proposed by: Pam Lucas  Seconded by: unanimous

4.             Set the Date / Time of the next meeting – proposed time 8.15pm on 25th November 2019

The Establishment meeting concluded at 8.10pm

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on

Monday 25th November 2019 at 8.15pm

in the Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit

1.               Present: David Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Fiona Urquhart, David Ferguson, Dianne Fraser, Dominic Thierry, Stewart  MacLeay, Kerri Ramsaidh and Val Cooper

Also present: Councillors Margaret Davidson and George Cruickshank and 18 members of the public.

Apologies: Councillor Helen Carmichael.

2.               Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting on 28th October 2019 were approved as a correct record (Fiona Urquhart / Pam Lucas).

3.               Matters arising from minutes

Item 3 – Erection of signs for Glen Urquhart – ongoing.  Action – David Fraser

Item 3 - Old Kilmore Car Park – Margaret Davidson confirmed that she is continuing to liaise with Tulloch and Highland Council with regards to Tulloch potentially undertaking some initial works prior to Highland Council taking over ownership of the area.  Works would include drainage work and the installation of a height restriction barrier. Action – Margaret Davidson

Item 3 – The creation of safe pathways through the beechwood – ongoing. Action – Margaret Davidson

Item 3 – Funeral Delays – Margaret Davidson confirmed that she would continue to liaise with the relevant department and forward information on to GUCC.  Action – Margaret Davidson

Item 7 - Craigmonie Woodland – There has been very little progress on the hill over the last month.  It was agreed that Pam Lucas contact FLS to request an update on progress and also advise that GUCC would like a further update for their January meeting.  The importance of maintaining momentum on the completion of works in this area was agreed.  Action – Pam Lucas

4.               Treasurer’s Report
Peter Macdonald reported that since the last meeting £11.25 had been paid in hall rent for meetings, £702 for work carried out within Cnocan Burraidh, and £47.85 for renewal of the GUCC domain name and website.  The Highland Council grant has now been received, this was £638.51, significantly less than previously.  Members discussed the possibility of applying to the discretionary fund for additional financial support, and it was agreed that David Ferguson and David Fraser would submit an application.  Action – David Ferguson / David Fraser  The balance on handover to the new Council is £9,518.19 comprising £598.68 in useable funds, £1,340 in reserve, and £7,649.51 set aside for Cnoc an Burraidh.   Thanks were passed to Peter Macdonald for his many years of work for the Community Council.  

5.                Community Council Constitution and Standing Orders

The Community Council Constitution and Standing Orders and Code of Conduct had been circulated to CC members.  It had been agreed to include the name of the CC and the meeting dates within these documents.  Members unanimously agreed these minor changes, the documents would now be signed and returned to Highland Council.

6.                Community Council Role and Representation at Other Groups

David Fraser had circulated details of groups and organisations which GUCC attend / are represented on, to members prior to the meeting.  These were discussed and confirmed as follows:  
Planning Secretary – Fiona Urquhart
Glen Urquhart Community Association – Fiona Urquhart
Glenurquhart Centre (to provide a monthly or bimonthly udate to users) – Kerri Ramsaidh
Strathglass CC and Soirbheas Liaison Meetings – Pam Lucas & Kerri Ramsaidh
Inverness Community Council Forum – Invitations will be circulated, and attendance by GUCC members where possible and appropriate.
Highland Council Communication and Resilience Meeting – Dianne Fraser
North Loch Ness District Action meeting – Details to be circulated when available, and attendance to be confirmed.
Forest and Land Scotland Liaison – Pam Lucas
Cnocan Burraidh – David Fraser, Pam Lucas and David Ferguson
Transport Scotland Liaison – David Fraser and David Ferguson
Community Land Purchase Group – currently on hold
Historic Environment Scotland – details to be circulated when available and attendance to be confirmed.
Loch Ness Homes Liaison – David Fraser and one other who might be available

7.                Policing Update
No officer was present at the meeting however the following report was submitted in advance of the meeting;

Road Safety - Several periods of road safety patrols have been carried out with the following results, 1 driver cautioned and charged with careless driving, 4 fixed penalties have been issued.
Public Protection - There have been a number of calls received relating to doors being opened or tried in various locations in the area.  To date there has not been anyone identified in relation to this.  Should member of the community have any information this should be passed to Police Scotland.
Drugs / Alcohol Misuse – No incidents of note.
Crimes of Dishonesty – Between 1900hrs on 26/10/10 and am of 01/11/19 persons unknown have damaged a stained glass window in the Church of Scotland premises.  This was vandalism and not an attempted to gain entry.  Several local youths have been identified as responsible for thefts in the local shop and this is being addressed.
Officers have also had to attend to the unexpected death of Ronald Ferguson.  Our thoughts go out to his friends and family at this sad time.
Officers will, whenever possible be carrying out both marked and unmarked patrols in the Drumnadrochit area during the hours of darkness.

Members noted concern at the frequency of break ins / attempted break ins and vandalism, and queried if the local officers were now at capacity.  Margaret Davidson advised that she would visit the Fort Augustus station on her next visit to the area and will enquire about officer numbers.  It was also agreed that David Fraser would report the concerns of the meeting back to the local office.   Action – Margaret Davidson / David Fraser

8.                Planning Applications
19/04851/ADV – Advertisement Consent - Installation of sign in shop window
, 2 Victoria Buildings, Drumnadrochit – noted
Springfield Development – Margaret Davidson advised that the application will be considered by Highland Council planning committee next week. In relation to this application, the Planning Officer had been content with the higher density of housing proposed and an increased rate of build per year, which was not in alignment with the Local Plan.  Regardless of how the application goes, this creates a doubt in how GUCC can have confidence in the next Local Plan if what is stipulated within it is not adhered to by Officers.  When the process of consultation on the next Local Plan begins, GUCC will invite a senior planning officer to attend a meeting to provide an explanation on how GUCC should interpret future local plans.
Fasnakyle Windfarm – Notification of proposal had been received (this is not yet a planning application), for a large scale windfarm, in the Corrimony / Tomich / Guisachan area.  Comments have been requested on the scoping document only at this stage.  The developer has offered to meet with CC members but not a public meeting and it was agreed that GUCC do not wish to meet the developer at this stage, but would wish to comment on the document.  It was agreed that a response be collated and agreed by members.  The current policy regarding early engagement with developers by Soirbheas was noted, confirming that no agreement be entered into without engagement and liaison with the community. The forthcoming joint meeting between GUCC, Strathglass CC and Soirbheas will look at this in more detail.  Any members of the community with a particular interest / expertise is encouraged to contact David Fraser for input into the GUCC response to the Scoping Document.
Loch Ness Homes – Margaret Davidson and David Fraser continue to work hard to move forward the installation by BEAR Scotland of a safe crossing point at the Scotmid / Health Centre.  The Loch Ness Homes developer had confirmed that a barrier would be installed where the parkland path meets the A82 opposite the Lewiston Garage, the design has to be approved by Highland Council and the timescales have yet to be confirmed.   

9.                Correspondence
All correspondence received has been circulated to GUCC members.

10.               Any Other Business

SSE Attendance at GUCC – A request had been received from SSE to attend some GUCC meetings, David Fraser will pass on meeting dates and attendance can be agreed depending on how full GUCC agendas are.  Action – David Fraser

Heading for Extinction Talk – Offer from Kate MacLaughlan to attend GUCC to provide a talk, it was agreed that this subject might be more appropriate for some other community groups.  

Thanks to Retiring Members – It was agreed that Ken Fraser, Peter Macdonald and John Duncan be invited to attend the February GUCC meeting in Balnain Hall where their many years of outstanding service to the Community Council can be formally acknowledged.  

A82 – The A82 will be closed for 4 nights at the beginning of December for resurfacing works at Abriachan and the Clansman.  Emergency vehicles will have access.  It was also noted that a recent accident caused by standing surface water had resulted in a car leaving the road and travelling approximately 20 metres down the bank to the lochside, about 2 miles south of Urquhart Castle.  This had raised the question of the lack of roadside barriers in some areas, and this would be put to Transport Scotland.  Action – David Fraser

Culnakirk – The abandoned and vandalised car which had been sitting at the roadside for some time, and the stones which have been put on the entranceway verges of some house accesses would be reported to Highland Council Roads Department.  Action – David Fraser

Litter bins – It was noted that there was an ongoing problem with discarded bags of dog waste in the cover / Old Kilmore area.  Highland Council are no longer installing dog waste bins, but it was agreed to mention this to the Woodland Trust to see if they had any thoughts for addressing this.  There was continued to be an accumulation of litter in the parking area at the entrance to the forestry off the A831 at Polmaily, and this would be raised with FLS.  Action – Pam Lucas

Mens Shed – The newly established Mens Shed was going well, with membership of around 10 local men.  

GURCA Asset Transfer – Gordon Findlay advised that the community purchase of the Tourist Information Centre had been approved by committee, and the group were now beginning the process of submitting grant applications to fund the purchase.  Thanks were passed to Gordon for all his work and he was wished well with the grant applications.

11.               Details of Next Meetings
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 27th January, Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.  

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.