Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Annual General Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting
held on
Monday 28th June 2021 at 8.00pm
via Conference Call
Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-
Annual General Meeting
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Acting Chairman), Pam Lucas, Fiona Urquhart (Planning Secretary), Dominic Thierry, David Ferguson (Treasurer)
Also present: Councillor Margaret Davidson, Councillor David Fraser, Susan Clark (GURCA) and 5 members of the public.
Apologies: Councillor Helen Carmichael, Stuart McLeay Val Cooper and Gordon Watson.
2. Minute of Previous AGM
The minute of the AGM on 23rd November 2020 was approved at the routine meeting following the AGM on 25th January 2021
3. Chairman’s Report – Dianne Fraser
During 2021, the Glen Urquhart Community Council continued to seek to act as a voice for the Glen Urquhart community.
Since the last AGM in November 2020, the Community Council met five times, and with Covid restrictions all meetings have been held online.
All meetings remain open to the public. All details of meetings are available on the Community Council Website ( )
The role of the Community Council is defined by our objectives.
a) to ascertain, co-
b) to express the views of the community to The Highland Council to public authorities and other organisations.
c) to take such action in the interests of the community as appears to be desirable and practicable.
d) to promote the well-
e) to be a means whereby the people of the area shall be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its development, and amenity.
At the heart of these objectives is representing the voice of the Glen Urquhart Community, and we encourage everyone to engage with the Community Council.
The Community Council continues to work closely with a number of groups within the Glen including GURCA, Soirbheas, and Glenurquhart Care Project. These working relationships enable flexibility with different organisations taking the lead on different issues and ensures Glen Urquhart has a strong voice when lobbying on various issues.
In March 2021, David Fraser was elected to Highland Council to represent the ward of Aird and Loch Ness and stepped down as Chairman of Glen Urquhart Community Council. Many thanks to David for his tireless efforts in representing Glen Urquhart as Chairman of Community Council, we wish David all the very best in his new role and look forward to continuing to work with David in his new capacity.
Roads / Drainage
Community Council continues to partner with Highland Council, Transport Scotland and the wider community to identify areas of concern and improvement. Recent projects include pedestrian crossing at Health Centre/Scotmid shop, and lobbying for path from Glenurquhart Care Centre to new Scotmid. The Community Council continue to lobby for road safety improvements including Lewiston Junction, and installation of flashing speed warning signs throughout the village.
Community Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Glen Urquhart area.
In January 2021, the Scottish Government Reporter approved amended application by Springfield for large development in centre of Drumnadrochit. Community Council are currently seeking to engage with Springfield on this development.
Community Council sought to work with Highland Housing Alliance (HHA), GURCA, and Glen Urquhart Shinty Club and other members of community to review development plans for the old Scotmid site. An agreement was not able to be reached, and HHA have now submitted an application that does not reflect community feedback and a number of objections have been lodged. At time of writing, we are awaiting outcome of Highland Council Planning Committee decision.
Community Council obtained funding for demolition of old shop, and this is anticipated in July 2021.
Flood Alleviation scheme
Following initial design issues and delays, Community Council was able to lobby Highland Council for amendments and work has now commenced on the amended Flood Alleviation Scheme. First phase downstream of Drum Bridge will be completed before winter of 2021/2022. Phase 2 (upstream of Drum bridge) will be completed in 2022.
Community Council provided feedback on several public consultation requests including the Local Development Plan, Loch Ness Infrastructure Plan, Local Boundary Commission, Transport Scotland Strategic Review, and a number of windfarm proposals.
Community Action Plan
Community Council have formed a steering group with GURCA and Soirbheas to develop a Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan for Glen Urquhart. This Plan will help build a future vision of Glen Urquhart. Community engagement and input will be vital in building this Plan, and we will be seeking community input as we move forward with development of this Plan.
Many thanks to all members of the Community, and the multiple community organisations who have come together to support members of our community during Covid restrictions. Many people have volunteered to provide a range of services from food larders, assistance with shopping, befriending and directing support requests to appropriate agencies / partners.
Many thanks to Councillor Margaret Davidson, and newly elected David Fraser for the significant amount of work and support they continue to provide. Margaret and David continue to ensure Highland Council respond to proposals and requests from our community.
The Community Council is a team effort from a group of dedicated volunteers, who tirelessly seek to represent the voice of the people of Glen Urquhart. My personal thanks to them all for their support, guidance, and enthusiasm.
Finally, thanks to all members of the Glen Urquhart community who engage with and support the Community Council. The Community Council can’t represent the Community without your voice.
4. Treasurer’s Report – David Ferguson
The monthly report is as per reported by David Ferguson and recorded in the minute of the routine meeting on 28th June 2021.
5. Election of Officers
The officers stood down and Councillor Fraser invited nominations, as follows:
o Chairman – Dianne Fraser (proposed by Fiona Urquhart / seconded by Dominic Thierry)
o Vice Chair – Pam Lucas (proposed by Fiona Urquhart / seconded by Dianne Fraser)
o Treasurer – David Ferguson (proposed by Pam Lucas / seconded by Fiona Urquhart)
o Planning Secretary – Fiona Urquhart (proposed by Dianne Fraser / seconded by Dominic Thierry)
o Minute Secretary – Val Cooper (proposed by Pam Lucas / seconded unanimously)
5. Any other business
There was no further business and the AGM closed at 8.15pm. And followed by Ordinary Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held on
Monday 28th June 2021 at 8pm
via conference call
Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Fiona Urquhart, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry.
Also present: Councillors David Fraser and Margaret Davidson, Susan Clark (GURCA), and 5 members of the public.
Apologies: Val Cooper, Stuart Ross, Stuart McLeay and Councillor Helen Carmichael.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 24th May 2021 was approved as a correct record (Dominic Thierry / Pam Lucas).
3. Matters arising from minutes
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following financial report:
Community Council : Balance = £9,740.42
£7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Loch Ness Tourism Strategy / Glen Urquhart Place Planning. (£288.23 was spent on the newsletter). Annual Grant (£638.51) received from Highland Council.
Cnoc an Buraidh : Balance = £11,269.79
Paid £7,200 for access path and cheque issued last month for £32.99 (paint) has now been deducted from the account.
Total balance £9,740.42 + £11,269.79 = £21,010.21
David Ferguson is still pursuing the possibility of moving to online banking. Action – David Ferguson
5. Police Report
No report received
6. Roads / Drainage
a) A82 Road
David Fraser advised that he and Margaret Davidson continued to liaise with Transport Scotland to progress issues on the A82.
Query raised on extension of 30mph speed limit between Drumnadrochit and Temple Pier. To be included in ongoing discussions.
b) A831
David Fraser advised that the Highland Council funding package was approved and priorities raised by GUCC were included.
The water mains work at Kilmichael is now complete. Scottish Water contractors will be back in October to commence the next section from Drum Bridge to Drumlon.
7. Planning Applications
a) Active Applications
21/01960/FUL -
21/02070/FUL Erection of extension to house, Silver Birch, Glenurquhart, Drumnadrochit -
21/02168/FUL – Change of use from retail shop to gin distillery, Loch Ness Exhibition Centre, Drumnadrochit – Noted
21/02374/MSC – Erection of House and Garage, 50 Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit – Noted
21/02539/MSC – Erection of House, Culreuch, Pitkerrald Road, Drumnadrochit – Noted
21/02727/FUL – Demolition of conservatory and erection of replacement extension, Morlea, Drumnadrochit – Noted
21/02836/S42 and 21/02837/MSC – Amendment to planning application, Croit Sonas, Drumnadrochit – Noted
b) Highland Housing Alliance / Old Shop Site
Planning application now submitted with number of objections noted including from GUCC. Will be referred to Planning Committee in September.
Demolition scheduled for July
c) Loch Ness Homes
Noted that Skye Builders have withdrawn from it’s contract. Loch Ness Homes is in the process of finalising contracts with an alternative developer. Loch Ness Homes have confirmed that the style of houses may vary, the number will not increase. Councillor Fraser has received assurances that the schedule to complete footpaths and infrastructure will be completed as part of Phase
8. Licence Variation Request – Benleva
The Benleva Hotel has made an application to vary the terms of its licence to reflect expansion of the operation of its business. In general the CC does not respond to such requests unless comments are received from neighbours and this case is no different. But clarification about occupancy figures was requested. Action Fiona Urquhart
9. Community Action Plan / Place Plan
Dominic Thierry and Dianne Fraser continue to attend meetings of Steering Group with representatives from GURCA and Soirbheas. Challenges with awarding of funding and funding applications being resubmitted. Awaiting confirmation of funding before proceeding to tender. ACTION Dianne Fraser / Dominic Thierry
10. Flood Alleviation Schemes
Noted above
11. Consultations
a) Local Development Plan
Dianne Fraser confirmed that a response had been submitted and an acknowledgement received. More information would be available at the process continues.
b) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Consultation on Scottish Fire and Rescue Services Long Term Vision. Dianne to partner with local Drumnadrochit Fire Brigade members on response.
Action – Dianne Fraser
c) Emergency Traffic Regulation Orders Response – Action – Dianne Fraser
d) Fireworks -
12. Correspondence
Covered in minutes
13. AOCB
a) Local Boundary Commission – report published by Boundaries Scotland on proposed changes to Local Boundaries which included significant changes to Ward 12 Aird and Loch Ness including renaming to Aird (losing the Loch Ness from title), reduction in area with Stratherrick being transferred to Inverness and the reduction in number of councillors representing the area from 4 to 3.
Highland Council have voted to reject proposals as community responses have been ignored. GUCC will respond and members of the public are also urged to do so,
Action to write to MSP’s to express disagreement. ACTION – Dianne Fraser
b) Forestry and Land run off: A member of the community believes that run off is occurring from the forest onto their land as a result of road grading carried out in recent months. Councillor Fraser will draw the attention of F&L to this. Action Councillor Fraser
c) Broadband – broadband connectivity remains variable in the area. Commenced review to understand options to improve broadband connectivity in area. Dianne requested examples off good / bad performance and addresses for reference sites. ACTION – Dianne Fraser to reach out to neighbouring councils to align on their plans and BT Open Reach on grants.
d) Etape – Assuming a covid level of 0 the new date for this event is August 22nd. New stop stations are proposed for Urquhart Castle and Invermoriston. Updates will be provided as plans emerge.
e) Councilor Fraser informed the meeting that he is now a member of the Inverness South planning committee. Consequently he will be unable to comment on planning applications at CC meetings because such input would preclude his taking part in committee discussions. He has also become a member of the Health, Wellbeing and Social Care committee. Members congratulated him on these appointments.
14. Details of Next Meeting
Summer vacation and next meeting scheduled for Monday 23rd August 2021 at 8pm.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.45pm.
Minutes Historical |
Historical News |
Redevelopment of former Scotmid Site |