Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Annual General Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting
held on
Monday 27th June 2022 at 7.30pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
Annual General Meeting
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Fiona Urquhart, Dominic Thierry, David Ferguson (Treasurer), Stuart Ross, Bill Smart, Iain Riddle and Val Cooper.
Also present: 1 member of the public.
Apologies: Councillors David Fraser and Chris Ballance, Susan Clark, GURCA and Nicky MacLennan, Soirbheas.
2. Minute of Previous AGM
The minute of the AGM on 28th June 2021 was approved at the routine meeting following the AGM on 23rd August 2021. A copy is available on the GUCC website.
3. Chairman’s Report – Dianne Fraser
During 2022, the Glen Urquhart Community Council continued to act as a voice for the Glen Urquhart community. The objectives of the Community Council are:
a) to ascertain, co-
b) to express the views of the community to The Highland Council to public authorities and other organisations.
c) to take such action in the interests of the community as appears to be desirable and practicable.
d) to promote the well-
e) to be a means whereby the people of the area shall be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its development, and amenity.
At the heart of these objectives is representing the voice of the Glen Urquhart Community, and we encourage everyone to engage with the Community Council.
Since the last AGM in June 2021, the Community Council met ten times, with in-
All meetings remain open to the public. All details of meetings are available on the Community Council Website (
Roads / Drainage
The Community Council continues to partner with Highland Council, Transport Scotland and the wider community to identify areas of concern and improvement. Lobbying continues for overall improvements to A82, Lewiston Junction, speed limit reviews and installation of flashing speed warning signs throughout the village.
Community Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Glen Urquhart area.
Community Council liaised with Loch Ness Homes on their amended application for completion of housing development around Scotmid shop. We were able to secure the provision of a temporary path between Glen Urquhart Care Centre and retail units. This will be installed early in the construction period and remain until the permanent path is built.
Community Council are currently seeking to engage with Springfield to form a community liaison group for their development in centre of Drumnadrochit, adjacent to the fire station.
Community Council obtained funding for demolition of old shop which was completed in July 2021. The Highland Housing Alliance planning application for site was rejected by Scottish Reporter following objections from Community Council, Highland Council, and the wider community. Currently awaiting outcome of community consultation on future development for this site.
Flood Alleviation Scheme
Following initial design issues and delays, Community Council was able to lobby Highland Council for amendments and work on scheme was completed in March 2022.
During construction, Highland Council and the contractor provided site tours for a number of community members including local high school students.
Glen Urquhart Community wishes to extend their thanks to Highland Council and the contractors for their regular project updates, community engagement and contributions and for the protection the scheme will provide.
Community Council provided feedback on several public consultation requests including the Local Development Plan, Short Term Let Proposals, Local Boundary Commission, Transport Scotland Strategic Review, and a number of windfarm proposals.
Community Action Plan
In partnership with GURCA and Soirbheas, Community Council formed a steering group to develop a Community Action Plan. This Plan will assist in establishing a future vision for Glen Urquhart including community project priorities. Development of the plan is currently nearing completion.
After representing our community at Highland Council for 27 years, Margaret Davidson stood down in May 2022. Margaret represented our community with passion and commitment, shaping our community in many ways – both seen and unseen. The Glen Urquhart community extend their sincere thanks to Margaret for her significant service to our community and wish her the best in her new endeavours.
The Community Council continues to work closely with a number of other community groups within the Glen including GURCA, Soirbheas, and Glen Urquhart Care Project. These working relationships enable flexibility with different organisations taking the lead on different issues and ensures Glen Urquhart has a strong voice when lobbying on various issues.
Many thanks to all members of the community, and the multiple community organisations who have come together to support members of our community during Covid restrictions. Many people have volunteered to provide a range of services from food larders, assistance with shopping, befriending and directing support requests to appropriate agencies / partners.
The Community Council is a team effort from a group of dedicated volunteers, who tirelessly seek to represent the voice of the people of Glen Urquhart. My personal thanks to them all for their support, guidance, and enthusiasm.
Finally, thanks to all members of the Glen Urquhart community who engage with and support the Community Council. The Community Council can’t represent the community without your voice.
4. Treasurer’s Report – David Ferguson
The monthly report, provided by David Ferguson is as per the minute of the routine meeting on 27th June 2022.
5. Election of Officers
The officers stood down and Val Cooper invited nominations, as follows:
o Chairman – Dianne Fraser (proposed by Fiona Urquhart / seconded by Bill Smart)
o Vice Chair – Pam Lucas (proposed by Dianne Fraser / seconded by Dominic Thierry)
o Treasurer – David Ferguson (unanimously approved)
o Planning Secretary – Iain Riddle (proposed by Fiona Urquhart / seconded by Dianne Fraser)
o Minute Secretary – Val Cooper (unanimously approved)
5. Any other business
There was no further business and the AGM closed at 8pm.
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 27th June 2022 at 8.00pm
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 27th June 2022 at 8.00pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Stuart Ross, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry, Iain Riddle, Bill Smart, Fiona Urquhart and Val Cooper.
Also present: 1 member of the public.
Apologies: Councillors David Fraser and Chris Ballance, Nicky MacLennan, Soirbheas, and Susan Clark, GURCA.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 23rd May was approved as a true record (Fiona Urquhart / Dianne Fraser).
3. Matters arising from minutes
Item 6 Police Reports – Dianne Fraser confirmed that Councillor Emma Knox had contacted Police Scotland on behalf of local Community Councils to request submission of monthly reports. It was further agreed that Dianne Fraser would also contact senior police personnel to request that the submission of reports be made. Action – Dianne Fraser
Item 15 – Shenval Defibrillator – Dominic Thierry confirmed that he would contact Pierre Lebrun to establish if the Shenval defibrillator has been added to the GURCA register. Action – Dominic Thierry
Item 15 -
Item 15 – Derelict Caravan – It was confirmed that the owner of the abandoned caravan in the woods on Balmacaan Road intends to repurpose it and has confirmed that this will be done in the next couple of months.
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following financial report:
In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows;
Community Council: Balance = £9,593.67
Note £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Loch Ness Tourism Strategy / Glen Urquhart Place Planning.
Community Council actual funds = £9,593.67 -
No change to balance. David advised that the annual insurance renewal is due in July and will investigate if cheaper options are available before renewing for next year.
Cnoc an Burraidh: Balance = £1,836.51
19/6/22 £230 paid into account from book sales and film show
New balance = £1,836.51 + £230 = £2,066.51
Total balance in our account = £9,593.67 + £2,066.51 = £11,660.18
Etape Donation -
5. Police Report
Pam Lucas advised that there was an increase in motorbikes driving at speed on the Glen road and requested that, as with previous years, the local police be advised of this and a request be made that they drive via the Glen and Cannich on occasion to monitor the road. There had also been a serious incident involving horses and their riders, and motorbikes, which was reported to Police Scotland. Action – Dianne Fraser
6. Roads / Drainage
A82 Safety Working Group – Awaiting confirmation of representative from Fort Augustus CC.
Drum Bridge Traffic Lights – Bear Scotland had provided very little advance notice, and no consultation regarding the recent traffic lights required for the repairs to Drum bridge. This work is now completed however there will be further lights required for repair to a damaged street light on the bridge. Dianne Fraser confirmed that she has requested that there is consultation for the timing of future works involving traffic control in the village.
A82 – Overhanging tree on the lochside and rocks near Drumbuie. Dianne Fraser advised that she would report these issues to Transport Scotland. Action – Dianne Fraser
Litter Picking – It was noted that litter picking had taken place along the A82 and it was agreed that Dianne Fraser would contact Highland Council to note thanks. Action – Dianne Fraser
Clansman Hotel – Members discussed ongoing issues with traffic congestion, particularly involving coaches accessing and parking at the Clansman. It was noted that the Clansman employ staff to help with parking issues and are always very open to discussing improvements. It was agreed that the new A82 Safety Working Group could look at any specific issues.
7. Planning Applications
a) Active Applications
22/02260/PNO – Installation of underground electricity cable to connect to house. Land 130m north of Cnoc Beag, Culnakirk – noted
22/02373/FUL – Alterations to house and erection of 2 carports, Beechwood, Balnain – noted
22/02622/FUL – Erection of house with associated access and drainage arrangements, land 55m south of 125 Balmacaan Road – Fiona Urquhart and Iain Riddle to ensure that the green belt area is retained as per initial planning consent. Action – Fiona Urquhart / Iain Riddle
West End Garage – Note of concern and breach of planning control request was submitted to Highland Council who have confirmed that they visited on site and requested that the appropriate retrospective planning application be submitted.
Bearnock Development – Breach of planning control request submitted to Highland Council who has requested more information in relation to the siting of buildings. A response has been submitted and a site visit will take place.
Springfield Development – Community Liaison Group, Dianne Fraser continuing to contact and pursue.
21/00101/S36 -
It was further agreed that a more general discussion take place at the joint Soirbheas and Strathglass CC meeting, in relation to the potential for challenging policy relating to wind farm development. Action – Bill Smart
8. Community Action Plan
Meeting scheduled for 28th June. The draft plan will be circulated to GUCC members when available.
9. GURCA Update
The following update was provided by Dan Light in advance of the meeting:
10. Soirbheas Update
The following update was provided in advance of the meeting:
Soirbheas Grants
o Tier 1 – does your group or charity require new equipment, resources or perhaps tuition to help deliver a project? Our express grant can fund up to £1000 of approved projects. A simple application and reporting process that can be applied for at any time. Main contact Nicky.
o Tier 2-
o Tier 3 – capital projects with maximum fund of £50,000 and 60% of project cost. Contact Carol to discuss before submitting an initial expression of interest by the 19th September.
o Apprenticeship fund is open, with applications open until the 24 October so your planning can start now. Up to £22,500 is available over 3 years to help cover wage/salary costs of a modern apprentice. There is also up to a further £1000 available to successful organisations to help purchase essential PPE and equipment for their new apprentice.
GUCC were pleased to see discussions taking place in relation to the provision of homecare for the local area.
The biannual meeting with Soirbheas, Strathglass Community Council and GUCC is scheduled to take place next week. Dianne Fraser and Bill Smart will attend as GUCC representatives.
11. Consultations
Alcohol Licencing – role of community councils, Dominic Thierry agreed to look at the consultation paperwork to establish the GUCC response. Action – Dominic Thierry
Beauly Cluster Asset Replacement Projects – It was greed that Bill Smart would look at this in more detail, liaise with Kilmorack and Strathglass community councils, and formulate a response in support of their submissions. Action – Bill Smart
12. Correspondence
No items which have not already been circulated to GUCC members.
13. AOCB
National Park Creation Group – Pam Lucas advised that a further meeting had been held, the group have formally registered an interest and are now awaiting details of the criteria for applicants. GUCC support for this project was confirmed. Further details can be found on the Facebook Page “FutureAffric”.
14. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 22nd August at 7.30pm, in Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Action List – June 2022
Minutes Historical |