Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on

Monday 22nd August 2022 at 8.00pm

Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Stuart Ross, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry, Iain Riddle, Bill Smart and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor David Fraser, Nicky MacLennan, Soirbheas, and 11 members of the public.  

Apologies: Fiona Urquhart, Emma Harrison, Visit Inverness Loch Ness, and Councillor Chris Ballance. 

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 
The minute of the meeting held on 27th June was approved as a true record (Bill Smart / Dominic Thierry).  The minute of the AGM, also held on 27th June was also approved as a true record (Dominic Thierry / Bill Smart). 

3. Matters arising from minutes 

Item 3 Shenval Defibrillator – Nicky Maclennan advised that the defibrillator would added to the main national NHS register and that Soirbheas would continue to liaise with Pierre Lebrun to ensure that maintenance and servicing was undertaken as required.   

Item 11 Beauly Cluster Asset Replacement Projects – Bill Smart confirmed that he had made contact with the chairs of Strathglass and Kilmorack Community Councils and would continue to liaise with them as required as the project moves in to the next consultation phase.    

4. Treasurer’s Report 

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

In the last 2 months, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows; 

Community Council Balance = 9,593.67 

(£7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Loch Ness Tourism Strategy / Glen Urquhart Place Planning – email Charles Stephen, cc’d David Fraser and Chris Balance, requesting that the money be re directed for Glen Urquhart Place Planning only)  Action – David Ferguson 

Community Council actual funds = £9,593.67 - £7,211.77 = £2,381.90 

11/7/22 Paid GURCA £11.25 for rent of Hall 

11/7/22 donated £900 on behalf of Etape, to Loch Ness RNLI (thank you card received) 

20/7/22 paid Zurich £112 for Public Liability Insurance 

25/7/22 received payment of £638.51 annual grant from Highland Council 

New balance = £2381.90 – (£11.25 + £900 + £112 ) + £638.51 = £1,997.16 

New total balance = £7,211.77 + £1,997.16 = £9,208.93 

Cnoc an Burraidh Balance = £2,066.51 

18/7/22 received £85 from High Life Highland, funds from ticket sales from film show. 

New total = £2,066.51 + £85 = £2,151.51 

On 1/8/22 all funds were transferred to GURCA, who are now looking after Cnoc an Burraidh, David Fraser passed on his thanks to David Ferguson for all his work in administering these funds. 

Total Balance in our account = £9,208.93 

5. Visit Loch Ness Update 

 Emma Harrison, Destination Development Manager, Visit Inverness Loch Ness was unable to attend the meeting, but did provide the following information: 

  At the moment, we have many events and opportunities - the best way to see them all would be signing up to our newsletter Visit Inverness Loch Ness ( 

  See and do maps- these are free for the area, so if there are any places you feel would benefit from having some maps for visitors, please just let us know. 

Fresh Water Top Up Scheme-Please click here for more info This is a scheme for business’s to pop a sticker on their windows to say they are taking part in a scheme for visitors and locals to be able to ask for a free water top up - this is to reduce plastic waste. Anyone can sign up for free and will be sent a pack - please just email 

Food and Drink Working Group: We would like to ensure the food and drink offerings in the area are promoted. There is an opportunity to be part of a culinary working group to create a strategy for the area, as well as working together on events. If anyone is interested, please get in touch with 

6. Police Report 

The following report was received in advance of the meeting: 

Road Safety – The number of calls in relation to poor or what was perceived to be dangerous driving incidents has increased substantially as has the volume of traffic on the roads over the summer period.  There have been numerous road traffic accidents, predominantly on A82.  It has also become more common to see persons walking or cycling on A82.  Please allow as much space as you would a car where possible.  Three reports have been submitted to Procurator Fiscal in relation to drunk driving detected 

in the area.  Local officers are working regularly with colleagues in Roads Policing and Camera Enforcement Unit to enforce road traffic legislation and influence driver behaviour. 

Public Protection - There were a small number of public protection issues that came to the attention of Police.  These incidents were dealt with and any referrals required were made. It would not be appropriate to further comment on specifics in this report.  If you have concerns about members of your community then there are resources online which can point you in the right direction about who you should report your concerns to.  Police Scotland are always available on 101 for advice on non-urgent concerns or 999 if an incident is immediate. 

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse - There were some instances of alcohol related disorder in licensed premises which were dealt with appropriately by staff and reported to Police.  Local officers conduct regular licensed premises visits in the area engaging with licensees, staff and patrons.  Each visit is recorded on police systems and relevant information shared with partner agencies such as local authority. 

Crimes of Dishonesty - A small number of crimes of dishonesty were reported during this period.  With the ever increasing reliance on online banking and shopping, criminals are becoming more sophisticated in how they carry out fraud. Should any community group feel they would benefit from a fraud prevention and online safety presentation from one of Police Scotland’s financial investigators, please contact PC Sara Hamilton at Fort Augustus Police Station.  

Other - There were a number of calls in relation to youth disorder in the area. Officers are aware of areas where youths congregate and carry out high visibility patrols where possible. We are looking forward to visiting schools in the area once term starts and engage with our young people.  There were a small number of reports of minor damage to property. Quite often these incidents have no eye witnesses which makes it more difficult to identify the persons responsible. If anyone becomes aware of information which could assist a police investigation but wishes to remain anonymous, they can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  Any information provided to police or via an external agency is crucial to developing an intelligence picture of what is happening in our community and can be used by local officers to focus on problem areas with additional high visibility mobile patrols and community engagement. 

7. Roads / Drainage 

Dianne Fraser confirmed that the following issues had been reported to Highland Council: 

Kilmichael to Drum bridge road surface 

Drumbuie erosion 

Pitkerrald potholes 

Top of Lewiston, water damage 

Gartally road condition 

In addition, the following items would be reported to Highland Council: 

Culnakirk Road – accidents at Pike Lochs area, signage obscured by vegetation. 

White Lining at Balnain and Shenval required 

Road markings on Drum Green need replaced, and parking on the corner obstructing access for bin lorries.  Action – Dianne Fraser 

A82 Working Group – Group meeting with Inverness West and Fort Augustus Community Councils – this group will work together to take issues forward.  It was agreed that the flooding at Strathard and condition of the crossing at the PO should be referred to this group.   


Bunloit – It was confirmed that Scottish Timber Transport, Highland Council and Scottish Government have allocated £433k for improvements to the road.  Iain Riddle will represent GUCC and liaise on this project.  Action – Iain Riddle 

Adoption of private roads by Highland Council – It was agreed that Bill Smart and Dianne Fraser would liaise with Highland Council on this issue.  Action – Bill Smart / Dianne Fraser  

8. Planning Applications 

a. Active Applications 

22/02333/FUL – Erection of fence, Casa Safari, 113 Balmacaan Road, Drumnadrochit – noted 

22/02347/ADV – Installation of sign, land at Drum Farm, south of Fire Station for Springfield Properties - noted 

22/02083/FUL – Siting of 4 shepherd huts for holiday let purposes, Stoneyfield, Balnain – note concerns re road safety, drainage, and support Scottish Water comments.  Action – Iain Riddle 

22/03013/FUL – Formation of access, erection of bridge – land 120m east of Old Corrimony - noted 

22/03374/FUL – Installation of dormer windows, Easter Balnagrantach, Drumnadrochit – noted. 

Statkraft UK Loch Laith Windfarm Proposal – Flyers delivered locally including details of open days and online information.  It was noted that members of the public can request modelling visualisations of views of the potential development from different viewpoints / areas.   

Loch Ness Homes – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she will be meeting with representatives later in the week and will provide an update at the next meeting. 

Springfield Site – Dianne Fraser advised that it has been challenging to get a response from Springfield, however it was hoped that more details in relation to the first meeting of the Community Liaison Group would be forthcoming soon.  Work cannot start on site until the Group has been formed.  There are still some planning conditions to finalise and archaeological work is currently taking place.   

Springfield Development Street Name Proposals – 3 required 

Badan Ruadh – clump of red trees, reference to larch plantation that used to be in this location.  Larch go red in winter. 

Dalnait – historical reference to section of field next to larch plantation 

Am Bord – reference from 1840’s by Miss Smith who either rented part of field, or proposed to rent part of field. 

Croft Gyle – historical reference to area behind the old school (1748) 

Hard Park – historical reference to area behind the Fire Station 

Stra na Caorach – the strath of the sheep / rowans 

Carnincher – historical reference to centre of field under proposed development 

Marstaig Street – early Saint of Celtic Church located 0.7km away 

Ach an Eorna – barley field or reference to good crop of stooked rye in the field 

Those present reviewed the above suggestions and were in agreement that the 3 names could incorporate the hills surrounding the development, eg Craigmonie / Achmony /Creag Nay / view / street / road.   


Outstanding Planning Issues – Iain Riddle confirmed that there had been no further information from Highland Council Planners with regards to the developments at Bearnock, and he would contact them again in this regard.  Action – Iain Riddle  Iain Riddle also confirmed that confirmation had been received that the building at the West End Garage is temporary and would be removed.    

Treatment Works – It was noted that the outfall from the treatment works goes into a tributary, and is not currently being diluted enough, hence the signage advising people to keep out of the river.  The outflow could be extended to overcome this problem.  It was agreed that a letter be sent to Scottish Water and SEPA, noting the disappointment that this situation has happened two years in a row, and asking what is planned to address this.  Action – Bill Smart 

Reed Bed at Balnain – It was noted that the reed bed at Balnain has not been maintained for some time and currently also has trees growing in it.  It was agreed that Bill Smart write to Scottish Water in this regard.  Action – Bill Smart 

9. Community Action Plan 

Dianne Fraser advised that the draft plan has been circulated to GUCC members.  The Community Action Plan Working Group will meet to discuss comments received, and it is expected that the final document will be circulated to members of the community by the end of October.  A further update on progress will be available at the next GUCC meeting.    

10. GURCA Update 

The following report was provided by Dan Light in advance of the meeting, and presented by Dominic Thierry who had attended the last GURCA meeting as a GUCC representative: 

Tom Arthur MSP visit - Tom Arthur Minister Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth Visited on the 21st July along with Ian Brown (Highland Council Leader for Inverness City). He was here to launch a review into the Community Empowerment Act. 

The Minister visited and toured the Loch Ness Hub and its facilities and met some of the Hub’s Board and Staff; the group then moved onto the Hall for a discussion on the Community Action Plan, Hall redevelopment the challenges faced here by our community and the barriers faced in order to build Community Wealth. 90 min visit with productive discussion. 

Wellbeing Events - Bite and Blether Lunches are well attended these happen every Tuesday 12:00-14:00 at the Hall – all welcome. These are Free sessions and it’s a lovely group – we’ve had a range of different lunches - something for everyone. 

Laddies Night - Men’s Social Evening – Tuesdays (sometimes Thursday) 19:00-21:00 we’ve had some fun with these especially playing Cornhole. We’d love more Fellas to join us - its just a chance to get out of the house, have a chat and a brew and have some fun. Nothing complicated, just a chance to connect. If you’d like to volunteer, come along or recommend a friend or neighbour please do – 

Arts Classes – Marj Tait is running Adult and Child Classes funded by Soirbheas and supported by GURCA. These are oversubscribed – keep an eye out… possibly more in future. 

DTAS – Development Trusts Association Scotland – GURCA have been chosen to be the Virtual Community Case Study and will be at the annual conference at the beginning of September. A 15 minute film has been made explaining GURCA’s role as a development trust and we hope to share it with you all soon. 

Phase 1 Hall repairs – 3 new windows at the Hall – thanks to MC Builders Highland for fitting. These were paid for by Highland and Islands Enterprise Greening Community Assets Fund (Scottish Gov) with some match funding by Soirbheas.  Roof re-slating of the main hall has been completed – thanks to Highland Slaters for this.  Place Based funding grant £45,000 Highland Council (Scottish Gov), Soirbheas £5000 and the remainder paid by GURCA.  Both of these represent non abortive costs should Phase 2 go ahead the work will not need to be undone. Hall users have noticed a difference is noise reduction and warmth. 

Both of these went well at a time of rising prices. Given the age of the building we were grateful not to encounter any major issues.  Grant Applications have been and continue to be submitted for funding for the wider refurbishment project. 

Community Litter Pick - Fri 26th Aug 1600 meet Blairbeg Park Car Park. GURCA Open meet Mon 12th Sept 1900 at the Hall 

Nicky MacLennan advised that Soirbheas had provided funding for the purchase of an 8 seater electric vehicle and it was hoped that this would be arriving in October.  The vehicle would be used to assist with the transportation of pupils from Balnain Primary to after school club at the Childcare Centre, it would also be available community groups and for the Hub to transport tourists requiring drop offs. 

11. Soirbheas Update 

The following update was provided in advance of the meeting: 

1. Funding 

Apprenticeships application open until 24 October – up to £22,500 plus £1000 for essential resources available for up to 3 years – contact Carol to discuss. 

Tier 1 – apply anytime for Express Awards £500 - £1000. 

Tier 2 - new round open until 28 November - £500 - £10k, 90% of project cost (10% required from match funding) contact Nicky or Carol. 

Tier 3 – Expression of Interest applications open until 19 Sept, 60% project costs up to £50k available – contact Carol. 

2. Grants Awarded 

Tier 1 Junior Bowling Bowls (GU Bowling Club). 

Tier 1 – Community Art Classes (GURCA)  starting in Sept – adults and children’s classes, both full with waiting lists. 

Tier 1 – Picnic table/bench (Drumnadrochit Flower Forum) being sited at the reflective garden beside PO. 

Tier 1 – 2 x Picnic table/benches (GU Games) – for use at The Games and after at the Coilte River and village Green until needed next/subsequent years at Games. 

Tier 1 – John Cobb memorial exhibition (GU heritage Group) – first week October 

Tier 2 – electric people carrier (LNH). 

Electric cargo bikes at Sheiling Project, nursery now closed, cargo bikes now relocated to Glen Urquhart Nursery. 

3. Beavers in Strathglass – release of beavers, project group were hoping for September, but due to amount of concerns in Strathglass this is being postponed. 

4. GU Highland Games and Gathering – Soirbheas have a stand at the Games this Saturday to connect with the community and answer any questions about our work. 

5. Green Living Event – provisional date 8 October, repair and reuse, reduce waste, compost and growing, local foods, bike maintenance, e-bikes, and lots more. 

6. Care at Home – scoping an option with Highland Hospice to identify a delivery model in our area. Similar partnerships already taking place in the 3 Glens (Fort Augustus, Glenmoriston and Glengarry) and Boleskine.  Paula Cooper is coming to the Soirbheas meeting this Thursday to answer questions. 

7. Paths – lots of discussions have been taking place. Carol is organising a community meeting soon. 

8. CAP – meeting re actions on 8 September. 

9. Soirbheas Board Meeting – this Thursday (25 August), Balnain Hall, 7.30pm 

10. Contact details – Carol Masheter Tel: 0751 445 2783 or  Nicky MacLennan  Tel: 0784 278 1986  Web site:


12. Consultations 

 Beaver Proposal for Introduction Glen Affric and Strathglass – consultation period extended to 3rd October. 

 NHS Communications - note regarding NHS linking with communities regarding services and needs – a meeting with the Patient Participation Group was set for October.   


13. Correspondence 

 No items which have not already been circulated to GUCC members. 


14. AOCB 

 Drum Hub Car Park Overnight Parking – Overnight parking not is not currently permitted, however it is thought that some members of the community have been directing people to this area for overnight parking.  There was a general discussion about the volume of campers parking in various locations around the area which are not appropriate for overnight stays.  It was agreed that this issue would be raised with the local Highland Council Access Rangers.  Action – Dianne Fraser  

Post Box Locations – David Ferguson advised that Royal Mail have confirmed that the post box at the bottom of Balmacaan Road would not now be relocated to the new Scotmid.  David Fraser confirmed that Highland Council would tidy up the trees surrounding the post box.  The post box at the PO was removed at the request of the landowner, this would not be reinstated and those present were in agreement to pursue the proposal to relocate this within the Hub car park.  Thanks were passed to David Ferguson for all his work in resolving these issues.   

Men’s Shed Update – David Ferguson advised that the Mens Shed currently do not have permanent premises but have been meeting in Balnain Hall on a Wednesday evening.  The forestry buildings at Balnain will be vacated in due course and the group are currently looking at the possibility of a community asset transfer alongside the Community Housing Trust.  The Mens Shed have had a stall at the Market on the Green and will also have a stall at the Highland Games and any support is welcomed.  

Postal Delivery Service – Postal delivery service to IV63 continues to be sporadic.  Dianne Fraser confirmed that she has contacted the CEO of Royal Mail to request statistics on the level of failed routes, and a response is awaited.   

Highlands Rewilding Bunloit – Kirsty Mackay advised that guided walks were scheduled for September and would be open to the community, this would be an opportunity to share information and research findings, and to gather community input.  Dates will be advertised locally and on social media.    

GUCC Facebook Page – New page, “Glen Urquhart Community Council” has been set up.  will be used more frequently 

GUCC Website – Members recorded their thanks to Dan Luscombe for all the work he undertakes in ensuring the GUCC website is maintained and up to date.   

15. Details of Next Meeting 

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 26th September, 7.30pm in Balnain Hall.    

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.45pm.   


Action List – August 2022