Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 26th September 2022 at 7.30pm 

Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart 

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Pam Lucas, Stuart Ross, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry, Iain Riddle and Bill Smart

 Also present: Councillor Chris Ballance, Susan Clark (GURCA) and 10 members of the public

 Apologies: David Fraser, Fiona Urquhart and Val Cooper

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 


2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 22nd August was approved as a true record (Iain Riddle / Bill Smart). 


3. Matters arising from minutes 

Item 4: David Ferguson confirmed funds ringfenced for Glen Urquhart Place Planning


4. Treasurer’s Report 

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

  Our Bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in August the total balance in our account was £9,208.93

In the last month we have had no bills to pay and have received no payments, so the balance is unchanged at £9,208.93.  However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by the Community Council = £9,208.93 - £7,211.77 = £1,997.16

The total balance in our account = £9,208.93


5. Police Report 

The following report was received in advance of the meeting: 


Road Safety – Police Scotland continue to receive a number of calls in relation to poor or what is perceived to be dangerous driving incidents as the volume of traffic remains high through the area.  Local officers have attended a number of minor road traffic collisions.  Two reports were submitted to Procurator Fiscal in relation to careless driving and one for

drinking while under the influence of alcohol.  

Public Protection – There were a small number of public protection issues that came to the attention of Police. These incidents were dealt with and any referrals required were made. It would not be appropriate to further comment on specifics in this report.  If you have concerns about members of your community then there are resources online which can point you in the right direction about who you should report your concerns to.  Police Scotland are always available on 101 for advice on non-urgent concerns or 999 if an

incident is immediate.

Drugs / Alcohol Misuse - There were some instances of alcohol related disorder in licensed premises which were dealt with appropriately by staff and reported to Police.

Crimes of Dishonesty - There were a couple of reports of minor thefts in the area and one report of damage to an unoccupied property.  If persons are seen acting suspiciously in the area, please call police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Anonymous can be provided by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  Any information provided to police is crucial to developing an intelligence picture of what is happening in our community and can be used by local officers to focus on problem areas with additional high visibility mobile patrols and community engagement.

Other – No incidents of note.

6. Roads / Drainage

Dianne Fraser confirmed that items had been reported to Highland Council and some responses had been noted.  

A82 Steering Group being formed with neighbouring community councils from Fort Augustus and Inverness West – GUCC to be represented by Bill Smart and Iain Riddle

7. Planning 

a. Active Applications 

22/03463/FUL – Change of use to short term letting accommodation, Bridgend House, Drumnadrochit – Noted

22/03364/FUL – Erection of 4 holiday lodges and managers accommodation and associated works, land 120m SE of Dun Ban, Bunloit – Extension for submission of comments agreed with Planning.  Objection to be noted re concerns over hinterland development, road/traffic impact, water/waste water concerns, visual impact / density and road safety.  Iain Riddle to provide response.

22/03648/FUL – Erection of holiday chalet, Creagach, Balnain – Noted

22/03788/FUL – Change of use from garage to holiday letting unit, Wayside, Drumnadrochit – Noted – retrospective

22/03786/FUL – Change of use to holiday letting unit, land 30m NW of Wayside, Drumnadrochit – Noted

22/04072/FUL – Installation of solar panels on workshop roof, land 40m north of Ancarraig House, Bunloit - Noted

Meeting with Springfield Developments planned for Wednesday 28th September – GUCC to be represented by Iain Riddle and Dianne Fraser

8. Community Action Plan 

Draft plan provided, including summary and detailed plan.  

Launch event planned at Urquhart Castle for 3rd November 5.30-8pm.  

9. GURCA Update 

Dan Light provided the following update in advance of the meeting:

Wellbeing Events:

Bite and Blether Lunches are well attended these happen every Tuesday 12:00-14:00 at the

Hall – all welcome. These are Free sessions and it’s a lovely group – we’ve had a range of

different lunches -something for everyone. Please continue to spread the word

Laddies Night: Men’s Social Evening– Tuesdays (sometimes Thursday) 19:00-21:00 we’ve

had some fun with these including some foraging and cooking up sausages on a rocket

stove. We’d love more Gentlemen to join us - its just a chance to get out of the house, have

a chat and a brew and have some fun. Nothing complicated, just a chance to connect.

If you’d like to volunteer, come along or recommend a friend or neighbor please do –

Arts Classes – Marj Tait has been running Adult and Child Classes funded by Soirbheas

and supported by GURCA. These are oversubscribed – keep an eye out… possibly more in


Coming Soon – Hall of Games – an opportunity to get together for a warm drink, snacks and

play games on a Thursday afternoon. We hope to give a warm welcome and will make use

of some of the HTSI Mental Health and Wellbeing fund for this.

DTAS – Development Trusts Association Scotland – GURCA attended the Annual

Conference in Cumbernauld on 4 th and 5 th September and took part in the main session on the Sunday afternoon where our community made film was shown as part of a virtual case study. As the selected Trust we took part in a 90min Q and A session.

The film is available to view via the GURCA website or go to Youtube and search ‘DTAS

GURCA’ we hope you enjoy it and please share with friends and relatives.

Blairbeg Woods - GURCA have been meeting with the landowner about a community

purchase of three plots of woodland

Plot 1 Bradley Martin Memorial Garden

Plot 2 Blairbeg Woods North (Large Triangle Plot Behind the Hall)

Plot 3 Blairbeg Woods East (Opposite the hall between the Care Project and Church)

Plot 4 Blairbeg Woods South East (along the A82 behind Scotmid site, the present

owner would like to retain this plot)

Scottish Land Fund (SLF) Stage 1 provided funding for investigation work (Title Searches,

Tree Surveys etc.) that took place as part of the fact finding process last year for a

community right to buy application last autumn for Plots 1 and 2. Negotiations have taken

place with the owner over the summer and a deal has been agreed to progress things


An application to the Scottish Land Fund (Stage 2) has been submitted in the hope the fund

will be able to provide 95% of the land’s value.

A comprehensive application has been submitted including a variety of projects that could

take place in the woodlands. These include work to improve their biodiversity and the path

network; their use for wellbeing activities for groups such as arts and bushcraft; sports like

Disc Golf (there is a course at Torvean, Inverness) and a partnership with the Craigmonie Woodland Association to manage the woods. We can learn from many other locally owned

woodlands on projects to facilitate work experience and partnerships with groups e.g. to

provide a Dementia Friendly Woodland space for the Care Project which backs onto plot 3.

There is a great deal of potential and community benefit if we are successful.

The acquisition of the Bradley Martin Memorial Garden (Plot 1) has many potential benefits

for the Hall including its use as a breakout space, the potential for erecting a Marquee for

Weddings and Festivals, a community garden and disabled/accessible parking. These all

support the Hall’s redevelopment plan and our aspirations for the future.

If the application progresses successfully then consultation will be required to engage with

the community and understand their ideas, hopes and wishes for these spaces. The process

can take around 4 months with possibly another 4 months to complete the purchase

provided all goes well.

John Cobb Exhibition Friday 30th and Sat 1st Oct at the Hall.

Remembering John Cobb. A fascinating exhibition at the hall. Friday 30th Sept 2pm-8pm

and the 1st October 11-6pm.

This Thursday Sept 29th marks the 70th Anniversary of his passing. He set a provisional new water speed record (206.89mph) over the measured mile in his boat the Crusader.

The second run, which was required to validate the record ended tragically...

Thank you to the Glenurquhart Heritage Group, Gordon Menzies and all the groups helping

with this event. It’s a great opportunity to meet with some of those who can still recall the

man and the events from that time

Fireworks - It hoped that this year’s event will go as planned and the team that had previously helped have been contacted. This year the Saturday falls on the 5 th November. There is always room for volunteers to help build the bonfire and collect donations on the night.

There is a new Scottish Government Bill to introduce a fireworks licensing system for people

wishing to purchase and use fireworks, This applies to category 2 and 3 type fireworks

(garden & display level). With a £500 license fee and stiff penalties for noncompliance this should significantly reduce the number of private displays.

The Bill contains a schedule providing an exemption for charitable organisations (and those

assisting them) who organise and put on public displays. GURCA has a public entertainment

licence from Highland Council in place covering this event for 2022 and 2023 and are able to

proceed as normal.

The Village display has always been marketed as a chance for the community to come

together collectively for a single event thus reducing anti-social noise, nuisance and anxiety

Community Litter Pick - Fri 30th Sep 16:00 meet Blairbeg Park Car Park.

10. Soirbheas Update 

The following update was provided by Carol Masheter in advance of the meeting: 

The partnership with Highland Hospice to develop the Care at Home Service will go to our board on 29th September, if approved we then need to wait for the Care Inspectorate to approve delivery (which could take up to 3 months) before recruitment can start. Soirbheas role in the partnership will be marketing the service and recruitment. As we already work to deliver befriending we hope to merge the roles to create one co-ordinator post.

Funding secured from History Environment Scotland and Paths for All for Heritage Trails and a mini/weekend festival for March 2023 for Glen Urquhart and Strathglass.  Will be working with the two heritage groups to develop the trails and will also involve Loch Ness Hub in the festival planning

Aiming to have a Paths Development meeting in October with key partners and interested folk to look at key path development will circulate date as soon as its is set.

Cllr Fraser if there will give an update on the Aird Path Strategy as he was hoping to identify a lead officer with in the Council

Meeting with SSE on 29thto discuss the Bhlaraidh extension, timescales and Community Benefit package.

Recruiting for Nicky’s replacement closing date 26th September and hope to interview on 3rd October.

Working on the launch event for the CAP for week 24th October details will be shared with the working group at the meeting on 3rd October.

11. Consultations 

Glen Affric National Park - group being set up to manage consultation.  Further details available at FutureAffric – National Park and Land Use

Beavers – consultation extended and encourage all to respond individually on Trees for Life website.


12. Correspondence 

No items which have not already been circulated to GUCC members. 


13. AOCB 

Patient Participation Group (PPG) - meeting noted for 18th October 7.30pm at Craigmonie Centre

Bunloit Community Walk - upcoming Thursday 29th September  2pm at Bunloit Farm

Hi-Trans – noted potential funding available from Hi-trans for cycle parking.  To follow up with Hi-Trans and confirm details.


14. Details of Next Meeting 

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 24th October, 7.30pm in Blairbeg Hall.    


There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9pm.   

Action List-Sept 2022