Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 28th November 2022 at 7.30pm 

Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit 

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Stuart Ross, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart, Bill Smart and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor David Fraser, and 7 members of the public.  

Apologies: Iain Riddle and Councillor Chris Balance. 

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 24th October was approved as a true record (Fiona Urquhart / Bill Smart). 


3. Matters arising from minutes 

Bunloit Transport Scheme and Timber Extraction – Members of the Bunloit community were present and advised that a recent meeting had taken place with Galbraith, this had gone well, however things have deteriorated since then, with lorries continuing to use the road out with the agreed 6am to 8am slot, and thus coinciding with the school run.  Minutes of the meeting were circulated but did not include some of the points agreed upon, such as ensuring lorries do not use in the road in advance of the gritter during the winter.  It was agreed that in order to progress these issues a further meeting be arranged, and include David Fraser, Iain Riddle, and John Taylor and Alastair Fraser from Highland Council.  Action – Dianne Fraser / Iain Riddle

Adoption of Private Roads – Ongoing Action – Bill Smart

Scottish Water – Bill Smart advised that he would be meeting Scottish Water on site to discuss aeration and dosing plant as well as the outfall into the river.  They have been invited to attend a future meeting of GUCC and Bill will provide an update at the next meeting.  Action – Bill Smart  

Lewiston Property – Bill Smart confirmed that he had reported the broken windows to Police Scotland but the damage had already been reported.  It was noted that the agent for the house board up the windows.  

Tree Lighting – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she had contact Highland Council with regards to reconnecting the lighting.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Royal Mail – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she was still collating examples of issues relating to mail deliveries.  Anyone with information should send this to Dianne.  Action – Dianne Fraser

It was noted that the new mail box was now located in the Hub car park but was not yet operational.  David Ferguson was thanked for all his work in progressing this issue.

Snowman Rally – David Ferguson advised that a representative from the rally would be in attendance at the January GUCC meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report 

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

  Our Bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in October the total balance in our account was £9,121.26

In the last month we have had one bill to pay and no monies coming in, details as follows;

5/11/12 paid £12 to GURCA for hall rent

So, new balance = £9,121.26 - £12 = £9,109.26

However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £9,109.26 - £7,211.77 = £1,897.49

Total Balance in our account = £9,109.26

5. Police Report 

Police Scotland advised that there were no instances of note to report to GUCC.  Winter safety and speed checks will be carried out in the Glen Urquhart area over the next 3 months for road safety.  

There was a general discussion about the reporting of issues from Police Scotland.  Member were made aware of a number of issues which had taken place and been reported to the Police yet did not feature in the monthly report.  It was agreed therefore that Dianne Fraser would contact Police Scotland to enquire about the process for reporting crimes and the collating of content for the GUCC monthly report.  Action – Dianne Fraser

It was also noted that there had been a number of instances of other smaller crimes taking place around the area but which had not been reported to the Police.  It is important to ensure that all such crimes are reported and logged so a record is available should it be required.  It was further noted that the process for reporting with Police Scotland was not straightforward / obvious and clarity on the process would be useful.  

6. Roads / Drainage

BEAR Scotland Update received – “BEAR are to carry out resurfacing works on the A82 in Drumnadrochit for two nights from Wednesday 14th December. The resurfacing will start from the north of Drum Bridge just in advance of the War Memorial from the east; and from the west tying some 10 metres into the A831 in order to address the carriageway defects within that section of the Highland Council road.  The resurfacing will then continue south over Drum Bridge to a tie in near Bridgend Cottage”.   GUCC were pleased to received this update.

Bill Smart advised that he and Iain Riddle had attended the first meeting of the A82 Steering Group.  This had included representatives from Fort Augustus and Inverness West Community Councils, the group had collated information and will meet again in January.  It is hoped that the strength in the voice of the joint communities will assist in pushing issues forward.  It was noted that pavements through the village require sweeping, and this would be raised at the next liaison group meeting.  Action – Bill Smart

David Fraser confirmed that Highland Council had recommended adoption of a 20mph speed limit for some areas and the first phase of this is expected to be rolled out in Drumnadrochit, Fort Augustus and Cannich around next summer / autumn.  It is anticipated that Invermoriston, Tomich and Balnain will be reviewed in due course. 

Highland Council – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she would continue to correspond with Highland Council regarding outstanding issues.  This includes resurfacing at Kilmichael.  Pavements around Milton area require sweeping, and drains in the village require clearing, and will be added to the list.  Action – Dianne Fraser

David Fraser confirmed that he would send a reminder to Highland Council about cutting back the trees around the post box at the bottom of Balmacaan Road.  Action – David Fraser


BEAR Scotland Update received – “Scottish Water have recently informed BEAR they no longer have plans to upgrade the combined sewer in Drumnadrochit within the foreseeable future. In the light of which Transport Scotland / BEAR are currently looking into the possibility of being able to construct a separate surface water drainage system for the A82 trunk road. In the first instance, this will involve the following steps:

a. To determine a route (i.e. either beneath the footway or carriageway or a combination of both) for a carrier pipe for an A82 surface water drainage system which will require to discharge into an existing water course. This will require the approval of SEPA.

b. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (GPRS) will be used to assist this process. This will require the procurement of a specialist GPRS consultant who will be tasked with the responsibility of determining if there is available space beneath the A82 footway or carriageway or both to fit a new A82 surface water drainage system at the correct line and level between and or beneath existing utility apparatus (i.e. water, gas, electric, telecom, fibre optic cables etc).

c. The procurement process for the specialist consultant is currently underway and BEAR are hopeful that the GPRS survey can be carried out before the end of the calendar year.

Please be advised that once the GPRS has been carried out and that a route has been determined for the line and level of a new A82 surface water system, I shall get back in touch to advise”.

7. Planning 

a. Active Applications 

22/04004/FUL – Erection of house, Pittyvaich, Strathnacro – noted

22/05047/FUL – Erection of house, land 60m SE of 125 Balmacaan Road – it was agreed to submit a response requesting that the same planning conditions for Plot 1 are imposed for Plot 2.  Action – Iain Riddle

22/04952/PIP – Erection of house, land 180m NE of Corrish, Balnain – noted

Springfield Development – Dianne Fraser advised that a meeting had taken place with the Highland Council Senior Planner with regards to a number of issues relating to the Springfield Development.  It is not yet known the outcome of any action taken and this will be reported in due course.  

8. Community Action Plan 

The recent launch at Urquhart Castle had been very successful and well attended.  A joint meeting of GUCC, GURCA, Soirbheas and the Hub was scheduled for later in the week to discuss the next stages.  Work will also commence on the Place Plan, which refers more to land use, as opposed to the Community Action Plan which is more services focused.  Dianne confirmed that the Small Communities Housing Trust had been contacted with regards to undertaking a housing survey specific to the GUCC area.  

9. GURCA Update 

Dan Light provided the following report in advance of the meeting:

Community Action Plan - Thank you on behalf of Soirbheas, GURCA and Glen Urquhart Community Council to all of you that came along to hear what Glen Urquhart's Community 'Had to Say' at the Community Action Plan Launch at Urquhart Castle 3rd November 2022.  We are very grateful to Euan Fraser, Iris Young and the team at the Castle and Historic Environment Scotland for all of their help and allowing the community to use this venue free of charge.  The plan is available to download from the GURCA and Soirbheas Website in its 3 forms (varying length).
Wellbeing events are also available to support the concept of warm spaces here in the Glen as we head into winter and the cost of living increases continue to impact more.  
Bite and Blether - Lunches continue to be well attended and we’ve met more folk recently, these happen every Tuesday 12:00-14:00 at the Hall. These are free sessions  Please continue to spread the word. There is a change with the vaccination clinic at the Hall on Tuesday 6th December the lunch that week will be on Weds 7th (12pm 2pm).  We are hosting a session in between Christmas and New Year Thurs 29th Dec to give anyone who’s feeling a bit lonely or at the other end of the spectrum those would like the opportunity to get out of a busy house and pop over for a chat with different folk -all welcome. A good way to connect have something to eat and some fun and games and we promise no Christmas music!.
Hall of Games – We had our first session last week 20th October and momentum is really building. New Friendships made and fun had to get together for a warm drink, snacks and play games on a Thursday afternoon 13:30-16:30. We promise a warm welcome and are making good use make use of some of the HTSI Mental Health and Wellbeing fund for this. Come and join us.  
Laddies Night - Men’s Social Evening – Tuesdays (sometimes Thursday) 19:00-21:00 always great to get more people along.  If you’d like to volunteer, come along or recommend a friend or neighbour please do.  We really need to spread the word of What’s on and what’s going on – it’s so important to get people out, about and connecting.
Whats on Glen Urquhart - We are still really keen to help promote/share/advertise events in the Glen that bring people together. Some events are still very much word of mouth. Coming after the pandemic and with all the doom and gloom in the world its great to share activities to connect folk.
Blairbeg Woods - GURCA ‘s application to the Scottish Land Fund is progressing well, we hope to secure funding that allow 3 portions of woodland in Drumnadrochit to be owned by the community.  We are expecting a decision to be made at the beginning of December with an official announcement around the 8th December, so we are keeping everything crossed.

Plot 1 Bradley Martin Memorial Garden

Plot 2 Blairbeg Woods North (Large Triangle Plot Behind the Hall, Chinese Takeaway)

Plot 3 Blairbeg Woods East (Opposite the hall between the Care Project and Church)

Community Land Consultation 14th November – Thank you to all of you that came along this event was well attended. As we are sure you are aware the Post Office, Old Shop Site and the Main Street Car Park were discussed. Results from the votes are being collated and will help us gauge public opinion on how groups here can work together.
Children’s Halloween Parties - Huge thank you to Laura Black, Kerry Postma and the team of volunteers who put the Halloween Parties on Friday 28th October. These were lots of fun for all who attended. The Children’s Christmas Parties take place on Saturday 3rd December. Fireworks - A large group of volunteers were involved and helped to ensure we had a successful event. Many thanks to John Cameron and the Shinty Club for providing the venue and to the Childcare Centre for producing a terrific guy for the fire! The contribution from the bonfire builders, the fireworks team, stewards, first responders and donation collectors is really appreciated, the display couldn't have taken place without them. We also have to thank the local fire brigade for their advice and support and for being present on the night and of course the community itself, local businesses HIS, Cobbs and MKM in particular for providing wood for the bonfire and to all those who attended for their generous donations to the collection held on the night.  

With so much going on I’m sure there’s lots more of interest that we’ve not included and we wish all at GUCC and present at the meeting a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

10. Soirbheas Update 

It was noted that Kara Scott had joined the Soirbheas team and members looked forward to meeting her at a future meeting.  Thanks were noted to Carol Masheter for the many years of excellent service she had given to the community through her role with Soirbheas and wished her well in her new employment.  

The following report was submitted in advance of the meeting:

Care at Home and Befriending

• It is hoped to have the new the partnership with Highland Hospice to develop the Care at Home Service established by early spring. However, the service going live will depend on the success of the recruitment programme.

• We are actively recruiting for Befriending volunteers


• Large number of grants enquiries have been received for the Tier 2 deadline on 28th November and a recent increase in Tier 1 applications.  We held grants drop-in session at the library on 24th which was well attended by representatives from local groups. These are good indications that the community is starting to get more active again.

• Regarding the grant programmes, a number of changes will be announced in early spring, including an increase in the number of deadlines and broader funding objectives.  

Community Resilience

• Food Larder at Café 82 in Drumnadrochit is now open 24 hrs again and is well stocked with essentials. Usage has gone up considerably in recent weeks which may be a result of wider promotion and the increased pressure the community is feeling from the cost-of-living crises.  

• Community information leaflet (available on the GUCC Facebook page) will be available at the larder and circulated to other groups for use.  

Up and Coming Events

• Tattie Day is planned to take place on 04/03/23

• Heritage walking weekend planned for 25/26 March 2023 for Glen Urquhart and Strathglass to encourage those that don’t walk to explore hidden gems in our area.  The heritage trails will be developed alongside this event for Glen Urquhart and Strathglass, the trails will be developed later in 2023. Working with the two heritage groups to identify the sites.

Soirbheas Staffing

• Kara Scott now in post as Assistant Community Development Officer – contact details can assist on grant enquiries and food larder

• Tina Morrow will join Soirbheas in January taking on the role of Community Development Manager

11. Consultations 

Loch Liath Windfarm – Bill Smart will respond on behalf of GUCC.  It was agreed that consideration be given to mitigation / anything which can be improved when revieing this application, as well as to any other issues to which GUCC might wish to respond.  Action – Bill Smart

Enquiry Community Planning – Dianne Fraser had received communications with regards to community services eg NHS Police Fire, a consultation around demonstrating partnership working and engagement with communities.  Dianne will provide feedback on behalf of GUCC and circulate the link for anyone wishing to response as an individual.  Action – Dianne Fraser

12. Correspondence 

Ultra X Scotland – 6th & 7th May 2023 trail running event - project plan, covering letter, emergency action plan and risk assessment received.  This will be the 3rd year of this event.

Visit Inverness Loch Ness – The following update was received, “Visit Inverness Loch Ness have had  a busy few months, especially presenting at Conferences both in the UK and abroad. VILN are leading the way with our Climate Action Plan, rolling this out across both Inverness and Loch Ness and we want to help you as a community! This weeks updates include the opening of a carbon planner tool for business’s, to support our climate action plan for the area. In addition, we have been signposting a free online training session to attend on sustainable food tourism for any community members with food and drink business’s. As the tourist BID, we are here to support our members with projects, campaigns and ensure a smooth running of the tourism industry in the area. If you would like to sign up to our newsletter, offering opportunities for all on a weekly basis, please get in touch with”.  Dianne Fraser confirmed that she will raise this at the joint GURCA / GUCC / Soirbheas / Hub meeting.  Action – Dianne Fraser

13. AOCB 

Community Resilience Meeting – Bill Smart advised that he was working with community groups, including Blairbeg Hall and the Church of Scotland, to look at pooling resources and also securing funding for the provision of safe places to meet, chat and stay warm over the winter months.  

Men’s Shed – David Ferguson advised that the group meet at Balnain each Wednesday evening, and also meet in the cottage at Blairbeg Hall, although this is temporary.  Discussions are taking place with Forest and Land Scotland with regards to their base at Balnain which will become obsolete when they relocate to Shenval in summer 2023.  A community asset transfer through GURCA is being considered and it was hoped to have a community consultation in the new year.  David Ferguson will continue to provide updates to GUCC.  Action – David Ferguson

Forest and Land Scotland – Notification received that felling at Polmaily commences today, the car park will be closed as well as the forest road leading to the first crossroad.  Loch Meiklie felling is scheduled to start mid-December, date to be confirmed.

Thanks to Pam Lucas – An enormous thanks to Pam for all her work over many years on the Community Council were noted.  

Childcare Centre – Discussions are taking place with GURCA and in place planning proposals.  

Loch Ness Homes – Planning approval for the final stage of the development has been granted.  David Fraser is continuing to push for the construction of the footpath from the Scotmid to the supported housing.  

St Ninians Church – A member of the community advised of instances of damage to property at St Ninians church.  The importance of logging all instances with Police Scotland was stressed, and also the option to contact Highland Council Local Rangers who would be able to keep an eye on the area during the summer when camping and littering can cause additional issues.   

14. Details of Next Meeting 

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 23rd January 2023, 7pm in the Craigmonie Centre.  It was agreed that all future meetings commence at 7pm.


There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.   

Meeting dates for 2023

all meetings commence at 7pm

Monday 23rd January Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 27th February Balnain Hall   

Monday 27th March  Balnain Hall 

Monday 24th April Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 22rd May Balnain Hall  

Monday 26th June AGM Blairbeg Hall  

July no meeting 

Monday 28th August Craigmonie Centre 

Monday 25th September Balnain Hall 

Monday 23th October Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 27th November Craigmonie Centre 

December  no meeting