Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 23rd January 2023 at 7pm 

Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit 

Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), Stuart Ross, David Ferguson, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart, Bill Smart and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillors David Fraser and Chris Balance, 2 representatives from the Snowman Rally, and 5 members of the public.  

Apologies: Iain Riddle, Kara Scott, Soirbheas. 

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 28th November was approved as a true record (Dominic Thierry / Bill Smart). 


3. Matters arising from minutes 

Item 3 – Bunloit Transport Scheme and Timber Extraction – it was confirmed that there had been no communication with Galbraith since before the previous meeting of GUCC despite contact being made by residents.  Works on the Bunloit road had stopped over the holiday period and during the recent bad weather.  Timber lorries had been using the road sporadically during these times.  It was agreed that Louise Alexander, Galbraith, be contacted directly for an update.  Action – Iain Riddle  It was agreed that Michael Thorp would speak with the road contractor with regards to a concreted area sitting proud of the road edge below the kennels, it currently has traffic cones on it, but is liable to cause damage to vehicles.  Action – Michael Thorp

Item 3 - Scottish Water – Bill Smart advised that representatives would be attending the April GUCC meeting to provide an update on the upgrading work at the treatment site, and the outfall into the river.   Action – Bill Smart

Item 3 – Tree Lighting – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she had contacted Highland Council with thanks for the lighting which has been reconnected at Druimloin, and to request repair / connection of the remaining lights.  

Christmas Trees – It was noted that GURCA are leading on the installation of Christmas trees for Drumnadrochit and Balnain for future years.

Item 3 – Royal Mail – Dianne Fraser confirmed that she still has a case open with Royal Mail and any specific issues regarding delivery should be reported to her.   

Letter Boxes – David Ferguson confirmed that he is still in communication with Royal Mail with regards to the operation of the new mail box in the TIC.  Action – David Ferguson  David Fraser confirmed that the trees obscuring the post box at the bottom of Balmacaan Road will be felled in the next couple of weeks and thereafter replanted.

4. Treasurer’s Report 

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

  Our Bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only.

At our last meeting in November the total balance in our account was £9,109,26.

In the last 2 months we have had some outlay and no monies coming in, details as follows;

22/12/22 paid secretary fee of £600

28/11/22 paid D Luscombe £50.25 for website renewal

So, new balance = £9,109.26 – (£600 + £50.25) = £8,459.01

However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £8,459.01 - £7,211.77 = £1,247.24

Total Balance in our account = £8,459.01  

David Ferguson advised that he intends to apply to the Ward Discretionary Fund for additional funds.  Action – David Ferguson

5. Police Report 

A copy of the Inverness Area Command Community Beats Newsletter for December 2022 was received via email and circulated to members.  No police report was received.

There was discussion of anecdotal unreported crimes taking place locally, and the frustrations involved in trying to report these.  It was agreed that Dianne Fraser would contact Police Scotland regarding this and the continued absence of a police report.  Action – Dianne Fraser

6. Snowman Rally

Two representatives from Snowman Rally were welcomed to the meeting.  The rally will take place on 4th March, with one visit to Glen Urquhart forest, starting at 12.09pm.  The event will require the same set up and arrangements as last year.  Spectator areas will be available in Balnain and at Shenval.  The rally will provide toilets at both locations, and first aid cover at Balnain.  Megan Grant confirmed that her family would make arrangements for Shenval, and would ask Nae Bad Coffee and Cake if they would be available to provide catering.  Marshalls should be ready to start car parking at Balnain for 10am, this will be arranged by Balnain Primary Parent Council and Balnain Hall Committee.  It was agreed that in order to ease congestion on the main road, cars could form two rows on entering the forestry and paying.  Signage will be erected advising of additional parking further up the Glen at Shenval, as well as warning signs for queuing traffic on the main road.  The rally organisers hope to also have a police presence in attendance.  Parking will be advertised at £5 per car.  The possibility of using the Lochletter road through the chalets will be looked into to help ease congestion.  It was agreed that David Ferguson would liaise with the rally organisers / community groups involved.  Action – David Ferguson

7. Roads / Drainage

GUCC noted thanks to Highland Council for the work done in keeping on top of the recent snowfall on the main roads.  The roads are prioritised by the Council as primary, secondary and thereafter they try and get to the other roads, with cul de sacs on hills taking prioriry over those on flat ground.  Thanks were also noted to Dael Macdonald-Haig and Dennis MacLennan for their work in clearing many of the roads around the village, and to other members of the community who had helped out where required.  Members of the community can sign up to the Highland Council’s Winter Resilience Community Aid scheme (details on the Highland Council website), which does not commit individuals to helping out but does provide insurance cover.  It was noted that the path from Balmacaan Road to the Scotmid was often untreated, and it was agreed that Dianne Fraser would contact Scotmid to ask if they could include this in their maintenance.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Drum Bridge Resurfacing – to take place on 5th and 6th February.

David Fraser advised that he intended to invite John Taylor and Stephen Grant from Highland Council to have a meeting in the community, this would provide the opportunity to have a drive round logging and prioritising the areas which require attention.

Potholes should continue to be reported through the Highland Council website.   

A section of the narrow road at the back of Milton has collapsed.  David Fraser confirmed that he would take a look and establish who was responsible for maintenance.  Action – David Fraser

A82 Liaison Group – It was noted that the group will have another meeting once they have met with Transport Scotland to look at the list of issues raised.

20mph limit through the village will be implemented in the Spring.  This will apply to the whole of the village.

8. Planning 

a. Active Applications 

22/04981/FUL – Erection of forest hut, land 490m south of Loch Ness Clay Works Pottery, Grotaig – it was agreed to contact Highland Council, advising that GUCC understands that the woodlands have been sold off as a number of separate plots, and this is one application, and to seek guidance on how this would be managed with the knowledge that further applications may come forward.  Action – Iain Riddle

22/05629/FUL – Siting of caravan, Rose Cottage, Balnain – it was agreed to provide a response that this is a residential area and GUCC would not want there to be a precedent set with regards to the siting of caravans.  Action – Iain Riddle

22/05740/FUL – Erection of garage with studio and store and polytunnel, Millness Cottage, Corrimony – noted

22/05820/FUL – Erection of house and garage and temporary siting of a residential caravan, land 75m NE of Craggan Sheaig, Balnain – it was agreed to provide a response noting concerns regarding the road infrastructure and potential over development of the area.  Action – Iain Riddle

Springfield Development – Dianne Fraser advised that a further meeting had been held with Springfield representatives in December.  The following points were noted:

- A change in the overhead powerlines going onto site had impacted on the timing of work.  

- Foundations will be built from January to June, with kits being erected in May and June.  

- A82 junction work will commence in September with an estimate of 20 weeks work.  Springfield will not hand over any homes until the junction is complete.

- Top soil mounds have been lowered to approx. 4 metres and will remain as such until Sept 2023 when gardens are formed.  

- Springfield have evidence of a demand for bigger houses, currently 91 houses will be reduced to 83 to reduce the number of smaller house.  A planning application will be submitted for this.  

- GUCC need to request to be a statutory consultee for this application once it has been submitted.  If the application attracts 5 or more objections or a statutory consultee objects it will then be considered by Highland Council committee.  Action – Dianne Fraser

- Springfield confirmed there has not been a breach of any planning conditions to date.  Confirmation of this has not yet been received from the Planning Officer.  Action – Dianne Fraser

- Representatives have been invited to attend the village so the next meeting can be held face to face.

- Dianne Fraser is working on the terms and conditions of the Community Liaison Group.

- There had been an offer of the local schools providing artwork for the green fencing surrounding the site.  It was agreed that Druimloin residents be consulted prior to any agreement being reached.  

- GUCC members were in agreement to advise Springfield of the forthcoming community housing needs survey (as per Item 9 below) and request their housing needs survey information to help inform these discussions.  Action – Dianne Fraser

9. Community Action Plan 

GURCA, Soirbheas and GUCC met in December.  Dianne Fraser will be leading on a housing needs survey on behalf of GUCC.  

10. GURCA Update 

Dan Light provided the following update via email in advance of the meeting:

- Thank you to all that attended the GURCA OPEN MEETING on Monday 9th Jan at Blairbeg Hall.  The Next open meeting is on Monday 20th March.

- AGM and Quarterly Open Meeting is scheduled for June 19th.  Further Meeting is on Monday 18th Sept.

- Jan 2024 Monday 8th – we are putting together a bit of a Calendar for the rest of the Year.

Blairbeg Community Woodlands:

On 8th Dec it was announced that funding had been awarded by the Scottish Land Fund to purchase 3 plots of land in the Centre of Drumnadrochit.

These are: Plot 1- The Bradley Martin Garden the triangle adjacent to the Hall Kilmore road and the A82

Plot 2 - Blairbeg Woods North – this is the largest portion of Woodland behind the Hall . Its mixed woods and includes the ruins and Rookery. Its between the two spurs of Kilmore Road and the A82.

Plot 3 – This is the Beechwoods between the Church and Care Centre – it has a path linking Coiltie Crescent and East Lewiston with the Hall and other areas of the Village (Schools, Shinty etc).

Nearly £136,000 of funding has been awarded by the fund which will include money to purchase, legal fees and cover some arboriculture work to make trees safer especially in Plot 2. Solicitors have been instructed and all is progressing as expected.  The Application included a wide variety of ideas, opportunities and how groups and individuals can work together to maximise use of these areas. We are going to hold an afternoon/evening session at the Hall Sunday 19th February – this is going to be an opportunity to consult, share ideas and raise awareness of projects.  We’d like to encourage families to come along to this with Storytelling, local groups, refreshments, disc golf demo etc. a great way to get people together.  We are looking for a variety of volunteers both on the 19th and well beyond so please contact:  

- Lots of projects in the pipeline and ongoing so always looking for help.

Wellbeing Activities –  Bite and Blether Lunch every Tuesday 12pm-2pm.

Laddies Night Weds 25th Jan and Weds Feb 8th, Tuesdays 31st Jan, 14th Feb, 21st Feb and 28th Feb.

Hall of Games – Thursdays 1:30-4:30pm (Games, kettle on etc.)   

All of these are free of charge and funded by Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund (via HTSI Highlands Third Sector Interface)

We had a record 20 folk at lunch on the 10th Jan – spread the word and come along these are lovely groups.

11. Soirbheas Update 

Kara Scott provided the following update in advance of the meeting:

Care at Home and Befriending

It is hoped to have the new partnership with Highland Hospice to develop the Care at Home

Service established by early Spring. However, the service going live will depend on the success of the recruitment programme.  We have one new Befriending volunteer and one new client.


3 x Tier 2 grants will be discussed for approval at our directors meeting on the 26th of January, showing a good application rate. In 2022 we approved 11 x Tier 1 grants, and 2 x Tier 2 grants.  We have increased the Tier 2 application deadlines to monthly rather than quarterly deadlines. Broader funding objectives will also be announced in late Spring.


We are actively seeking Directors. If anyone is interested, please contact us at


Board meeting dates have been set for 2023/24.  Soirbheas AGM to be held on Thursday 29th June at Balnain Hall. 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.

Community Resilience

Food Larder at Café 82 in Drumnadrochit is open 24 hrs and is well stocked with essentials.

Usage has gone up considerably in recent weeks which may be a result of wider promotion and the increased pressure the community is feeling from the cost-of-living crises.

Up and Coming Events

• Tattie Day is planned to take place on 4th March 2023, at the hall in Drumnadrochit, from

10am until 12.30pm.

• Heritage walking weekend planned for 24/25/26/27 March 2023 for Glen Urquhart and

Strathglass to encourage locals those that don’t usually walk to explore hidden gems in our area.  This will be advertised in the next couple of weeks. The heritage trails will be developed alongside this event for Glen Urquhart and Strathglass, the trails will be developed later in 2023. Working with the two heritage groups to identify the sites.

Soirbheas Staffing

Tina Morrow will join Soirbheas on 23rd January 2023, taking on the role of Community

Development Manager

12. Consultations 

Kilmartin Forest, Scottish Woodlands, Forest Plan – Consultation period until 16th February 2023.  Details to be forwarded to David Fraser, Chris Balance and GUCC website.  Action – Val Cooper

Cycle Path – funding available for scoping of route from Hub Car Park to Druimlon, a consultant has been engaged and will be on site on 7th February.  It was agreed that Bill Smart would attend as a GUCC representative.  Action – Bill Smart

Beaver Introduction – Consultation process complete, information is being collated and will be circulated in due course.  

13. Correspondence

13.1 Etape Loch Ness 23rd April 2023 – noted

13.2 Forest & Land Scotland, Balnain Bridge Inspection – Entrance bridge to Balnain car park scheduled for inspection during the day on 30th January.  Signage will be erected.

13.3 RNLI Thanks – note of thanks for Etape 2022 funds received from Loch Ness RNLI.


Water Supply issues at Balnain – It was noted that the water supply serving the Balnain area had been subject to disruption on a number of occasions over the past year, and twice in January.  Those affected can request a rebate on water charges. Scottish Water – “If you report 2 interruptions in the same financial year, caused by a failure in the network that isn’t related to work we are carrying out, you can apply to claim a payment of 25% of your annual water charges. If you experience and report subsequent interruptions within the same financial year, you can claim a further 25% for each of those subsequent interruptions, to a maximum of 100% of your water charges” – further details can be found on the Scottish Water website.

Men’s Shed – David Ferguson advised that work at Blairbeg cottage is ongoing, and a workshop cabin with woodworking equipment is being received.  The application for premises at Balnain is ongoing.  

Loch Ness Homes Path – The time taken to resolve the issue of the path from the supported housing to the Scotmid is disappointing.  Loch Ness Homes are currently selling the land and planning permission to the new developer, and the formation of the path has been pushed back to the end of February.  David Fraser had requested that the herras fencing be opened up to allow access but this is not permissible.  The issue has been tied up legally and has therefore been difficult to resolve.

Roundabout – Bear and Transport Scotland will need to be consulted as a first stage with regards to planting of the roundabout on the A82.

Glass Recycling – It was noted that the glass recycling bins in the village were overflowing.  Following the meeting Chris Balance confirmed that he met with Alan McKinnie from the Highland Council waste department who advised that Biffa operate these bins on behalf of the Council, and had an issue with their collection vehicles and machinery shortly before Christmas, which is of course always a pinch point with holidays and extra glass waste, but this is now resolved and they are gradually catching up. Since the meeting two of the bins in the car-park have been emptied.

Community Councils – Dianne Fraser expressed her thanks to all those present; Council members, Councillors and members of the community, for their support of GUCC.  Some Community Councils were currently being forced to fold due to lack of support, and so the continued involvement and attendance to GUCC was appreciated and invaluable.   

14. Details of Next Meeting 

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 27th February 2023, 7pm in Balnain Hall.  

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9pm.   

Future meeting dates for 2023

all meetings commence at 7pm

Monday 27th March  Balnain Hall 

Monday 24th April Craigmonie Centre  

Monday 22rd May Balnain Hall  

Monday 26th June AGM Blairbeg Hall  

July no meeting 

Monday 28th August Craigmonie Centre 

Monday 25th September Balnain Hall 

Monday 23th October Blairbeg Hall 

Monday 27th November Craigmonie Centre 

December  no meeting 

Action List – January 2023