Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 27th March at 7pm
Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Iain Riddle, Fiona Urquhart, Bill Smart, Stuart Ross and Val Cooper.
Also present: Councillor David Fraser, Susan Clark and Gordon Findlay, GURCA, and 9 members of the public.
Apologies: Dominic Thierry and Councillor Chris Ballance.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 27th February was approved as a true record (Bill Smart / Fiona Urquhart).
3. Matters arising from minutes
Scottish Water – Representative to attend April Meeting. Action – Bill Smart
Trees – To revisit removal of trees at Balmacaan Road end in Autumn 2023. Action -
Police Scotland – awaiting reply regarding submission of monthly police reports.
Continuum Meeting – Dianne Fraser and Iain Riddle had met with Continuum at the Drum Hotel and Visitor Centre for an update on their plans. This had been a positive meeting and the resulting works would be a good attraction and asset to the village.
4. Treasurer’s Report including Funding
David Ferguson provided the following financial report:
Our Bank account holds funds for, Glen Urquhart Community Council only. At our last meeting in February, the total balance in our account was £8,459.01
In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows:
7/3/23 paid GURCA £17 for rent of Blairbeg meeting room, for Springfield meeting
24/3/23 received donation of £50 from Balnain Community, from funds raised at Snowman Rally.
So, the new balance = £8,459.01 -
However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £8,492.01 -
Total Balance in our account = £8,492.01
David Ferguson also confirmed that an application has been made to the Ward Discretionary fund for £550 to cover the shortfall for 2022 to 2023 and for 2023 to 2024 and hoped that a decision would be made this week.
Snowman Rally – David Ferguson advised that the Snowman Rally had been a successful event, £978 had been raised through parking at Balnain, (GUCC and Balnain Hall had each received £50, Glen Urquhart Care Centre received £440 and Balnain Parent Council received £448). Shenval community had raised £170. This had been a quieter year with only one route through the forest. Thanks were noted to all those involved, and GUCC noted their thanks for the donation received.
5. Roads / Drainage
Bill Smart confirmed that he and Chris Balance had met with John Taylor, had done a tour of the local area and drawn up a list of actions. It was acknowledged that the budget was tight and not all areas would be addressed. This had been a useful meeting and Bill Smart confirmed that he would follow up on outcomes. Action – Bill Smart
Review of Bunloit Roadworks
Iain Riddle confirmed that work had finished on 20th March and everything was now off site. There is still some outstanding work in relation to road markings to be done. GUCC were in agreement that the results were good, the contractors had communicated well throughout the works, and the squad on site had been very accommodating. It was agreed to send a note of thanks for the works done. Action – Iain Riddle
Active Travel Plan – Discussions were taking place to install a new shared use path through the Loch Ness Hub car park which will include widening the footpath at the Druimlon end and take pedestrians towards the crossing at Fiddlers in a more natural route which will hopefully encourage more use of the crossing.
Footpaths – It was noted that the footpath on Drum Bridge still needed to be addressed, and the footpath on the A82 towards Drumbuie was particularly overgrown and the wall was broken in many places. It was noted that Bear Scotland were currently establishing who is responsible for maintenance of the wall. Highland Council is responsible for small debris on the footpath. It was agreed that handrails along these sections of road would be valuable additions. Bill Smart confirmed that he would raise all of these issues at the next A82 Liaison meeting. Action – Bill Smart
20mph Limit on A82 – It was noted that comments from a recent social media post had largely supported the forthcoming 20mph limit for the village to include the length of the A82 through the village. It was noted also that while it would be good to extend this to include the section to Urquhart Castle, it might be more likely to be approved if representation was made to reduce the section to Temple Pier and Urquhart Castle to 50mph.
Balnain – It was noted that the section of ditch from the primary school to Craggan Sheaig road end was regularly full and required attention. It was also noted that the section of footpath at the bottom of Craggan Sheaig road where the burn goes under the main road was very badly eroded and narrowed. It was agreed that Bill Smart would include these in his response to John Taylor. Action – Bill Smart
6. Planning
Active Applications
23/00750/FUL – Change of use and alterations to building to form short term let, Dhivach Cottage -
23/00934/FUL – Use of property as short term letting unit, land 25m NW of Easaval, Buntait – noted
23/01005/FUL – Erection of extension, Ardachy, Upper Lennie -
23/00362/LBC – Listed Building Consent – Removal of existing signage and erection of signage, Loch Ness Exhibition Centre – noted
23/00363/ADV – Advertisement Consent – Erection of signage, Loch Ness Exhibition Centre – noted
23/00520/FUL – Amended drainage strategy (in retrospect), land at Drum Farm, south of Fire Station, Drumnadrochit – comments below
23/00532/FUL – Remix house types (21/03612/FUL), land at Drum Farm, south of Fire Station, Drumnadrochit – comments below
23/00533/FUL – Remix house types (21/03612/FUL), land at Drum Farm, south of Fire Station, Drumnadrochit – comments below
23/01111/FUL – Erect extension, Ardnish House, Bunloit -
Springfield – There was a discussion about the 3 applications (above) and a general feeling of disappointment that these were confusing, lacked clarity and were inconsistent with the original application. It was particularly concerning that the original Phase 2, commercial, now appeared to be omitted. 28 Conditions had been placed on Springfield when their original application was approved by the Scottish Government and many of these appeared not to be met in the new proposals. The original application in 2020 had also included reference to their studies on market need and demand which had shown a requirement for smaller houses, however this new application has been changed and includes a bigger proportion of large houses, there is no evidence of the rationale for this change. The original green space for the development also appeared now to be no longer included.
It was agreed that GUCC would lodge an objection based on the original 22 planning conditions upon which they were granted permission. Highland Council engineers will be asked to comment on the change in SUDS system, and reference will be made to the community desire for more smaller affordable homes and the agreed speed of phasing and number of houses per year. The importance to the community of having Phase 2 completed in sequence will be reiterated, and the creation of all works to the A82 completed in advance of any house occupation. It was also agreed that Springfield would be invited to come to the village and provide a public exhibition / open meeting to update the community on their proposals. Action – Dianne Fraser / Iain Riddle
7. Community Action Plan
Dianne Fraser advised that she had met with the Community Housing Trust to discuss an online survey for capturing housing needs in the village and has made an application to Soirbheas for funding to support this work. Iain Riddle and Dianne Fraser had also met with representatives from Stratherick and Foyers and this had been very productive. It was hoped to combine the housing needs survey with place planning and thereafter hold public events in the autumn. It was also hoped that the community might be able to lead on this exercise without the use of a consultant.
8. GURCA Update
Dan Light provided the following update via email in advance of the meeting:
AGM and next Open Meeting Monday 3rd July.
Open Monday Sept 18th Sept and also Jan 8th 2024 – all starting at 7:00pm,Glen Urquhart Public Hall.
Blairbeg Community Woodlands -
Feedback from the 19th Consultation – Key points:
Improving Paths was a common theme as was the installation of some seating/picnic, these spaces providing an opportunities for folk/groups to meet, this came across as something people here valued.
Children were mentioned in many responses: the possibility of giving an area of the woods over for this; making dens, installing some play equipment were all suggested, and the example of Evanton Community Woods was given to support this. Co-
A ‘light touch,’ keeping things simple at the start of this process was described. It was noted that maintenance of any installed infrastructure should be considered (Short term thinking could lead to poorly maintained structures in the future). Keeping the area tidy (and removing trip hazards) with some tree thinning and woodland management was deemed as appropriate, it was also noted that Bats, Squirrels and Owls use these spaces and nest/bat boxes could be installed. It was described as ‘a shame to manicure the plots too much’ and create something like a park. A couple of response described the ideas in listed Q5 as good and people clearly like and enjoy these spaces as they are.
Some planting of native woodland species /a community herb garden were mentioned. Unobtrusive signage would enhance the area including signage to identify trees and other plants. As with Q2 a farmers market possibly in a permanent covered area was mentioned.
Additional ideas included as archery, Forest Bathing, outdoor cinema and a wildlife pond and the appointment of a Woodland Manager (probably a volunteer).
We’ll organize further opportunities for Consultation after the purchase has been completed and combine with a celebration.
Ware looking for a variety of volunteers both for the Woodland and other projects well so please contact:
Wellbeing Activities – We are delighted to have been awarded £8,000 from the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund 2023/24 (Scottish Gov. Fund -
We have some scope to look at how we can support other groups/demographics in the community – if you can think of a group/demographic that would benefit locally from piloting something similar at the Hall and would like to team up/get involved then please get in touch:
The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund was established by the Scottish Government in 2021 to provide grants to grassroots community groups and organisations across Scotland in response to the mental health need arising from the pandemic. The intended outcome of The Fund being to develop a culture of mental wellbeing and prevention within local communities, tackling priority issues such as suicide prevention, social isolation, and loneliness, as well as improving awareness of how we can all stay well and help each other.
Men Shed – Thank you to all the Shedders for completing/undertaking a variety of jobs around the Hall these are making a real difference whilst we look at securing funds for the bigger project – I’m sure David Ferguson can update more.
Market on the Green returns and we would like to thank Sue and all of the team who work so hard behind the scenes on this fantastic Market loved by locals and visitors alike.
First of the year is April 8th dates are as follows
April 8th 22nd
May 13th 29th
June 10th 24th
July 8th 22nd
Aug 12th
Sep 9th 23rd
Pedal Power -
This event has been supported through the Community Cycling Fund and our sponsors EventScotland (part of VisitScotland ) and Paths for all, celebrating the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships taking place in Scotland this year.
GURCA will have a stand there so come on over and say hello.
Litter Picks -
21st April, 19th May, 23rd June, 21st July, 18th August 22nd September and 27th October.
These made a huge difference last year -
In addition to the above, Susan Clark advised that the chemist was in the formal recruitment process for the inclusion of a Post Office.
Gordon Findlay advised that the Loch Ness Hub has now re-
It was noted that litter along the loch side on the A82 was particularly bad at the moment. It was also noted that the paths from Scotmid to the High School were also badly littered and GURCA would be meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss the issue.
David Ferguson advised that he was in discussion with Highland Council regarding the location and frequency of emptying public litter bins, and would continue to pursue this issue. Action – David Ferguson
9. Soirbheas Update
Tina Morrow provided the following update in advance of the meeting:
Sunflower Home Care / Soirbheas – at the last meeting I updated you on the partnership between Sunflower Home Care and Soirbheas to recruit for local home carers. We have been promoting the role via social media, newsletter and our website and I am pleased to say that we have had a number of enquiries and several people have already made applications to Sunflower Home Care. Promotion of the role will continue.
Soirbheas has launched its annual photo competition. Details can be found on our website. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 21st May at midnight.
The befriending service is still growing with one new volunteer and 2 new referrals.
As a result of a kind donation from Scotmid funds have been secured for the larder in Drumnadrochit. Look out for a social media post asking people to let us know what they would like to see in the larder.
Walking weekend -
10. Consultations
Balmacaan Wood and The Cover Management Plan Consultations – Ross Watson, Woodland Trust, management plans are due for renewal for the period 2023 to 2028. One month consultation starting 27th March to 21st April.
Beavers in Glen Affric – Following consultation there is now a proposal to release up to 3 groups of beavers in Glen Affric in October – further information, including details of open events, can be found at
11. Correspondence
Stratherrick Place Plan website – details added to GUCC website
Highland Senior Citizens Network Newsletter – noted and posted on GUCC website.
Scottish Community Alliance, Local People Leading – newsletter, noted.
Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan – Notice of Submission of Plan to Ministers.
Placemaking Priorities 12 -
Consolidate the village by supporting the completion of its central development sites.
Secure an improved range, quality and location of commercial and community facilities.
Improve active travel accessibility to these more centralised facilities.
Preserve the greenspaces and green corridors that permeate through the settlement
and enhance their role as active travel routes.
Placemaking Priorities 36 -
Support further small scale housing development where it will help underpin
local community facilities.
Direct most future development north of the A831 so as to protect the fine outlook
west across open ground bordering Loch Meikle and avoid land at risk to flooding or
Respect the limited local waste water treatment capacity.
Support community initiatives to enhance local amenities, including management of
the woodland beside the school, refurbishment of the play area and creation of a visitor
focal point with better signage of local attractions and places of interest, and improved
priority for active travel movement.
Better protect and enhance local greenspaces and Green Networks as conduits for the
movement of people, wildlife and flood waters particularly along and across watercourses
and woodland areas.
12. AOCB
23rd April – Etape – The event will follow the same format as previous years. Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact Debbie McWhirr.
Men’s Shed – David Ferguson advised that the group had undertaken work to the cottage at Blairbeg, this had included a successful grant application from Caring and Sharing to electrical materials. The Men’s Shed were continuing to pursue the possibility of community asset transfer for the Forest and Land Scotland buildings at Balnain and GURCA was assisting with this process. A business plan had been developed and community consultation will take place in due course. The group are very appreciative for the use of the premises at Blairbeg, membership is increasing and anyone interesting in attending is always very welcome.
Path at Scotmid – David Fraser advised that there was currently a hold up getting the final legal documents signed which would then allow the developer to create the path from Scotmid to the supported housing, and he confirmed that he would continue to pursue this.
Post Box – David Ferguson advised that Royal Mail are awaiting a name plate for the new box at Hub car park. It was hoped that the box would be operational soon.
13. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 24th April 2023, 7pm in the Craigmonie Centre.
Dianne Fraser wished all those present a happy Easter.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.45pm.
Action List – March 2023
Minutes Historical |