Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

 Monday 24th April at 7pm 

Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit 


Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.


1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Iain Riddle, Fiona Urquhart, Bill Smart, Stuart Ross, Dominic Thierry and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillor Chris Balance, Tina Morrow, Soirbheas, Gavin Steel and Fraser Mackintosh, Scottish Water, and 3 members of the public.  

Apologies: Councillor David Fraser

Conflicts of Interest 

No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 

The minute of the meeting held on 27th March was approved as a true record (David Ferguson / Bill Smart).   

3. Matters arising from minutes 

Balmacaan Road Trees – To revisit removal of trees at Balmacaan Road end in the autumn.  Action – Autumn Agenda

Bunloit Road Works – To send a thank you note for completed road works to contractor.  Action – Iain Riddle  

4. Treasurer’s Report including Funding

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

  Our Bank account holds funds for, Glen Urquhart Community Council only.  At our last meeting in February, the total balance in our account was £8,492.01

In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows:

04/04/23 received £550 from the Highland Council Ward Discretionary Fund, this will cover the shortfall for last year and our current year.

So, the new balance = £8,492.01 + £550 = £9,042.01

However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £9,042.01 - £7,211.77 = £1,830.24

Total Balance in our account = £9,042.01

David confirmed that he will apply to Highland Council for the annual grant in due course.

5. Scottish Water Presentation

Representatives from Scottish Water, Gavin Steel and Fraser Mackintosh were welcomed to the meeting, provided a presentation, and the following points were discussed:
o Works have been undertaken at the waste water treatment works at Old Kilmore over the past year.  The primary driver for this has been the growth of the village, thus providing additional capacity and maintaining the site in good order.  This has included a new aeration system, the biological part of the treatment process, a chemical dosing unit which controls pH levels, and a motor control centre, the electrical hub of the site which makes sure the plant is operating ok, and also communicates with Scottish Water’s central control system.  
o Communication with local residents has been taking place.  Almost all of the civil works are now complete with just some electrical and minor mechanical work to take place over coming months.  Later in the year Ross Shire Engineering will fit new electrical kit.  
o The current challenge at the outfall, where the river has meandered and changed pattern, causing the outfall pipe to be exposed over recent years is being addressed by Scottish Water.  The current location has a license for the point of discharge, and any works to change this requires adherence with key constraints relating to engineering works in the river, environmental sensitivities such as the salmon life cycle, and consultation with Nature Scotland in relation to the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
o It is not possible to achieve a long term solution to the outfall issue this year, however Scottish Water are hoping for a temporary solution which would involve shortening the outfall pipe by approximately 70 metres, this section of the pipe is quite prominent.  By cutting into the pipe further upstream it would create a new discharge point and prevent the effluent from pooling.  It is hoped to get approval quickly and Scottish Water are consulting with Nature Scotland, SEPA and the Fisheries Board to secure the necessary permissions.  It was agreed that signage be erected to advise of the outflow location.
o In the longer term, Scottish Water have identified an area approximately 30 metres downstream from the existing outflow which is a more suitable discharge point.  Works would involve piecing the pipe back in to the section which will be removed for the short term solution, and then heavier construction work will take place to extend the pipework.  From a river ecology perspective the optimal time for such works is between May and September.  The necessary consents are required for Scottish Water to be ready to deliver the work in that window in the future.  
o There was discussion around this area of the river which is well used recreationally, particularly for swimming and fishing, and it was suggested that as the river continues to change course a better solution would be to avoid the river altogether and extend the pipework to discharge directly into the loch.  It was noted that there will always be an effluent pipe returning water to the environment.  Waste water treatment works are trying to prevent environmental damage caused by concentrations of population by returning water to the environment without lasting harm.  The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) governs the standards by which waste water is returned to water courses, a license standard is set and Scottish Water have to adhere to that.  This standard is generally higher than that of domestic septic tanks emitting effluent in to the environment in more rural areas.  To extend the pipework to the loch would require further consultation and consents and would also incur significant costs.  Ultimately SEPA are the key decision maker for discharge points on any water course.
o GUCC were in agreement with the proposal to locate the discharge point further up river and erect advisory signage as a short term solution.  With regards to a longer term solution, GUCC would like to know what other options are available, and would request information from SEPA.  Scottish Water representatives would be happy to be involved in these discussions.  Action – Dianne Fraser / Bill Smart
o Scottish Water carries out strategic studies of community networks and work carried out in the village last year was as a result of that process.  This relates to how Scottish Water manages community developments, treatment works, drinking water and network enhancement.  Developers engage with Scottish Water regarding the capacity of the existing network and this was the case for the Springfield development.    
o It is generally the case that following completion of any site, a developer will want to vest their infrastructure to Scottish Water.  This would then be inspected and tested, and accepted or otherwise.  There was some discussion around the change from one SUDS system to two on the Springfield site, and the rationale for this was not known.  Representatives confirmed that they would ask for further information from colleagues who have been involved in this development.  It was also noted that the outflow from one of the SUDS systems is on the SSSI, which had raised concerns.  GUCC welcomed the guidance of Scottish Water in relation to the Springfield site.  

6. Roads / Drainage

A82 Liaison Group – Bill Smart advised that the group had met with two representatives from Transport Scotland and had a good discussion of the points raised in relation to road improvements, speed limits, pavements etc on the A82 section from Fort Augustus to Inverness.  An update on decisions reached by Transport Scotland is awaited.  

Highland Council – Chris Balance and Bill Smart had met with John Taylor to look at local roads.  The drainage problems at Balnain have been passed on, work has taken place on Pitkerrald road, and patching and surface dressing work will be taking place in other locations.  The resurfacing work at Kilmichael has been brought forward and it is hoped this will be scheduled soon.  Thanks were passed to Bill for his continued work in relation to roads issues.  

7. Planning 

Active Applications 

23/01018/FUL – Demolition of 2 no self catering units, erection of 2 no replacement log cabins, site of the existing Woodlands, Kilmartin – noted

23/01203/PIP – Erection of house and garage, land 150m NE of Ben Hope, Balnain – Iain Riddle to submit comments in relation to the number of developments off the unadopted section of the Torcroft road, the belmouth, lack of passing places, surface and drainage water issues.  Action – Iain Riddle

23/01320/FUL – Erection of car port, Lower Balnaban, Drumnadrochit - noted

23/01227/FUL - Refurbishment and alterations to bothy to create new dwelling, construction of double garage, Milton of Buntait – noted

23/01256/PIP – Erection of house and garage (renewal 18/01143/PIP) land 20m SE of Borlum Bridge Cottage – noted however it was agreed that this site was unsightly and a request be made to the landowner to undertake some work to tidy it up.  Action – Iain Riddle  

Springfield – It was confirmed that GUCC’s formal objection was submitted and is now on the Highland Council website.  It was noted that planning permission for a house on Kilmore Road, by Springfield, had been granted by a Planning Officer and had not required consultation as it fits with the area.

Highland Council Planning Guides information had been circulated by email to GUCC members.

8. Community Action Plan 

Dianne Fraser noted thanks to colleagues from Soirbheas following a successful application for funding for the housing needs survey.

9. GURCA Update

Dan Light provided the following update in advance of the meeting:

Blairbeg Community Woods - Making good progress with the conveyancing with it being 3 plots of land there has been perhaps unsurprisingly a couple of minor delays.

Wellbeing etc - On the 11th of April we celebrated a year of Bite and Blether - this continues to do well and we meet every week Tuesdays 12:00-14:00.

AGM - Next GURCA Open meeting is our AGM and Open Meeting Monday July 3rd – Blairbeg Hall starting at 19:00

Market on the Green - We would like to thank Sue and all of the team who work so hard

behind the scenes.

May 13th 29th

June 10th 24th

July 8th 22nd

Aug 12th

Sep 9th 23rd

Pedal Power - Saturday 15th April The Green, Drumnadrochit and The Loch Ness Hub

Thank you to Russell and the Hub Team and Emma from Visit Inverness Loch Ness.

It was a gorgeous Sunny day and brilliant atmosphere out on the Green. Pump Track, Bike

Hire, Stalls and Traders, Treasure Hunt, Bike Maintenance, Mountain Biking, Group Cycling,

self-guided tours and more.  This event was supported through the Community Cycling Fund and their sponsors EventScotland (part of VisitScotland) and Paths for all, celebrating the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships taking place in Scotland this year.

Litter Picks - First one of 2023 held on Friday 21st April.  Dates for 2023 are as follows all on a Friday at 4:00pm-5:00pm.  21st April, 19th May, 23rd June, 21st July, 18th August, 22nd September and 27th October.  These made a huge difference last year - thank you to GURCA Member Charles de los Santos for arranging these again for 2023.

Budapest Cafe Orchestra - Returning to the Glen for live music and mischief!  Sat 27th May Doors 7:00pm for 7:30.  BYOB and £15 - if you could try an encourage folk to book online now and commit that would be fab – we’d love to work with people to get more events like this to Venues in the Glen. To this aim if anybody would like to help get on board the Hall Committee would value help and new members.  Link for tickets....

Hall Maintenance - We are hoping to replace the flooring in the meeting rooms in May, and before then, we plan to spruce up the meeting rooms with a fresh coat of paint. If you would be willing to come along and help - even if you can only spare an hour - you would be most welcome. We plan to do the painting on Saturday 29th April from 10am onwards.  Paint is provided, and we have a limited number of brushes and rollers. Please do bring along your own if you have them!  There will be refreshments on tap throughout the day, and we really hope that with enough volunteers we can get the job done in no time.  Please come along and help if you are able.

10. Soirbheas Update 

Tina Morrow was welcomed to the meeting and provided the following update:

Walking weekend – This had taken place at the end of March, and while the weather had not been good, it had been very well attended and received.  The second phase of this initiative will involved looking at heritage trails and location of information boards, this will be ongoing from the summer for about 6 months.  

Highland Hospice Care at Home Service – Soirbheas continue to work with the Hospice to promote their Sunflower Care service, which offers a good benefits package for anyone who might want to get involved, this helping individuals to overcome any particular barriers eg winter tyres, childcare which might be preventing them from applying.   Open information days will also be held in due course.    

AGM - 26th June at Balnain Hall.  

11. Consultations 

Local Transport Consultation - closes 29th May.

12. Correspondence

No additional correspondence received.

13. AOCB 

Trees for Life – Dianne Fraser advised that the Trees for Life CEO had recently attended a Strathglass Community Council meeting to talk about their aspirations for rewilding and it was agreed to invite them to attend the June GUCC meeting.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Forest and Land Scotland – The plan for replanting is available on the GUCC website, it is anticipated this will commence in some areas over the next couple of years.

Men’s Shed – David Ferguson advised that work at Blairbeg Cottage is almost finished.  The proposed site at Balnain has now been surveyed and valued.  Consultation events will be held in Balnain and Drumnadrochit and thereafter the Men’s Shed will work with GURCA to submit a formal asset transfer request.

Glen Affric National Park – David Ferguson had attended a meeting last week where concerns regarding SSE lines and substation in Beauly area had been discussed, and the feeling that this could jeopardise their application to become a national park.  It was anticipated that there would be a public enquiry and community council support might be sought.  

Bins – Thanks were passed to David Ferguson for his work in obtaining new bins.  Highland Council had advised that they would not put a public refuse bin in Balnain alongside the recycling bins.  A request for more frequent emptying of bins during peak times had also been made.  Chris Ballance advised that he will contact the relevant Highland Council dept for more information.  Action – Chris Ballance  

14. Details of Next Meeting 

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 22nd May, 7pm in Balnain Hall.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.   

Action List – April 2023