Glen Urquhart Community Council

Glen Urquhart Community Council 

Minutes of meeting held on 

Monday 22nd May at 7pm 

Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart 


Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.

1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Iain Riddle, Bill Smart, Dominic Thierry and Val Cooper. 

Also present: Councillors David Fraser and Chris Balance, and 4 members of the public.  

Apologies: Stuart Ross, Fiona Urquhart, Tina Morrow, Soirbheas,

Conflicts of Interest 
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting 
The minute of the meeting held on 24th April was approved as a true record (Dominic Thierry / David Ferguson). 

3. Matters arising from minutes 
Bins – Chris Balance advised that confirmation had been received from Highland Council that there would be more frequent emptying of litter bins in Drumnadrochit and along the lochside over the summer.  Chris will continue to pursue the request for a green wheelie bin to be added to the recycling area in Balnain.  
Action – Chris Ballance

Treasurer’s Report including Funding

David Ferguson provided the following financial report:  

In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows:
09/05/23 received £1,000 from Caledonian Concepts / Etape for a local community group.

So, the new balance = £9,042.01 + £1,000 = £10,042.01

However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £10,042.01 - £7,211.77 = £2,830.24

5. Roads / Drainage
David Fraser advised that it was hoped that potholes in Lewiston would be repaired in June.  Footpath issues on Balmacaan Road were also being considered.  A letter had been received from Transport Scotland and David Fraser and Bill Smart would meet to review that.  Action – David Fraser / Bill Smart

David Ferguson asked about the rationale for the resurfacing works on sections of the A833 which did not seem to be in the same poor condition as the A831, particularly the area around Kilmichael.  David Fraser advised that roads with a heavier traffic flow and higher speed limit generally got priority over other sections for practical and safety reasons, there is also a requirement to programme a section of the A833 each year to strengthen the structure of the road and prevent a full rebuild.  David Fraser did confirm that the section at Kilmichael was still within the schedule for resurfacing works and it was hoped this would be done later in the year.   It was also noted that the area which had been resurfaced at the top of the Glen around Shenval and Corrimony had not been done properly and would be getting resurfaced.  

6. Planning 
Active Applications 
23/01692/PIP – Erect 3no dwellings, land 40m west of Cherrybank, West Lewiston – John Cameron was welcomed to the meeting and provided an overview of this application.  After some discussion it was agreed that a response be submitted noting that the Local Development Plan shows the entirety of this field area as protected green space, and there is concern that approval of this application would set a precedent for other developments.  Action – Iain Riddle
23/02130/FUL – Erection of short term letting unit, land 60m SE of St Ninian’s House – noted
23/01987/ADV – Advertisement consent, erection of signage, Hotel and Shop, Drumnadrochit Hotel – it was agreed to submit a response advising that GUCC have no problem with the sign but do think that illuminated signage within the village is not appropriate, and would request that if this is approved, that it be switched off out with normal business hours.  Action – Iain Riddle  

Iain Riddle advised that he had contacted the Planners about requesting the owner to tidy up the area of land adjacent to Borlum Bridge, and was advised that Highland Council had no controls in this regard.  

It was noted that the revised application with go to the Highland Council Planning Committee meeting in either June or August, date to be confirmed.

Bill Smart advised that he would continue to liaise with Scottish Water regarding the concerns around the two SUDS systems.  Action – Bill Smart  

Compass Site – (Previously Loch Ness Homes) It was confirmed that outstanding legal issues had now been closed and development will start.  Members were pleased to note that the temporary footpath from the supported housing to the shop is to be constructed as a priority.  It was agreed that a Community Liaison Group meeting with Compass, representatives from GUCC, the Care Centre, and David Fraser and Chris Balance be set up.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Section 36 Application Loch Liath Wind Farm – Application submitted to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU), available to view Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details and community consultation at Glen Urquhart Library information day on Wednesday 31st May from 10-12pm, 1-3pm and 5-7pm.

Community Action Plan 
No update.

GURCA Update
No update this month.

9. Soirbheas Update 
Tina Morrow provided the following update in advance of the meeting:
The Soirbheas AGM will be held on Thursday 29th June at Balnain Hall.  Doors will be open at 7.15 for a 7.30 start.  
The deadline for the annual photography competition has been extended to 28th May and anyone wishing to enter can now send in their submission online via our website.
If anyone wishes to become a member of Soirbheas they can now apply online via the website,
Soirbheas are supporting Sunflower Home Care to recruit local Home Care workers.  If anyone is interested in becoming a Home Care worker or wants to find out more please get in touch with Tina Morrow at or 07514452783.

10. Consultations 
Active Transport – Consultation closes 29th May, Dianne will contact Soirbheas to submit a  combined response.  Action – Dianne Fraser
UK Boundaries Commission
– No change proposed for Ward 12.

11. Correspondence
Port of Nigg Open Day
– Saturday 24th June.  Book in advance
Port of Nigg - Open Day Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
Stratherrick Community Council Meeting – Tuesday 30th May, will include discussion of the planned pumped storage scheme Loch Kemp.  It was agreed that Dianne, Bill and Iain would attend this meeting.  Action – Dianne Fraser / Bill Smart / Iain Riddle
– A mail drop in the village from Statkraft had noted that they would be commissioning a Broadband Survey.  No information with regards to this had been received by GUCC.  It was agreed that Soirbheas should be involved in these discussions in relation to the work that they have already undertaken.  Further information and a meeting had been requested.  Action – Dianne Fraser

Police Report
The following report was received via email:
Roads Policing - Local officers have been carrying out hi visibility speed checks throughout the area in particular in the vicinity of schools.
A provisional licence holder was arrested in Drumnadrochit area and charged with a number of motoring offences. A report will be sent to Procurator Fiscal.
A second motorist stopped by police after being observed driving at speed in Drumnadrochit area was found to be under the influence of alcohol. They were charged with a number of motoring offences and a report will be sent to Procurator Fiscal.
Community Tuesdays – PC Hamilton attended Glenmoriston Millennium Hall to meet members of the community and staff from Change Mental Health who provide free and confidential suicide bereavement support throughout the Highland region. They can be contacted on 0800 471 4768 or
Peregrine Falcons – Inverfarigaig - Wildlife police officers and the Forestry and Land Scotland Ranger have been engaging with a group of climbers who had been setting up on a cliff face near the Corkscrew Road, Invergarigaig. The concern raised was that there may be some nesting Falcons in that area and they may disturb the birds (wildlife offence). The climbers have moved on and extra patrols are being conducted in the area to ensure no wildlife crimes are being committed (on purpose or by accident).
Suspicious persons – Whitebridge and Kiltarlity - Several incidents have been reported to local officers of two separate vehicles moving around the area asking businesses for work and if private homeowners had any vehicles for sale. Nothing has been reported stolen or amiss at this time and officers would like to remain members of the public to remain vigilant for any suspicious people in and around the rural communities who may be offering gardening work or asking to buy caravans / vehicles from peoples gardens. Extra patrols have and are being conducted in these areas with suspicious vehicles being stopped and occupants being engaged with.
School News - School visits have taken place at Aldourie and Glen Urquhart Primary Schools. An incident was reported by Glen Urquhart Primary School which occurred after school on 19/04/2023. No criminality has been identified. Plain clothes and hi visibility reassurance patrols have been carried out in the area and all parents made aware via a letter taken home by pupils.
Other News - Local officers visited the newly opened Dundreggan Rewilding Centre, met with staff and learned about the facilities the centre provides.
Cannich – Male in crisis - Officers would like to thank the members of the public who reported and kept safe a gentleman found in mental health crisis at the post office in April 2023. Officers were able to swiftly get him the help he required with members of the public ensuring the remained with them. Thank you. It is with the communities support that this gentleman was able to get the support he needed quickly.

12. AOCB 
Etape Donation – Proposal received from Men’s Shed Group to receive £1k donation, this was approved.  
Men’s Shed – Community consultations to take place in Drumnadrochit (Blairbeg Hall, Wednesday 24th May, 3pm – 8pm) and Balnain (Balnain Hall, Tuesday 30th May, 3pm to 8pm), regarding the proposed community asset transfer for the Balnain forestry buildings.  The community are encouraged to attend these events to show support.  It is hoped that the consultation will highlight other suggestions of community amenities for the site.  GUCC members were in agreement that they fully support the application, and Dianne would write a letter in this regard.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Drumnadrochit Car Park – It was noted that parking charges are to be introduced in the hub car park this will operate as an invitation to pay scheme, there is no enforcement.  With regards to the income generated, running and repair costs will be deducted, and thereafter the remainder will be spit 50/50 between Highland Council and the City of Inverness Area Committee for redistribution.  .
Flower Beds – It was noted that Highland Council do replant the borders at the edge of the car park however the Craigmonie Woodland group were working with the community to make these wild flower beds.  It was noted that Highland Council amenities need to be advised of this change to ensure they protect the area when undertaking groundworks.  It was also noted that trees which have been planted around the village and in the playpark at Balnain have been damaged or killed by strimmers.  Craigmonie Woodland group has installed small signs beside the trees in Drumnadrochit requesting care when strimming.  It was agreed that Dianne would contact Peter Kelly at Highland Council to advise.  Action – Dianne Fraser
Post Office
– No timeline confirmed as yet for the relocation to the Pharmacy.
Balnain Road Surface – the surface and verges on the road opposite the primary school is very uneven and has been damaged by the rotary road sweeper.  The drain at the bottom of the road where it joins the A831, and at the back of the parking area at the recycling bins have both been blocked for some time and cause a build up of water and ice. It was agreed that these be reported to Highland Council. Action – David Fraser

13. Details of Next Meeting 
The AGM and routine meeting was scheduled for Monday 26th June, 7pm in Blairbeg Hall.   

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.30pm.   

Action List – May 2023