Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Annual General Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting
held on
Monday 26th June 2023 at 7pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
Annual General Meeting
1. Present & apologies
Dianne Fraser (Chair), Fiona Urquhart, Dominic Thierry, David Ferguson (Treasurer), Iain Riddle (Planning Secretary), Bill Smart and Val Cooper.
Also present
Councillor Chris Balance and 10 members of the public.
Apologies were received from Stuart Ross, Councillor David Fraser and Tina Morrow, Soirbheas.
2. Minutes of last AGM – 27th June 2022
The minute of the AGM held on 27th June 2022 was approved at the routine meeting following the AGM on 22nd August 2022. A copy of the minute is available on the GUCC website.
3. Chair’s Report
Dianne Fraser provided the following report:
During 2023, the Glen Urquhart Community Council continued to seek to act as a
voice for the Glen Urquhart community.
The objectives of the Community Council are:
a) to ascertain, co-
represents, to liaise with other community groups within the area, and to fairly
express the diversity of opinions and outlooks of the people.
b) to express the views of the community to The Highland Council to public
authorities and other organisations.
c) to take such action in the interests of the community as appears to be
desirable and practicable.
d) to promote the well-
e) to be a means whereby the people of the area shall be able to voice their
opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its
development, and amenity.
At the heart of these objectives is representing the voice of the Glen Urquhart
Community, and we encourage everyone to engage with the Community Council.
Since the last AGM in June 2022, the Community Council met ten times.
All meetings remain open to the public. Members of public are encourage to attend
to understand what is happening within their community, and provide their voice and
All details of meetings are available on the Community Council Website
Roads / Drainage
The Community Council continues to partner with Highland Council, Transport
Scotland and the wider community to identify areas of concern and improvement.
The Community Council has formed a A82 Lobby group with neighbouring
Community Councils to lobby for improvements on the A82.
Glen Urquhart Community Council welcomed Highland Council to the Glen in early
2023 for guided tour of road improvement ‘hot spots’ and continue to partner on
improvement programs.
The Strategic Timber Transport Scheme (STTF) allocated £433k to improvements
on the Bunloit road. Representatives from Community Council partnered with contractors to monitor improvements and will continue to monitor road conditions
during timber extraction.
Community Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Glen Urquhart
area. Any member of the public can comment individually on planning applications
and any comments on planning applications can be submitted to Community
Community Council formed a community liaison group with Springfield Homes on
development adjacent to fire station. Community Council provided street name
proposals for the development based on names of hills surrounding the
development. Liaison Group welcomed Springfield to Drumnadrochit for a face-
face meeting and continue to push to maintain positive dialogue with Springfield on
project details and timings. Springfield submitted an amended planning application
in February 2023 seeking to amend the housing mix, house construction phasing,
drainage strategies and planning conditions of the 2021 approved proposal. Glen
Urquhart Community Council have objected to these amendments. Decision on the
amended planning application is pending.
Community Council liaised with developers on the amended application for
completion of housing development around Scotmid shop. Compass Building and
Construction will be completing this development with construction of first phases
commencing in August 2023. The liaison group were able to align on the
construction of temporary path from care centre and supported housing to shop with
temporary path opening in June 2023. Liaison group has held positive meetings with
Compass and will continue to partner with them on development progress –
including use of green space.
Community Action Plan
Community Action Plan was published in October 2022, in partnership with
Soirbheas and GURCA and a launch event was held at Urquhart Castle in
The working group continues to monitor progress on items raised in the Community
Action Plan. Community Council is leading initiatives on housing, place planning and
road improvements. Community Council are seeking to undertake a Housing Needs
Survey to confirm housing requirements within the community in partnership with
Communities Housing Trust. Outcomes of this survey will feed into Local Place
Plan for Glen Urquhart.
Place Planning
Scottish Government legislation provides for communities to develop and register
Local Place Plans. Local Place Plans provide opportunity for communities to set out
community aspirations for land use and development. Once completed, and
registered with Local Authority, Place Plans will be considered in preparation of
Local Development Plan. Highland Council are seeking to have Local Place Plans registered with them by end of March 2024, with aim to adopt new Local
Development Plan in 2027. GUCC will be conducting community consultation in
August / September as input into Local Place Plan for Glen Urquhart.
Community Council provided feedback on several public consultation requests
including Alcohol licencing, SSE Asset Replacements, Beavers in Glen Affric, NHS
Communications, Glen Affric National Park proposals, Community Planning, Forestry
Land Scotland Woodlands Plans, and several windfarm proposals.
Scottish Water Consultation
Following issues raised about outfall from treatment works, welcomed Scottish Water
representatives to Community Council meeting in April 2023 to discuss proposed
improvements – short and long term. Community Council will continue to partner
with Scottish Water on these plans.
Royal Mail
Community Council corresponded with Royal Mail on location of post boxes within
The Community Council continues to work closely with several other community
groups within the Glen including GURCA, Soirbheas, and Glenurquhart Care Project.
These working relationships enable flexibility with different organisations taking the
lead on different issues and ensures Glen Urquhart has a strong voice when
lobbying on various issues.
The Community Council is a team effort from a group of dedicated volunteers, who
tirelessly seek to represent the voice of the people of Glen Urquhart. My personal
thanks to them all for their support, guidance, and enthusiasm.
Finally, thanks to all members of the Glen Urquhart community who engage with and
support the Community Council. The Community Council can’t represent the
Community without your voice.
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided a financial update, the details of this are recorded in the minute of the routine meeting which immediately followed the AGM.
Thanks were passed to David for all his work over the past year.
5. Election of Officers
Chair Dianne Fraser
Nominated by Fiona Urquhart / Seconded by Bill Smart
Vice Chair Bill Smart
Nominated by Dominic Thierry / Seconded by Fiona Urquhart
Treasurer David Ferguson
Nominated by Dianne Fraser / Seconded by Bill Smart
Planning Secretary Iain Riddle
Nominated by Dianne Fraser / Seconded by Dominic Thierry
6. Any other Business
It was noted that Community Council elections will be coming up in October this year, a calendar of dates will be available on the GUCC website for anyone who may be interested in joining.
There was no further business and the AGM closed at 8.15pm.
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 26th June 2023 at 8pm
Blairbeg Hall, Drumnadrochit
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Iain Riddle, Bill Smart, Dominic Thierry, Fiona Urquhart and Val Cooper.
Also present: Councillor Chris Balance, and 10 members of the public.
Apologies: Stuart Ross, Councillor David Fraser and Tina Morrow, Soirbheas.
This meeting was preceded by a presentation from Steve Micklewright, Chief Executive Officer, with Sarah Kent, Grants Manager and Darren Wisniewski, Rewilding Researcher, from Trees for Life, on Rewilding the Scottish Highlands.
The GUCC AGM also preceded this meeting.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 22nd May was approved as a true record (Bill Smart / David Ferguson).
3. Matters arising from minutes
Item 12 – GUCC letter of support for the Mens Shed proposals for Balnain Forestry Offices to be provided. Action – Dianne Fraser
Item 3 -
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following financial report:
In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows:
16/06/23 paid £1,000 to Glen Urquhart Men’s Shed (Etape donation)
So, the new balance = £10,042.01 -
However, £7,211.77 is “ring fenced” for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £9,042.01 -
Yearly accounts have been submitted to Highland Council, for our annual grant of £638.
5. Roads / Drainage
A82 Working Group Update – Bill Smart advised that Transport Scotland had provided a response to the ideas that the working group had put forward, this had included push back in many areas due to a lack of funding. The group will continue to pursue issues. This included road safety, the 20mph limit for the village will be in place soon, and the group would like to see this extended as far as Temple Pier. The group will also continue to push for work on the narrow footpaths on the two A82 bridges in the village.
Thanks were noted to Highland Council for the works which have taken place on roads in the area.
Verge cutting had taken place in the Glen but this had been patchy, eg the section from Milton to Kilmichael had not been cut.
Culnakirk – Trees on the hill are now overhanging the road forcing larger vehicles across the central white line. The drainage and sides of the Culnakirk hill were also in a particularly bad state, made worse by the recent exceptionally heavy rain and flooding. It was agreed that this be reported to Highland Council. Action – Bill Smart
Balnain Verge – It was noted that the verge at the bottom of Sheaig road was very narrow due to eroding from the burn. Val to send picture of area to Bill for reporting. Action – Val Cooper / Bill Smart
6. Planning
Active Applications
23/02438/PNO – Prior notification erection of agricultural building, Brachryriach, Upper Drumbuie – noted
23/02377/FUL – Change of use to licensed restaurant and takeaway, 4 Carrier’s Croft, Drumnadrochit – noted
There was a discussion around the size of the car park, the access and exit, and the markings being in poor condition. It was agreed that Dianne would raise these issues with Scotmid. Action – Dianne Fraser
23/02479/PNO – Prior notification formation of turning area, land 635m south of Mill of Tore – already approved.
23/02462/S36 – Section 36, Loch Liath Wind Farm, erection and operation of a wind farm for a period of 35 years, comprising a total of 13 wind turbines with turbines 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 13 having a maximum blade tip height of 200m, and turbines 1, 6 and 7 having a maximum blade tip height of 180m, access tracks, borrow pit, substation, control building, anemometer mast, and ancillary infrastructure, land 9000m south west of Glen Urquhart High School – GUCC objection submitted, and thanks were noted to Bill Smart for his work on this.
An email had been received from Megan Black, Springfield Community Engagement Co-
Dianne advised that it was still hoped that a face to face meeting could be arranged at some point soon.
Compass Site
Dianne advised that she had met with a representative from Compass and had been updated on their plans for the development. Phase 6 will have 6 Highland Housing Alliance affordable residences. The area beside the chip shop will be phase 1. The amenity cabins being used by the construction workers, will stay in their current location until the rest of the development is completed. In the current application, the area at the back of the amenity housing cannot be sold or occupied, and GUCC support the removal of this planning condition which would release this green space for use by the community. There will be community consultation with regards to the use of the green space. Gordon Watson and Dianne will meet with Compass to look at how the path works will look. There was a suggestion to leave the temporary path in place, and Dianne would talk to the residents in the supported housing to see if this would be acceptable to them. There had, in the past been discussions about extending the graveyard, and this would be followed up. Action – Dianne Fraser
7. Community Action Plan
Dianne advised that a housing needs survey will take place in August / September and will include input on community amenities. Statkraft have advised that they are undertaking a broadband survey of Glen Urquhart and the results of this have been requested – this does not prejudice the planning application.
8. Consultations
Beaver Introduction – meeting to be held in Cannich Hall, 7pm on 27th June.
Highland Council Alcohol Licencing – Response by 31st August.
Patient Participation Group – Meeting to be held on 27th June, 7.30pm in the Craigmonie Centre, all welcome.
Fire in Cannich – Following the recent hill fire, it was agreed that a meeting with Strathglass CC, Forest and Land Scotland, RSPB, Fire Service to review lessons learnt and get a better understanding of the longer term plans in avoiding similar situations. In addition, Cllr Balance advised that it was hoped that Highland Council would bring in an urgent publicity campaign. Action -
Soirbheas AGM -
Strathglass CC – It was noted that Nigel was stepping down as Chair of Strathglass CC and best wishes were noted to him.
Parking Meters at the Hub – These are now live and invitation to pay. The toilet income is still generated by donation and this works well, however GURCA will monitor how this may be affected by the parking donation scheme.
10. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 28th August, 7pm in the Craigmonie Centre.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.25pm.
Action List – June 2023
Minutes Historical |