Glen Urquhart Community Council
Glen Urquhart Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on
Monday 28th August 2023 at 7pm
Craigmonie Centre, Drumnadrochit
Please note: Minutes will be updated when officially approved at the next meeting.
1. Present: Dianne Fraser (Chair), David Ferguson, Iain Riddle, Bill Smart, Dominic Thierry, Stuart Ross. Fiona Urquhart and Val Cooper.
Also present: Councillor David Fraser, and 7 members of the public.
Apologies: Councillor Chris Balance.
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest in relation to planning applications declared.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The minute of the AGM held on 26th June 2023 was approved as an accurate record (Fiona Urquhart / Dominic Thierry), the minute of the routine meeting held on 26th June 2023 was also approved as an accurate record (Fiona Urquhart / Dominic Thierry).
3. Matters arising from minutes
Balmacaan Road Trees – To revisit removal of trees at Autmn GUCC meeting.
Men’s Shed Letter of Support – GUCC letter of support to be provided, Action – Dianne Fraser
Scotmid – Response awaited with regards to car parking issues. It was agreed to invite Scotmid representative to a future GUCC meeting to discuss issues. Action – Dianne Fraser
Compass Actions – A Liaison Group including Gordon Findlay from GURCA, Iain and Dianne from GUCC plus a representative from the Care Centre Board to be established. Action – Dianne Fraser
Cannich Hill Fire – Highland Council are setting up a Working Group to look at wildfire issues, David Fraser will be a member of this group. A local group including local Fire Service and FLS representatives, David and Dianne as GUCC representatives, and Strathglass CC representatives to be established. Representatives from local estates should also be invited. Action – Dianne Fraser
4. Treasurer’s Report
David Ferguson provided the following update:
The bank account holds funds for Glen Urquhart Community Council only. At our last meeting in June, the total balance in our account was £9,042.01.
In the last month, there has been some activity in our account, details as follows;
12 July, pay GURCA for rent of meeting room £12.00
12 July, pay Zurich for our Public Liability insurance £112.00
New balance = £9,042.01 – (£12. + £112.) = £8,918.01
£7,211.77 is ring fenced for Glen Urquhart Place Planning, so actual funds held by Community Council = £8,918.01 -
Yearly accounts have been submitted to Highland Council, for our annual grant of £638. Once the minutes of our AGM are received by the Council, we will receive this payment.
Please note, this annual grant does not cover our yearly running costs.
There was some discussion about the level of funding Community Councils receive to carry out their role and how this often made decision making and the need for resources difficult. It was noted however that while the payment was the same for all Community Councils, not all groups had resourcing issues or used their funding in the same way, and representation could be made to the Ward Fund, as had been the case last year, for additional support if there was a need.
There followed a further discussion around the recent visit to the village by the local MP and the disappointment that there had been no contact with either GUCC or the local councillors. GUCC would have welcomed the opportunity to meet and talk about local issues.
Discussion then moved on to the feeling that can often arise that Community Council has very little voice. Community consultation is taken seriously locally yet seems to have little impact more widely. David Fraser provided reassurance that the Place Planning work is part of the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), which will have status and communities are encouraged to be involved in this. He also advised that comments from Community Councils are taken into account at Committee and site visits can be requested if necessary.
It was agreed that Iain would work with Dianne to draft a letter to Highland Council, copied to the Minister and MSPs, registering the disappointment that there had been no contact with GUCC on the recent visit to the area, as well as the funding shortfalls and general feeling that Community Council voices are often given little representation. Action – Iain Riddle and Dianne Fraser
5. Roads / Drainage
Bill advised that potholes in and around the village have been filled. Feedback from the A82 Action Group comments to Transport Scotland had been received but the Group had not yet met to discuss. The 20mph speed limit on the trunk road through the village was expected by the end of September and thereafter it may be easier to push harder on some of the additional safety measures needed. It was noted that the community were concerned about recurring issues at the roundabout at the Health Centre and it would be easier to monitor traffic behaviour once the 20mph limit had been introduced.
David Fraser advised that the City of Inverness Committee had met recently and considered roads, drainage and winter maintenance, and would be trying to get additional resources for gulley cleaning. Signage which was obscured by vegetation had also been noted.
Bunloit road works are now complete and the next steps would involve warning signage and road markings.
Fiona advised that traffic congestion at the Clansman remains an issue, David Fraser advised that those responsible are very aware of this and are working hard to look at possible solutions.
Many of the pavements locally are very overgrown with weeds. It was noted that the Council now only use weed killer in areas where it is a necessity for road safety. There was some discussion about the possibility of working with the Community Justice to see if a community payback team might be able to assist with some work locally. Action – Dianne Fraser
Val advised that the A831 verges are very overgrown, with branches completely covering the verges in places. This would be reported to Highland Council. Action – David Fraser
6. Planning
Active Applications
23/02630/FUL – Erection of holiday let cabin, Hill View House, Drumnadrochit – noted.
23/02825/FUL – Installation of entrance doors and external landing (retrospective), OYO Loch Ness Hotel, Drumnadrochit – To be confirmed if this has already been approved, GUCC comments regarding illumination of the signage still stand. Action – Iain Riddle
23/02581/FUL – Erection of house and garage, land 180m SW of Birch Wood, Drumnadrochit – amended application, noted.
Prior notification – Formation of access track, land 340m SE of 2 Grotaig, Drumnadrochit, FLS – already approved.
23/03088/FUL – Erection of hut and composting toilet, land 530m SE of An Sabhal Fada, Bunloit – retrospective. There are some restrictions on the sale of these plots. Iain will follow up with Highland Council to request advice on the guidance. Action – Iain Riddle
22/04715/FUL – Construction of, and extension to, access tracks (in retrospect), Achmony Wood, Achmony Chalets – noted.
23/03115/FUL – Erection of timber cabin for residential use, land 700m SW of Mo Dghachaidh, Milton – GUCC received some representations by email and as a consequence put in an objection relating to the unsafe access of the main road and safety concerns due to proximity to the playpark, the wish to retain green space, and that the area is subject to flooding. The applicant was present at the meeting and provided some further information and clarification on the points that had been raised. It was noted that the Community Council’s role in relation to planning applications was to reflect the views of the members of the community who had submitted comments to them in relation to any planning application. Highland Council Planning Committee would note these comments but ultimately the decisions lie with the Roads Authority in relation to access issues and with SEPA in relation to water / flooding risk. Those present understood the frustrations of the applicant and suggested that he respond to the planners with regards to the application and each of the points raised. The applicant had pointed out that access to the site can be taken from the Milton village road and this takes away the issues relating to access to the A831 and the playpark, it was agreed that GUCC would provide further comment to the planners with regards to this additional information. Action – Iain Riddle
23/03279/PNO – Prior notification, formation of forestry access track, land 2100m SW of Allanmore Farmhouse, Pitkerrald Road – already installed, noted
23/03635/S37 – Section 37, erection of 33kv overhead line spur for connection to new communications mast, land 235m NE of Tynaherrick, Bunloit – noted
Bearnock Developments – Iain advised that he had not received any response to his latest correspondence with the planners about this development and it was agreed that this be forwarded to David Fraser to take forward. Action – Iain Riddle
Loch Liath Windfarm – Bill advised that a response had been received from Statkraft contesting the GUCC correspondence which had objected to the application as it did not satisfy many of NPF4. Bill advised that he would prepare further correspondence. Action -
Criach Windfarm – Bill advised that he has looked at the application, and GUCC has until the end of September to provide a response. Action – Bill Smart
Springfield – The recent Kilmore Road closures had been undertaken without the required permit and had therefore been halted by Highland Council, discussions are ongoing as to how to resolve this and the diversions required to undertake the work. Members of the community can request to be added to Springfield’s mailing list to receive updates on the development Drumnadrochit community mailing list | Springfield Properties. A Community Liaison Group meeting is to be scheduled and will include local residents. Action – Dianne Fraser
7. Community Action Plan
Dianne advised that work towards the place planning is progressing and will included open consultation events to encourage members of the community to come and look at local maps and make suggestions for land use.
Dianne also advised that she and Soirbheas had met with Statkraft representatives with regards to the broadband towers which are required to power and control turbines, and whether these could be used to provide community broadband improvements. It had been made clear that these discussions did not indicate support for the proposed development. Members of the community, particularly those up the Glen can volunteer to have their broadband speeds tested as part of these discussions.
8. Consultations
Post Office Relocation – The Pharmacy has been identified as a new location for the Post Office. Comments can be submitted until 28th September Drumnadrochit IV63 6TX -
Community Council Forum – It was noted that Dianne would attend the next Community Council Forum which would also be attended by a representative from Police Scotland. GUCC hoped that agreement would be reached on ways of reporting incidents within local areas to Community Councils. Action – Dianne Fraser
Scottish Water Outflow – Bill contacted SEPA, and response received with regards to bathing water standard. Data will be collated and more information might be available at the next meeting. It was noted that an update on the relocation of the outflow pipe and associated signage was required. Action – Bill Smart
10. Details of Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday 25th September, 7pm in Balnain Hall.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.05pm.
Action List – August 2023
Minutes Historical |